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Oh, Those Sassy Decorating “Experts”!
Why I do this? Last time I did, it took my husband two weeks to get me out of the laundry room corner. Why do I torture my fragile ego with magazine articles which ultimately make me feel domestically inadequate? The latest culprit? “Bedroom Design Don’ts: Ten typical mistakes people make when designing a bedroom”. […]

Largest 40 Days for Life Spring Campaign Ever Starts Tomorrow
Tomorrow, the largest spring 40 Days for Life campaign in history kicks off in cities across America and around the world From Wednesday, February 22, through Sunday, April 1, 40-day campaigns of prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil and community outreach will be held in 258 cities all across the United States (44 states and the […]

He Stretched Forth His Hand
The beginning of Mark’s gospel contains a revealing and prophetic encounter between Jesus and a leper. We are told: “And there came a leper to Him, beseeching Him, and kneeling down said to Him: If Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean. And Jesus having compassion on him, stretched forth His hand; and touching him, […]

Why the Believer Knows More About Science
If I had to name the most important topics in science during our time, they would probably be evolutionary biology, cosmology, particle physics, and psychology to understand the human person better. However, if I had to name the most important issue in science today, it would be something more over-arching. It would be the general issue of […]

Trusting God with Our Son and His Addiction, Part 2
Last summer my family began an unwanted journey: We learned that our son suffers from the disease of addiction. The realization shocked and panicked us, so we dove right into “fix-it” mode, quickly calling a couple of physicians and rehab facilities. We took him to the local hospital for a drug test, where doctors told […]

Political Leaders Protect Marriage and Children from Homosexual Demands
Resistance to the United States’ new foreign policy priority is emerging around the world for the same reasons it has been rejected within the U.S. Political leaders are holding the line against homosexual/transsexual demands when it comes to marriage and teaching children about homosexual/transsexual activity. Leaders from the United Nations, UK and European Union have […]

Poem: “In His Place V”
In His Place V Do I err to reminisce, That promise you once gave, While in distant times of joy and bliss, You declared to all with boastful pride Your intention to suffer by my side? O, Thomas, your pledge so brave, Uttered in hasty ignorance, Does me little while I approach my grave. And […]

Gradually, Then Suddenly
It is not often that one sees Ernest Hemingway cited in an article on the federal budget and fiscal situation. But that is what GOP House Budget Chair Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), ranking member of the Senate Committee, did in a recentWashington Post op-ed on President Obama’s last budget of his first term. […]

Reflections for Sunday, February 26, 2012
Meditation and Questions for Reflection or Group Discussion (Genesis 9:8-15; Psalm 25:4-9; 1 Peter 3:18-22; Mark 1:12-15) Lent, A Time to Experience Victory in our Battle Against Temptation and Sin It is … an appeal to God for a clear conscience.” (1 Peter 3:21) While St. Peter is describing the Sacrament of Baptism here, he […]

Poisoned by the Pill: Truths about Chemical Contraception
What are we doing? Obstetricians, whose job it is to help usher new life into the world, display birth control advertisements on their waiting room end-tables the way one’s Aunt Matilda might once have displayed dear family photos. The secular news media, whose job it is to objectively report information, only last year exalted 50 […]

What’s Wrong with This Picture?
A very conscientious Catholic, Harold Baumeister, saw this cartoon in his hometown paper and had the conviction and gumption to do something about it! He wrote to the editor (letter follows) to let him know that he was deeply offended by this crass cartoon and that the pope and all Catholics will fight to defend our freedoms. […]

For This I Came into the World
Phrases scroll across my mind during these weeks following the peaceful but unexpected death of my 26 year old son Paul. “I want my baby back!” I cried to God the first week or two, although he was no baby. Another one that plays across my mind is: “Why did you […]

Knights of Columbus Battle Abortion Insurance Mandate of Wash. State
Need a little dose of humility? Try testifying before a legislative committee in Olympia, Washington chaired by condescending Senator, Karen Keiser. Want to be humbled? Get reprimanded by this same pro-abortion Senator calling herself a Lutheran Christian, who co-sponsored the redefinition of marriage bill, and who has been homesteading in the legislature for 16 […]

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance Burns Out
In Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, Nicholas Cage returns as Johnny Blaze, the man who once made a deal with the devil to save his father’s life, and became the devil’s bounty hunter. In the original Ghost Rider film, when he is in the presence of evil, Blaze turns into the Ghost Rider, a flaming […]

Snow and Palm Trees
Across Italy, up and down both coasts, one notices a very unusual sight. Driving down the Adriatic coast of Italy, along the eastern provinces known as Le Marche, all of the palm trees in sight are leafless. Along beautiful beachfront boulevards the trees still stand tall, and look strong, but with no tops. For the […]

Dark Evangelization: The Mandate as the Gospel of Mammon
The great theologian and catechist Frank Sheed wrote in his book Are We Really Teaching Religion: “The aim of teaching religion is that at minimum, children should emerge with a tremendous devotion to Christ, Our Lord, with an awareness of Him, a considerable knowledge of His Life and Personality, and a desire to increase that knowledge” […]

Compatibly Incompatible
At the time Mark and I became engaged, our diocese required couples to complete a six-month Pre-Cana program that involved meeting a few times with an older, more experienced couple, attending a one-day retreat, and taking a premarital inventory. We were excited to complete the program, because we wanted to start things off right. We […]

Lessons from the Paralytic
Sometimes we act as if sins are just black marks against us in God’s ledger, debits against our rewards account. But the gospel story of the paralytic (Mark 2:1-12) should wake us up to the real nature of sin. For sin is more than a demerit–it is distancing of a person from God, who happens […]

The Contraception Mandate Fix: Fact vs. Fiction
If you read the emails and tweets coming from abortion-rights members of congress and pro-abortion feminist groups you have probably heard that Senator Blunts amendment will prevent women from obtaining contraception. International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) claims making birth control inaccessible is by male design to set us back to the dark ages when there […]

Poem: “The Fall”
The Fall In the garden we plucked heavenly fruit and slept in the chaste shade, contemplating the untouchable loveliness of our flesh. We shared dreams like kisses and marveled as they formed a single body, so it seemed I was you and you were me. We studied each other like rare stones and like rare […]

The Cross is the Key to Eternal Life
Action! Saint James tells us that we must demonstrate our faith with actions. As Catholics, that means taking up our crosses and following the Lord. “Faith of itself, without works, is dead,” James says (2:17). His teaching comes directly from the Lord. At Mass word and deed connect. The Scriptures offer the affirmation that […]

Jesus Speaks to Little Children
When my daughter was about four, I was telling her that while we were in church everyone needs to be extra quiet. When we are, Jesus can talk to us in our hearts. And if we are quiet, we can hear Him. She said, “Okay, Mommy,” and about a minute later she said, “Oh Mommy, I hear him.” […]

Obama Administration to Court: “Please Look the Other Way”
No attempt to defend the constitutionality of the mandate On Thursday, the Obama administration filed its first legal response to Belmont Abbey College’s lawsuit challenging the controversial contraception mandate. This was its first opportunity to explain to the court and the country why the mandate is not illegal and unconstitutional. So what did the administration […]

Controlling Human Genetic Engineering Before it Controls Us
We do have the ability to control human genetic engineering without it controlling us. To do that we must draw a line in the sand between morally laudable therapy and human altering enhancement. My previous article, What is the Catholic View on Genetic Engineering, was all about the distinction between gene therapy and genetic enhancement. Now, […]