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Tell Your Senator: Stop HHS Mandate!
The Obama administration’s attack on religious liberty is intensifying. It now claims the right, under the new HHS Mandate, to force hundreds of thousands of Catholics, working in thousands of Catholic organizations, to violate their conscience and the teachings of their faith on the Life issues. The new Mandate is particularly alarming to us at […]

40 Ways to Get the Most out of Lent
This, of course, is not an exhaustive list of Lenten ideas. But it’s a start! Many of the resources mention here are available on our website at or can be found by visiting our links page. 1 Take 30 minutes to pray, ask the Holy Spirit’s guidance, look over this list, and make a […]

Poem: “Heartsong”
Heartsong Two tender souls reside apart, Two hearts aflame for Love That come together seeking, each, The counsels of the heart. Two hearts aflame, two souls afire, Find shelter deep within And share the strength to gently lift the other heavenward. In Love, in Truth, in daily grind The end remains in sight There’s no […]

I Hope You Appreciate This, Lady.
I sent my six-year-old daughter to deliver some lemons and oranges from our yard to the widow next door. Worried that she might rudely deliver the fruit and leave without a word, I called to her, “Don’t forget to say, ‘You’re welcome.’” When my daughter returned, she gave me the full report: “I rang the […]

Cardinal George: All Catholic Hospitals Will Close in Two Years Under HHS Mandate
Chicago’s Francis Cardinal George is warning the HHS contraception/abortifacient mandate will close Catholic hospitals and universities or force them to secularize, a process he calls “a form of theft.” If the regulation is not rescinded, the Catholic Church will be “despoiled of her institutions,” he said in a column printed on CatholicNewWorld, likening the proposed policies to the […]

The Silent Treatment
Have you ever given or received the silent treatment? Chances are good that most of you have. I think this AT & T commercial about the silent treatment is very clever, and will give you a good laugh. Like most jokes, there is an element of truth to it. In particular, the angst that accompanies […]

The Ship of the Soul
Gustavus Adolphus is known as one of the greatest kings Sweden has ever had. He was very proud of Swedish power, and during his reign he triumphed over armies of what today are known as the nations of Germany, Poland, Denmark, Finland, modern Sweden and other areas. He ruled very powerful armies, but was a […]

Why the HHS Mandate is About Religious Freedom AND Contraceptives
By now, most Catholics are aware of the impending HHS mandate the Obama Administration will be imposing upon faith-based organizations, requiring them to pay — through insurance companies — for contraception, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs. If they choose to not pay, a fine will be imposed per employee, which could cost institutions like the Catholic Church millions […]

The Importance of Christian Perinatal Hospice
I do not know what it’s like to lose a child and I hope and pray I never do. All my children, and now grandchildren, are healthy and strong. My family is truly blessed and I try not to forget that fact. There are expectant parents who face the terrible reality that their baby will be […]

On Santorum, Democrats, and ‘God’s Will’
In case you didn’t notice…. With George W. Bush out of office and a Democrat in the White House, the secular media stopped its handwringing over the president mentioning God. With Rick Santorum’s surge, the hysteria has started again. Every religious utterance by Santorum will be a cause for apoplexy by the liberal press. It […]

City of Blood: St. Paul in Arabia — A Lenten/Desert Journey, Part I
“At once, the Spirit drove him into the wilderness, and he remained in the desert for forty days, tempted by Satan. He was among wild beasts, and angels ministered to him” (Mark 1:12-13). These are the words written by Saint Mark that begin the story of Jesus’s works following his baptism in the Jordan River […]

Airport Fiasco
“Wait right here while we recheck your bags,” advised airport security to my daughter. We stood there in stocking feet, staring blankly. Suddenly, she giggled and leaned in close whispering, “I know what it is.” I pointed out that voluntarily disclosing that information is usually the best policy in these situations. “I know what it […]

U.S. Delegation to UN Women Commission Stacked With Abortion Advocates
Last Thursday, a State Department press release announced the delegation they would be sending to the the 56th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women beginning this week at UN headquarters in New York and running two weeks. The two co-leaders of the delegation are Susan Rice, US Ambassador to the United Nations and Melanne […]

The Mommy Rhythm
It’s what makes you, unconsciously, rock back and forth, shifting your weight from one foot to the other, cradling your little baby, while waiting in the one out of 32 currently open grocery store lanes. It’s what lets you ease your minivan onto the highway at the precise merging speed while refereeing a third row […]

The Social Kingship of Christ
In the Gospel reading for the First Sunday of Lent in the Ordinary Form of Holy Mass, Jesus proclaims, “The Kingdom of God is at hand,” but what does that mean? Is this Kingdom still to come such that we might participate in bringing it to fulfillment, or is the reign of Christ the King […]

Poem: “In His Place VI”
In His Place VI Behind each act of generosity There lies a hint of eternity. That is how I leave my trace; My seal of love for all. As when Veronica, filled with grace Slipped through the guards to wipe my face I left my mark within her shawl For every man to behold. And […]

Syria: Arguing for U.S. Inaction
Some thoughts on U.S. policy toward Syria on the occasion of the just-ended “Friends of Syria” meeting in Tunisia: Since the end of the cold war, many Americans have a sense of being so strong, they don’t need to think about their own security but can afford to focus on the immediate humanitarian concerns of […]

Canada’s New Tyranny: The State’s Takeover of the Family
The great English writer G.K. Chesterton once wrote: “The family is the test of freedom; because the family is the only thing that the free man makes for himself and by himself.” But if what Chesterton says is true, then Canada fails the test, because the Canadian family is no longer free. In the past […]

What Christians Can Learn from Act of Valor
The Bible is a war manual. You don’t have to read very far before you discover that there are, as Chuck Colson once noted, “kingdoms in conflict.” The spiritual life is referred to as a battle, and (as descriptions of Armageddon clarify) Jesus is not just Lord of your life, He is a Lord of […]

Get Out of Your Spiritual Comfort Zone
I am a creature of habit. I tend to exercise the same way, eat the same things, and engage in the same activities. When I go for a walk, I usually take the same route. My work, though varied, normally involves the same type of tasks. I get up and go to bed at the […]

A Lesson Learned?
Yes, America, you are beautiful indeed, and blessed in so many ways … But your greatest beauty and your richest blessing is found in the human person: in each man, woman and child, in every immigrant, in every native-born son and daughter. For this reason, America, your deepest identity and truest character as a Nation […]

Noah’s Ark and the Baptismal Flood
In today’s fuzzy moral landscape, it is quite unpopular to even speak of sin, never mind condemn it. It’s even more politically incorrect to talk about God taking stern action against sin and those who promote it. But that is exactly what the story of Noah and the flood is all about, as we are […]

Poem: “Walking Trees”
Walking Trees Superficial sorrow Tears white-washing your sepulchre. Soon, soon enough Dry bones will crumble Into the eternal stone sarcophagus Of a life barely lived. A Walking Tree, bearing no fruit, For, your roots penetrated only The surface of His mantle, Never reaching His core: The consuming fire of love That streams under roots drawing […]

Are Gabe Lyons’ The Next Christians Really What’s Next? Part 3
Thus far, in evaluating Mr. Lyons’ ‘Next Christian’ vision (part 1, part 2) we have seen how his vision fails to include the Church that Christ established. His vision precludes the Mystical Body of Christ, and supplants it with ecclesiastical amateurism: a weakly-structured, free-floating Christianity that lives and dies on spontaneity. His low-churchmanship does not […]