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All Articles

Poem: “Truth: Platinum of Highest Purity”
Truth: Platinum of Highest Purity Promising ground has been found Hopeful men send for the drill The steel bit rotates its teeth Grinding and crushing through rock and earth Till it reaches rich oil. Men dig long tunnels The hired go to the pipes Drilling, blasting, crushing, and sorting They strip the cave of blue ground […]

Pope Paul VI and Humanae Vitae: I Told You So
The image has spread rapidly around social media networks: It’s a photo of Pope Paul VI, and in the likeness of those popular inspirational posters, includes the saying, “Humanae Vitae No. 17: I told you so.” It’s a humorous but stark nod to a reality that Catholic Americans are facing today: a slow, but sure […]

President Obama and Justice Ginsburg on America’s “Rather Old Constitution”
I’ve gotten some very interesting emails regarding President Obama’s mandate commanding Roman Catholics (and many evangelical Protestants) to violate their consciences by providing mandatory contraception, sterilization, and abortion-inducing pharmaceuticals. The emailers noted that Obama’s action will force Catholics to challenge the president in court, particularly given that bishops are saying they will not comply with […]

The Imitation of Paul, A Saint’s Saint
I was born to be a New York Giants fan. Being a fan is, quite literally, my birthright. My father is a lifelong fan, and in 1971, the year I was born, star running back Tucker Frederickson completed his final season with the team. Spellbound with nostalgia, my father ensured that Frederickson would remain a […]

The Reversal of Proposition 8: A Dangerous Precedent
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has acted to reverse the democratic decision of the people of California to confine marriage to its traditional parameters of a man and a woman. In making this decision, the court decided that it could overturn the will of the people of California on the basis of what is […]

Rejecting the Body by Bruce
We happened to be invited to several Super Bowl parties recently and enjoyed stopping by to visit with friends that we don’t get a chance to see very often anymore. One could argue that a Super Bowl party is not the best environment for catch-up conversations. “Hey, wow, so how long has it been?” (Loud […]

God Bless You!
It seems there’s something to be learned from every dopey mistake I ever make. In fact, some of my dopey mistakes turn out to be not so dopey after all. The other day, I made one of the not-so-dopiest of all. I picked up my voicemail messages. Actually, that’s not the dopey mistake; it’s the […]

Industry: A Distributist Solution Part II
The family’s limited participation in the manufacturing of medium to large-scale goods appears to present us with a challenge. Large-scale industry is needed to accommodate the production of heavy machinery, automobiles, and other technologies we use everyday. To the skeptic, Distributism seems unresponsive to these needs and incapable of fitting into our modern framework. In […]

Bishops Set to Meet with HHS Mandate on Agenda
A quiet, closed-door meeting in Washington next month will be of crucial importance in shaping the Church’s response to the nation’s biggest church-state crisis in decades. When some 40 bishops of the administrative committee of the national bishops’ conference gather March 14-15 at conference headquarters, they’ll be looking at the Obama administration’s January mandate to […]

The Catholic Cure for Feminine Rage
In ample time for men to assess the romantic terrain before Valentines Day, the Style section of the Washington Post offered an article by Donna Britt, which begins: Like our love, women’s anger — the simmering rage toward our families, our mates and assorted males that can turn even the calmest woman’s expression into The […]

Record Spring 40 Days for Life Campaign Set for 40th Year of Legal Abortion
“With the January 22 anniversary of the Roe v Wade Supreme Court ruling, the United States began its 40th year of legal abortion,” said Shawn Carney, campaign director of 40 Days for Life. “This is a critical year in terms of the sanctity of human life — a year in which people from across America and […]

What is the Catholic View on Genetic Engineering?
The genetic engineering of humans is not yet a reality. But, with advancements in gene therapy and cloning, it will be and it is critical that Catholics be ahead of the rhetorical curve on this one, instead of behind. Now is the time to look at the genetic engineering of humans and what the Church […]

When Grant Policy Makes News
How do ya like them apples? That’s the question I was left with after the public to-and-fro between Planned Parenthood and the Komen Foundation for the Cure. The phrase popped unbidden into my head as though my dad had said it, with New York vocabulary mellowed by long exposure to Hawaiian speech. In any case, […]

A Petition For All Freedom Loving People to Sign
Certainly by now you’ve heard that the present Administration, through the Health and Human Services Department, is mandating that all employer healthcare insurance plans provide coverage for procedures which violate the beliefs of the Catholic Church, and Catholic institutions. Basically, the new rules require the Church, and the institutions operating faithfully under the aegis of […]

Abortion: A Private Matter Between a Woman and Her…Vending Machine?
At Shippensburg University, female students who hook-up for drunken sex on Saturday will find it easy to dispose of just-conceived babies on Monday or Tuesday. A quick trip to the vending machine is all it takes. Easy. Kind of like buying a bag of Doritos. Women who wake up in unfamiliar beds or sober up […]

Exercise Tips for Busy Moms
As the mother of two and a former homeschooler, I am no stranger to the challenges of fitting exercise into a busy and hectic day. Yet as a personal trainer and fitness expert, I know that it’s crucial for my health AND my sanity. Here are four different approaches to making exercise a priority for […]

Poem: “Come With Me”
Come With Me Come with me to where the Milk House Ford Is paved with cobbles, now so long ignored, But once the wagons crossed and climbed a grade To Seventh Street, a country road in shade Blue-white milk that rocked inside the cans Carried up to where a Safeway stands, But then a store […]

Catholics Unite: We Are Not Second-Class Citizens
Sometimes, an outside force attacks the Catholic Church in such a way that it creates a swathe of very public unity amongst Catholics. These attacks are rare in this country. However, the Obama administration, with the inexplicable boorish tenacity we’ve come to expect from them, has truly risen to the occasion. Back in December, PRI […]

Obama Rule
The latest attack on constitutional rights by Obama administration is a requirement that forces employers to purchase health insurance coverage for their employees that includes contraceptive drugs and abortifiacients. As a finger in the eye of the Catholic Church and other religious groups opposed to contraception and abortion, and with a least a figurative smirk […]

Industry: The Distributist Solution Part I
The mention of Distributism often draws skepticism by those who, while valuing its merits, believe Distributism incapable of providing satisfactory answers to our modern needs. From chewing gum to automobiles, chairs to food stuffs or toys to beer, we live in a world consumed by and dependent on mass-produced goods and large scale industry. The […]

I Love Flying but I Hate Organized Aviation
Flying is an amazing experience. You just can’t beat it if you want to get anywhere far away in a hurry. The early history of flying reveals the glory days and shows us what flying should be. The planes were made by individuals or by small groups of craftsmen who learned by tinkering. They were […]

The Call and Cost of Being Jesus’ Disciple
As he was walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon who is called Peter, and his brother Andrew, casting a net into the sea; they were fishermen. He said to them, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” At once they left their nets and followed him. […]

Abortion: There’s an App for That
I know it’s cliché, but bear with me. I have a point to make. Whole Woman’s Health that operates in Texas and Maryland is proud to announce the launch of an “app.” They officially launched a new mobile website in January so women can make appointments for abortions and learn about their services more easily. This […]

In Thy Wounds, Hide Us
My husband and I recently attended the funeral of a relative who died suddenly at age twenty-one. During the lovely Baptist service, family and friends told stories and gave testimonies of a girl who loved generously, especially children, and was about to obtain a teaching degree. She not only had a special gift of capturing […]