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These Stories Have Your Soap Opera Beat – And They’re True
While there’s very little value in the daytime soaps, the more sophisticated versions that we find on PBS are most entertaining, the latest being Downton Abbey —and I readily admit to being a fan. We can pretend that we’re interested in the history, the décor or the period costumes, but really, it’s the turbulent plot […]

CAIR’s Fight Against Pennsylvania Foreign Law Bill
Resistance to a new bill aimed at limiting foreign law in Pennsylvania courts serves as a case study of how Islamists and their allies operate: peddling falsehoods about Shari’a, painting Muslims as victims, and denying that anyone seeks to institutionalize aspects of Islamic law — even as they vigorously promote that very agenda. With similar […]

Who’s Out of Tune?
Today on the news I heard a Catholic claim that the American bishops are out of tune with the times because of their opposition to the Health Care Mandate. I wanted to scream. The Church isn’t supposed to be in tune with the times. We’re supposed to be in tune with Jesus. The Church was […]

Obama and Ann Coulter Think They Have the Election Figured Out — They Don’t
Ann Coulter was on The Sean Hannity Show with guest host Mark Simone today. She bragged about Romney, her candidate, winning the CPAC Straw Poll, and how she swayed the crowd. She pointed out the weaknesses of Rick Santorum in a recent interview with Chris Wallace: He always gets nervous about providing a sound bite that […]

The Heart of the Issue
It is always essential to go to the heart of the issue through prayer and discernment. Is President Obama’s smoke and mirrors “compromise” on health plan coverage to cover sterilization and contraception, including drugs that may cause abortion announced on February 10, 2012 going to result in any reduction whatsoever of contraception, sterilizations, and early […]

Just Give Me a Hug!
If you don’t know the power of a hug, then you are probably not having much success in your relationships. To hug is to heal. To be hugged is to be healed. To not hug is to deprive. I am not exaggerating when I say that hugs have the power to convert. A person having […]

Mary for Dummies
You are a dummy if you do not friend the Blessed Mother, the best thing this side of God. Mary is the very bestest friend we could ever have. Yet, there are some out there who don’t even bother accepting her friendship. In general, Protestants don’t include her in their social circles but there are […]

UN Secretary General Tells African Nations to Adopt LGBT Rights
Last week UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon told African nations to repeal criminal laws that places sanctions on homosexual conduct and to stop discrimination because of sexual orientation or gender identity. Ban Ki-moon addressed the 54 African nations at the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa on January 29. He urged the countries in attendance […]

Poem: “Ancient Ones”
Ancient Ones Blue and green their globes of eyes, The hunting of the dragonflies, Hulls of crystal swivel, catch The swarms arising from a hatch Summon now the ancient ones, The falcons of the Permian, Great with rowing their wing spread, They loop and stitch the sun with thread But now in falls of yellow […]

Playing Politics with Unemployed Veterans
Getting the U.S. economy back on a path to solid growth and the job creation engine jumpstarted is dominating the headlines, talk shows and policy debates in Washington right now. Many of the legislative prescriptions focus on the dismal unemployment woes of newly separated military veterans, whose rates outpace the civilian population. The troubling figures […]

God and Man at CPAC: Facing the 2012 Election
Amidst the hoopla, cheers, and ear-piercing whistles of enthusiastic approval for Republican presidential nominees at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, several themes emerged. The most important of these centered on the conflict between what may be titled American foundationalism versus contemporary progressivism. Foundationalism embodies a family of concepts ordered hierarchically from God, the Declaration […]

Is Nicki Minaj Possessed?
Nicki Minaj, fresh off looking like a fool with Madonna at the Super Bowl, showed up last night on the red carpet at the Grammys with a guy dressed like the pope. This was just a prelude of what was to come. Minaj’s performance began on stage with a mock confessional skit. This was followed […]

Contraception Mandate: Turning America Into Europe
President Obama thought he picked a fight over birth control, one that his re-election campaign quickly touted to his supporters. Instead, he has united Catholics, Evangelicals, those who cherish religious freedom and the right to follow one’s conscience, and those who believe that children are a blessing, not a “punishment” (as Obama once called babies). […]

Bishops Reject Obama’s ‘Accommodation’
The American bishops have, with alacrity, rejected President Obama’s proposed “accommodation” on the contraception mandate in no uncertain terms. Their response came before the sun had set on the very day of his announcement. Noting that the “proposal continues to involve needless government intrusion in the internal governance of religious institutions, and to threaten government coercion of […]

Muslim Persecution of Christians: January 2012
The beginning of the New Year saw only an increase in the oppression of Christians under Islam, from Nigeria, where an all-out jihad has been declared in an effort to eradicate the Muslim north of all Christians, to Europe, where Muslim converts to Christianity are still hounded and attacked as apostates. According to the Chairman […]

Top Five Dating Tips for Men
This Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d do something different. People who follow my writing know that I rarely give guy’s dating advice. I feel that it can be hard for a woman to effectively mentor a man on dating, because let’s face it: we have not walked in their shoes. Nevertheless, a sincere Catholic man […]

There Are No Loopholes
I am just a simple man. But even simple men must stand up for and defend Truth as best they can. It is disheartening to see how many still think there is some way for our political and religious leaders to compromise their way out of the recently promulgated unconstitutional infringement on the right to […]

I have a love/hate relationship….with Facebook. While I am inclined to keep up to speed by anyone’s standard, it seems that they change the format often enough to confuse me just when I think I’m getting the hang of it. Admittedly, I have always been a sort of ‘geek’. I like technical things and am curious […]

My Son the Matchmaker
This article is by Regina Rico Ferreira as told in Amazing Grace for Mothers. “Mommy, where’s my daddy?” My four-year-old son Jacob asked me. The question was a jolt to our leisurly Sunday afternoon walk together. I always knew the question would one day come, but I was not expecting it so soon. “Dear God,” […]

Render Unto: Caesar’s Law, God’s Law, and the Church
The cure of the leper in this morning’s Gospel was more than a miracle of physical healing; it was a moral resurrection of a man who suffered from la disease that made him an outcast from society, doomed to crying out, as the first reading indicates, “Unclean, unclean,” in order to warn people in the […]

As Long As We Are Alive, We Have All the Life There Is
In his book As I Lay Dying, Fr. Richard John Neuhaus writes about being sick and near death in the hospital: “The very sick can look simply awful. Although they politely tried to hide it, I saw the recoil on the faces of visitors. A young parishioner arrived unannounced and, before I knew what she was […]

Obama the Groper: Get Your Hands Off Our Rights!
The newspeak and apologetics of HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius came straight out of George Orwell’s 1984. After pretending that President Obama allegedly reversed his mandate (his mandate that persons of good will should be forced to pay for abortifacients, sterilizations, and contraceptives), newspeak Kathy explained: “The President reached-out to religious groups.” It seems this Barack […]

Obama’s Frightening ‘Adjustment’
What Obama just said on Friday afternoon was extremely confusing. But once you get to the truth of it, it’s also extremely frightening. The president was facing down a conundrum: trying to assuage religious groups appalled at being forced to cover birth control under an impending federal mandate, while making it clear to his base that he […]

For Thou Art With Me: Trusting God With Our Son and His Addiction
Everyone knows of a handful of days that change who you think you are. Death removes someone you love from your life and changes the family dynamic. Marriages add new members, rearranging the family dynamic. And, there are tragedies that can drop you to your knees in an instant, showing you that it can happen […]