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All Articles

Movie Review: Snow White and the Huntsman
Snow White and the Huntsman is a delicious, delightful, old-timey, coat-of-mail-clanking, halberd-swinging, plucky princess story that we’re already familiar with! The 21st century special effects make the film all the more nifty. Dark-haired Kristen Stewart (“Bella” in the Twilight series) plays Snow White with her trademark Kristen Stewart stillness and seriousness. Blonde-haired, Oscar-winning Charlize Theron […]

A Time For Daydreams
This week, summer is upon us. It is a time to relax and take life at a bit slower pace. Most children are out of school at this point and eager to have some fun. That fun can take many forms, including camps, or family vacations, or simply playing outside, reading a book, swimming in […]

For a Greater Glory: The Fourth Vow of An Ancient Order of Friars
Heroic deeds. Quiet sanctity. Courageous martyrdom. These virtues present themselves over and over again in the stories of the many martyrs for the faith. The movie in theaters now, “For Greater Glory,” awes the public with its gutsy stories of the religious and lay martyrs of Mexico, who chose horrible torture and death rather than […]

Poem: “Fermi’s Question Answered”
Fermi’s Question Answered They’ve come. They’ve come. They’ve found us, Those Earth-devoted visitors from space Or somewhere off the world apart and luminous, It may be in a time not present here or anyplace Why don’t they come to Earth, descend? Our leaders, soldiers, dignitaries wait With florid ceremonial, agreeable intent And speeches of the […]

23 Secrets Free Traders Won’t Tell You
During a presentation of the worldwide financial crisis three years ago, none other than Queen Elizabeth asked the best question “How come no one could foresee it?” She was not alone; the worldwide economic recession has upended many sacrosanct beliefs about how finance and economics really work. This country is currently in its worst economic […]

Michigan’s ‘Monologues’ Don’t Protect Women
Bear with me here while I make a point. Vagina, vagina, vagina. There. I said it. The “V-word” has been typed repeatedly for effect, and of course, as expected, this gesture means exactly nothing. Because it’s not what you say, but how you say it and for what reason that really counts. Yet here in […]

Rio + 20: Holy See Shines Light in the Midst of Darkness
In many respects, what is going on in Rio de Janeiro right now during the UN Conference on Sustainable Development is nothing other than the proverbial “blind leading the blind”. As countries hurry to make politically expedient and alarmist statements about climate change, the green economy and reproductive rights, very few delegations exhibit the poise […]

Healing in the Fire, Part 1
Many years ago, I was asked to give my personal testimony to a church. I would like to share some of what I said that day, and expand on it. It’s rather long, so I will break it up into parts. Please forgive my self-indulgence. I hope you find a kernel of truth from my experience to help […]

Ain’t I a Woman? Sojourner Truth, and the Liberation of America’s Smallest Women
On March 8, feminists observed the centenary of International Women’s Day—a day when we remember the struggles of women in the fight against gender discrimination, and celebrate the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future. I would like to dedicate this post to the smallest of women: those who have not […]

HHS Mandate Ignores Emotional Impact Casual Sex Has on Women
When the Obama administration made the decision not to exempt Catholic hospitals and universities from the mandate to provide insured employees with contraceptives, morning after pills, and sterilization without a co-pay, one of those consulted was Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood. PP obviously has a special interest in having contraception covered, since dispensing contraception […]

Tired of Being Alone – The Singles Trap
Dear Anthony, I’m absolutely fed up! I’m done! I’m tired of the singles trap and everyone telling me it’s just not my turn yet! Why isn’t it my turn? Why must it take so long? I’m tired of being alone! I’m tired of having no one to share my life with! I’m trying not to […]

Using the Gifts God Has Given You
The spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him: a spirit of wisdom and of understanding, a spirit of counsel and of strength, a spirit of knowledge and of fear of the LORD, and his delight shall be the fear of the LORD. (Isaiah 11:1-3) For as in one body we have many parts, and […]

Poem: “Cat in an Empty Apartment”
Cat in an Empty Apartment Die—you can’t do that to a cat. Since what can a cat do in an empty apartment? Climb the walls? Rub up against the furniture? Nothing seems different here but nothing is the same. Nothing’s been moved but there’s more space. And at nighttime no lamps are lit. Footsteps on […]

Father’s Day
Father’s Day invites us to ask a very important question – what does it mean to call God “Father?” Most of the great religions of the world believe in one God and teach the gist of the Ten Commandments. But that the supreme Being is not just “King of the Universe” or “Master” but “Father,” […]

St. Joseph – A Quiet Man with Much to Say
Father’s Day, in the United States especially, has become a day to recognize the important place of dad. While the celebration itself may be focused on a Father’s Day card, a gift, or a special meal, at its heart is the recognition that a father plays a singularly important role in the life of a […]

Poem: “10,000 Arrows”
10,000 Arrows A river of 10,000 arrows Pierce the heads and breasts Of the children Who stumble In torrential rains… Modern men Become kings And forget their sons Men who Seal their gold In vaults of steel… Money can be a trap Gold can cover the eyes And death will take it all O Man See […]

Study Shows Homosexual Parenting Not Equal to Heterosexual Marriage
A groundbreaking study reveals that adult children of homosexual and lesbian parents experience far greater negative social, economic and emotional outcomes than children raised within intact biological families. The quality of University of Texas professor Mark Regnerus’ study highlights the deficiencies of previous studies that homosexual advocates have relied on to grant same-sex couples a right to […]

Rock the World!
Do you want to rock the world? Like St. Francis who moved spiritual mountains and Mother Teresa who moved heaven and earth to serve the poor, we can change the world. We would not be here if God did not plan for just that. He put us here to make a difference in every walk […]

3,500 Ways to Avoid Genetic Imperfection
A recent headline proclaiming the great advances science has made in detecting genetic defects in preborn children sent a chill down my pro-life spine. Proclaiming the incredible news that a day is upon us when scientists will be able to run genetic tests that will identify more than 3,500 genetic irregularities, the reporter echoed a concern raised […]

Book Review: A Heart on Fire
A Heart on Fire: Rediscovering Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by James Kubicki, S.J. Notre Dame: Ave Maria Press, 2012 Sometimes people feel as if devotions such as that to the Sacred Heart went the way of the horse and buggy after Vatican II. Nothing could be further from the truth. If anything, […]

School Principal Seems Tone Deaf to Patriotism
In 1983, President Ronald Reagan’s National Commission on Excellence in Education presaged “a rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our very future as a nation and a people.” Looks like the tide has rolled in. This week, proving just how accurate a predication that was, kindergartners in Brooklyn, N.Y., were forbidden from singing the patriotic […]

Poem: “Cheery Beggar”
Cheery Beggar Beyond Mágdalen and by the Bridge, on a place called there the Plain, In Summer, in a burst of summertime Following falls and falls of rain, When the air was sweet-and-sour of the flown fineflower of Those goldnails and their gaylinks that hang along a lime; The motion of that man’s heart is […]

“Reproductive Rights” and the Brave New United States
When I talk to my fellow Americans about biotechnology, they have this idea that all the bad stuff will happen in places like China and that the horrors of Huxley’s Brave New World will never happen here. Cloning, human genetic engineering and the like will happen somewhere else, but not in the good ol’ USA. […]

Summer Family Fun and Fitness
Summertime offers the perfect opportunity to get outside as a family and make exercise a fun experience. By taking part in physical activity together, you will be helping your children learn that fitness is about doing what you enjoy and doesn’t have to be a chore or involve a lot of time, expense and fancy […]