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All Articles

Roman Fever
A city like no other, maybe even more so this time of year. What do you call a city with a jail named Regina Coeli (Queen of Heaven)? For the last 3,000 years, you call it Rome. Forty years had passed since I had last visited Rome, broke and hitchhiking through Europe the summer after […]

Movie Review: We Bought a Zoo
Benjamin Mee (Matt Damon) and his two children, Dylan (Colin Ford) and Rosie (Maggie Elizabeth Jones), lost their wife and mother, Katherine, just six months ago. The family is grieving and Benjamin is floundering in his job as a journalist. Dylan (fourteen) is moody, angry and in regular trouble at school. Rosie (seven) misses her […]

Easter and Heaven
As Christians around the world celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ this Easter, heaven is naturally on the minds of many. Recent polls indicate that between 75 and 90 percent of Americans believe that heaven exists, percentages that far exceed the belief by residents of other Western nations. As the author of “Heaven in the […]

Through The Eyes of Mary
On Good Friday many of us will try and fail to comprehend the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the Cross. How can we comprehend such suffering? What in our lives can ever compare to the horrors of the Passion? The Crucifixion was bad enough but there was also the Scourging and the Crowning with […]

Women Speak for Themselves
According to liberal feminists like Nancy Pelosi and Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards, opposition to the Health and Human Services mandate forcing religious employees to cover contraceptive services amounts to a misogynistic “war on women.” The media is often all too willing to repeat these women’s views as being representative of the female population at […]

Book Review: Sons of Cain
Looking at the cover of Sons of Cain, by Val Bianco, will send a shiver through your spine. It’s a true Catholic thriller and a fascinating story of grand proportions. “Sons of Cain” grabs your very mind, heart, and soul, and refuses to let go. The prologue provides a stunning beginning to the story because […]

Book Review: All the Devils Are Here
All the Devils Are Here, by Bethany McLean and Joe Nocera, is a fascinating look at the principle players who brought about the financial crisis of 2008. It reveals the motives and mistakes made over the course of a decade by those who were entrusted with running the largest financial corporations of the world as […]

The Absurd Results of Techno-Science
Many are the citations of late that expose a rampant increase in man’s desire to deny scientific truth in favor of sham-science. This is perhaps most obvious in the matter of intrinsic human rights which, fundamentally, begin when a particular individual begins. Or not? It depends on who is pontificating about that beginning, how the […]

Why Opposing the Gay Lobby is Not Anti-Gay
Earlier this month the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation’s (GLAAD) “Commentator Accountability Project” included me on their list of people who deserve special scrutiny before they can be engaged as commentators on the marriage debate. But it is organizations like GLAAD that need to be held accountable for the impact of their rhetoric on […]

Justice for Pro-Life Sidewalk Counselor
The Justice Department has dropped charges against a Florida pro-life activist and agreed to pay $120,000 in attorney’s fees just days after Attorney General Eric Holder filed an appeal against a lower court’s ruling in favor of the pro-lifer. Susan Pine, the president of the non-profit organization FACE Life, told that she learned federal […]

Trayvon Case Shows ‘Racist’ Epithet Persists
If there’s one way to determine whether an event has devolved into a circus maximus, surely it must be the entry into the public debate by Roseanne Barr. The erstwhile comedian and celebrity took up the Twitter cause last week on behalf of the late Trayvon Martin, the black teenager killed on Feb. 26 by […]

Poem: “Who are They by the Cross on the Hill?”
Who are They by the Cross on the Hill? “Look at the cross on the hill! Look! Two painstaking, glorious, deathly sad people! Go, ask them who they are. Maybe they can explain in full? “The standing one – that is Mary. Pay all your respects to her since she is now your mother. She […]

Fiction by Children: To Save the World
To Save the World by Cora Haefner, age 10 The Voice Bang! Lucy shut the door and ran up the stairs to her room. She took off her backpack and kicked off her shoes. It had been a long day at school, but it was the last day. Lucy sighed. Summer! Two months of swimming […]

Our Bodies, Our Biotechnology
Most woman do not realize how valuable they are. I am not talking about cooking, cleaning or raising the kids while bringing home the bacon. I am talking about their biology. So many of the culture wars today are on the battlefield of the female body because of our awesome pro-creative power. There are many […]

The Guy-Girl Friendship
Stop me if you’ve heard this one. Men and women can’t be just friends. It was the main point of a video that made the rounds a few months back in the wonderful world of social media, linked below for your convenience. Makes a compelling case. But regardless of which side of the fence […]

UN May Recognize “Sex Rights” for Ten-Year Old Children
The UN Commission on Population and Development is considering “sexual and reproductive health and rights” for children as young as ten. Even the Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon agrees. In a statement recently released he said, “Young people, as much as all people, share the human right to health, including sexual and reproductive health.” Currently international […]

Movie Review: We Bought A Zoo
Everyone has made at least one impulsive purchase in his or her life. Pet shops and women’s clothing stores thrive on such buys. But not many of us would be tempted to buy an entire zoo on impulse. Ah, but in the movies there are no limits as to what can happen. In the film, […]

A Whirlwind Tour of the Supreme Court’s Commerce Clause Jurisprudence
There is a widely held view that Congress has virtually unlimited power to legislate, especially concerning economic matters. Consider, for example, the passage of the controversial Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act two years ago. While Congress’ power to regulate the economy is not completely unbounded, it is very far-reaching indeed. However, it was not […]

Poem: “In Which the Dead are Met”
In Which the Dead are Met I saw the man last night Perspective new, resentment gone We decided to be friends He died ten years ago But quarrels end As Christ walked through a door Though it was closed So all go out again Through rooms we have not seen before We do not end […]

HHS Mandate: Morality and the Common Good
It may have been too much to hope that the recent Health and Human Services mandate requiring the provision of contraceptives and other immoral “medical care” could have alerted people to the dangers and errors of a political system built on a classical liberal understanding of freedom as opposed to one built on a Catholic, […]

Contraception Opposed Me First
I opposed contraception at age 16 for reasons unrelated to the reasons I am against it now. I wasn’t yet against contraception because of faith in God’s providence, or fidelity to the teaching authority of the Catholic Church, or out of sheer horror at the culture of divorce that contraception has fueled. I opposed contraception […]

Book Review: Faith at Work: Finding Purpose Beyond the Paycheck
You know, when a book has endorsements from Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Scott Hahn, Kevin Vost, Marcus Grodi, and Mike Aquilina (to name a few!!), a thumbs-up from Shane Kapler is obviously superfluous. But in the spirit of “when has that ever stopped me before?” I have to share my deep appreciation of this book. The […]

Catholic Digest: A New Look at an Old Favorite
I grew up reading Catholic Digest. I was one of those children who would pick up and read anything that was lying around the house, and it was a magazine that my parents subscribed to. Honestly, I don’t remember all that much about the articles. I’m guessing that, as a child, many of them probably […]

Is the Health Care Law Constitutional? No, Strike It Down
This summer, the Supreme Court will decide whether Congress violated the Constitution when it enacted the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which contains an “individual mandate” requiring virtually every American to purchase health insurance. Based on the Constitution’s text and structure, and judicial interpretations of the relevant provisions, the mandate should be struck down. […]