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All Articles

Pamela Anderson: The New Mary Magdalene?
A preface to this article: I remember as a teenager how both the Internet and my hormones were exploding. I spent many a nights using dial up modems lusting after the latest digital pin-up. Front and center in my quest was the blond bombshell named Pamela Anderson. During the 90s, she was the crown jewel of all […]

Poem: “The Starlight Night”
The Starlight Night Look at the stars! look, look up at the skies! O look at all the fire-folk sitting in the air! The bright boroughs, the circle-citadels there! Down in dim woods the diamond delves! the elves’-eyes! The grey lawns cold where gold, where quickgold lies! Wind-beat whitebeam! airy abeles set […]

World Suicide Prevention Day (But Not for the Sick and Disabled)
September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day! It’s a time to promote suicide prevention for people everywhere — except the sick and disabled. Depending on where they live, they get help killing themselves. In Canada, we now have legal assisted suicide for Canadians “who have a serious and incurable illness, disease or disability.” I meet […]

It’s the Kerygma, Stupid
Kerygma [ku-RIG-muh]: preaching of the gospel of Christ, especially in the way of the early church. That’s me. I’m the stupid one. I might also add fumbling, unprepared, tongue-tied and more, but mostly I was stupid. Indeed I knew better, that evening years ago, seated at the town-square café with Petra, my first friend in […]

Poem: “The Price of Friendship”
The Price of Friendship What price can be put On a friendship? None! Not the measured sum Of life itself. Friends are part Of one’s own self, A fragment Of the greater web That weaves The Universal Truth. A Friend Is one who makes up Part of you, The better part, And brings forth treasures […]

Pokémon Go and Its Untapped Potential in the New Evangelization
Even people who have no interest in Japanese culture or anime are suddenly aware of Pokémon Go. So popular, according to Google Analytics, it has surpassed even pornography as the most accessed thing on the internet. (See the Newsweek report here). The game has been covered in the media, discredited by disgruntled homeowners, and brought […]

Book Review: Praying with Mother Teresa
In 1986, 21-year-old Susan Conroy traveled to Calcutta to work with Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity. She and the holy woman developed a friendship that would last until Mother Teresa’s death in 1997. In Praying with Mother Teresa, Conroy offers her own reflections along with quotes and letters from Mother Teresa, prayers from […]

Pro-Life Heroine Mother Teresa Will Be Declared a Saint
Mother Teresa will be declared a Saint by Pope Francis in a special ceremony on Sunday at the Vatican. The pro-life heroine skillfully exploited her celebrity status to propel the pro-life cause internationally like no one else before her or since. The four feet tall Albanian nun was never afraid to speak truth to power, […]

Poem: “In the beginning God created time with a moon clock”
In the beginning God created time with a moon clock and space with the compass of the sun. After that cosmic moment, everything changed! Oceans ebbed and flowed. Plants grew edible. People pulsated as though made of music, made of stardust. Days passed in beauty, resting at week’s end, and sometimes we remembered praise as […]

Breastplate of Charity
The critical components for our Armor of Virtue are almost assembled. Faith first forged for us a shield. Hope next honed for us a helmet. Now charity – the third and final theological virtue – builds for us a breastplate. In medieval times, the breastplate served two functions for a knight. The first was bodily […]

Movie Review: Ben-Hur
The latest big screen Ben-Hur is a fresh take on the beloved 1880 historical fiction novel: Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ by Lew Wallace that deftly and intricately weaves the story of Judah Ben-Hur into the Gospel account of Jesus. However, it sadly limps in the faith department, which, of course, is the punchline […]

Sisters in Bosnia: ‘We Are There for the Children That Need Us’
By Rolf Bauerdick NEW YORK (Aug. 24, 2016)—Katarina (19) has spent 17 years under the care of Sisters Admirata and Manda who run a home in Sarajevo, the Bosnian capital, for orphans and abandoned children. As an infant, Katarina was left in the care of her grandmother who could not handle the responsibility of caring […]

Poem: “Not Me but Thee”
Not Me but Thee Lord, as I begin this day, Have it Your way. I seek not me, but Thee. When bitter valley threaten, And I count the cost, I choose not me, but Thee. In the dark night. Trace Your path upon my heart, That demons, seeking to terrorize and tempt, Meet not me, […]

Poem: “This Snake”
This Snake This snake Is tired of dragging itself through the dirt Tired of all the sacrificial victims it has swallowed and crushed Tired of being cold Tired of its small snake heart This snake is drowning and Like a stray worm Inches and rolls and arches and drags itself Toward higher ground Forever shedding […]

Plucking the Weeds of Sins
If you have never visited the southwest you might not think anything grows here that doesn’t have a thorn. Our yard, like most in the desert, is a mixture of stone, grass, succulents and tropicals. Now it goes without saying that water is a rare and precious commodity, so you might question the wisdom of […]

Helmet of Hope
Last week the inaugural column in this “Armor of Virtue” series aimed to awake the knight within us awaiting formation and to be sent forth on a saving mission. It presented a shield forged in the first theological virtue of faith. It was designed to serve as a first line of defense, to be held […]

Etiquette for the Non-praying
School has begun and it is only a matter of time before what has become the perennially vexing problem of school prayer makes the headlines once again. From the Left, we can expect cautions against the “dangerous” practice of student-led prayer because of “how susceptible schoolchildren are to peer pressure”. My own upbringing was as […]

Pro-Choice Puritans
For a very short time, Puritanism was the dominant religion in America. The need to populate a large continent led to lots of immigration of lots of people from different religions. Since then, we Americans have developed a sardonic definition of “Puritan:” a person with the nagging feeling that somewhere, someone is having fun. We […]

In Christ, Our Suffering Will One Day Make Sense
When I met Moira (not her real name) she was completely broken-hearted. As the old song says, “I can tell by your eyes, you’ve probably been crying forever.” That was Moira. This forty-two year old mother had developed severe chronic progressive multiple sclerosis which put her into a wheelchair within a year of her diagnosis. […]

Gender Ideology Leads to Child Abuse: Pediatricians
“Facts – not ideology – determine reality,” the American College of Pediatricians (ACP) said in a warning to legislators and educators about the dangers of surgical and medical sex change operations to children. “Conditioning children into believing that a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child […]

Poem: “Praise the Maestro of Heavenly Music”
Praise the Maestro of Heavenly Music Who brings the most unlikely instruments into accord around the One Pure Note of Christ. May the melody of the Lord surround us with such power that shouts of terror go mute among us. Praise the Almighty God, our Great Conductor for orchestrating every task and aspect of our […]

Deciphering Love
“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” – Mother Teresa “At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.” – Plato “For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.” – Judy Garland The concept […]

Shield of Faith
The Middle Ages molded men to serve their lords and their ladies as soldiers sheathed in armor. Knighthood wasn’t just a title or a symbolic honor as it is today. It was a position of trust forged within the complex relationships of medieval kingdoms and culture, requiring equal parts of metal and mettle. When placed […]

Movie Review: The Little Prince
The beloved classic, The Little Prince, was released simultaneously in theaters and on Netflix, and will not disappoint fans of the fable. Jeff Bridges’ rich, warm, craggy American voice brings to life Saint-Exupéry, the author and aviator. Three different kinds of storytelling visuals are utilized: the now-familiar computer animation, sporting oversized heads and large, expressive […]