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Life and Death in the Balance: Healing in The Fire, Part 2
Please click here for part one. In 1967 I was 14 years old. One summer evening at the cottage, dad and I were playing chess at a table outside. The last vestiges of sunset sparkled on the lake then fading into dusk. Crickets could be heard in the distance. A fire crackled in the fire-pit giving […]

Obamacare: Will Supreme Court Have the Last Word?
Anticipation is building to a fever pitch in and around the nation’s capital as various types of leaders jockey for position and posture while waiting for that big moment when the Supreme Court reaches a decision on Obamacare. The questions remain: What will be the fallout and what can we expect? There are three scenarios […]

Mom’s Rules for Getting the Girl
At a bridal shower today I was chatting with a friend who told me this true story about someone she knows- A woman was on a first date with a man. As they drove in the car to their destination of a nice restaurant, the conversation was lively and they found they had much in […]

The 50th International Eucharistic Congress
The 50th International Eucharist Congress was held in Dublin between the 10th to the 17th of June 2012. The Congress was not confined exclusively to Dublin however but was in part celebrated at Ireland’s national Marian Shrine in Knock and at Saint Patrick’s Purgatory in Donegal. The overall theme of the Congress was “Communion with […]

What is Community, Really?
Lately, I’ve been involved in a number of ongoing efforts and conversations regarding community. Basically, we’ve been trying to get at the crux of what community really is and how to live it, and that’s got me yearning to dig deeper into the subject. We hear the word “community” all the time, used in many […]

Abortion Proponents Admit Defeat at Rio Conference
In an astounding show of solidarity, a diverse group of countries rallied together with the Holy See to successfully remove any mention of reproductive rights or population control from the final outcome document produced during the last round of UN negotiations at the Rio +20 conference this week. For the past six months, the UN […]

Poem: “An Awful Tempest Mashed the Air”
An Awful Tempest Mashed the Air An awful tempest mashed the air, The clouds were gaunt and few; A black, as of a spectre’s cloak, Hid heaven and earth from view. The creatures chuckled on the roofs And whistled in the air, And shook their fists and gnashed their teeth, And swung their frenzied hair. […]

Avoiding a Boring Summer
Saint Josemaria Escriva relentlessly telling it like it is: If you say that you want to imitate Christ… and yet have time on your hands, then you are on the road to lukewarmness. (The Forge, 701) The first time I read that it really stung. It stung so bad that I printed it out and […]

“Ordinations Give Life to the Church”
On June 23rd, the Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral of Providence, RI opened her arms to embrace three new priests, who were ordained in a marvelous ceremony that showed the Church at her finest. Bishop Thomas Tobin was supported by five fellow bishops, scores of priests, numerous joyful Religious, and delighted lay faithful—all of whom […]

Poem: “A Baby’s Cradle with No Baby in it”
A Baby’s Cradle with No Baby in it A baby’s cradle with no baby in it, A baby’s grave where autumn leaves drop sere; The sweet soul gathered home to Paradise, The body waiting here. Christina Rossetti

Rules and the Church: Love ’em, or Hate ’em
A friend wrote me: I’ve been talking to someone who is interested in what the Church teaches but has a BIG problem with the Church hierarchy. Basic argument: If we love God we keep His commandments. Keeping His commandments out of love is BETTER than keeping them out of fear. And following God’s rules are […]

The Bible Tells Me So: A Southern Gent Wows Catholic Kids with the Bible
We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD, and his might, and the wonders which he has wrought. He established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers to teach to their children; that the next […]

Abortion Clinics’ Attempt to Squash Pro-Life Speech Fails
The video produced by an abortion mill, Northland Family Planning Clinics, “Every Day, Good Women Choose Abortion” sought to persuade young women facing unwanted pregnancies that abortion is a “good” and “normal” decision. However, when two pro-life organizations, Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (“CBR”) and The Apologetics Group produced parodies of their video, the outraged […]

Not All Heroes Wear Capes
~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.~ One of my favorite Biblical passages. We all know it. A simple, beautiful verse from Joshua. A path of service and generosity of spirit? It clearly assigns value to these. Yet when this path is chosen on a “full time” scale, it is denigrated […]

Sex-selection Abortions and China’s Brutality: Shall We “Gulp and Get Over It”?
When editor Allison Benedikt wrote last week that the pro-choice movement in America needs to stop being squeamish about sex-selection abortions and just accept it, I thought my head might explode, but ultimately I said nothing. One can only respond to so many outrageous things said by the abortion industry and its advocates, and […]

Poem: “Sunday Morning”
Sunday Morning The cat looks at The world outside its window The grass looks good for stalking in For hiding till ready to pounce at dragonflies and mice Tall brown trunks with green tops that flutter Seem so delightful for climbing Flying feathered creatures and small furry scuttling things Look playful and maybe tasty too […]

Halftime in Washington State: My Memoire of the Marriage War
In 32 States We the People of the United States have managed to bring the issue of traditional marriage to a vote. So far we’re batting 1000. But if a State exists in the USA where same-sex-marriage might win approval from a majority of the voters, that electorate is out west in Washington. The culture […]

How Religion Fosters Freedom
Today begins the U.S. Catholic bishops’ “Fortnight for Freedom,” a two-week period of prayer and social action organized in response to President Barack Obama’s contraception mandate. Rallies and prayer vigils for religious liberty are planned in nearly 100 dioceses across America. If the virtual blackout of last month’s anti-mandate lawsuits is any indication, though, national […]

Rio + 20: Catholics for Choice Deceives Itself and Others
If you have not seen the briefing paper from the Catholics for Choice (CFC) organization regarding the place of the Holy See in international politics, stop reading now and move on. It just isn’t worth your while to read garbage. But if you have and need some clarification, then you may want to learn about the […]

Forever Engaged
Fr. Carlos was a dear family friend and spiritual director for both Mark and I before and also after we were married. German-born, but having been stationed in Argentina for fourteen years, Fr. Carlos had an amazing German-Latino accent that was endearing and sometimes frustrating to those who didn’t know the origin of his unique […]

The Fortnight, The Pill, and the False Dichotomy
On the eve of the Fortnight for Freedom, there are those within the Catholic Church who are denying that the two-week observance has anything to do with the Church’s teaching on contraception and everything to do with upholding the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of religious expression. That’s a false dichotomy and misattribution of the […]

We Have an Absolute Right to Health Privacy, But We Must Fight for It
With Jennifer Kimball Watson. The Second International Patient Privacy Summit took place in Washington, D.C. recently. Dozens of leading experts gathered from across the United States to discuss how electronic health records can be protected from the numerous government agencies and private companies that want to collect, mine, and market them. (If you don’t yet […]

‘Get over it’: Children of Anonymous Sperm Donors Met with Hostility and Ridicule
For children of anonymous sperm donors yearning for a connection to their biological father, the world can be an unwelcome place. Instead of meeting compassion, many say that society treats their pain with a dismissive or even hostile attitude – a rift caused by lack of awareness as much as by the brute force of […]

Conservatives for Shariah
The rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and elsewhere in the Middle East has caused many Americans to reflect on that group’s stated ambition to impose worldwide the totalitarian,supremacist Islamic doctrine known as shariah. Particularly unsettling is evidence of the group’s goal in America, namely of “destroying Western civilization from within,” as documented in […]