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Just Imagine
Humor me for a moment and just imagine if the following purely fictional (at least as of this writing) HHS press release was issued: Affordable Care Act Ensures Elders Receive End-of-Life Services at No Additional Cost WASHINGTON—The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced today that it is adopting additional Guidelines for Elder Care […]

The Perils of Growing Up a Girl
She arrived pink and plump, sporting a full head of cotton-soft brown hair and that intoxicatingly sweet scent that only newborns have. All gurgles, whimpers and tiny yawns, her delicate fingers gripped mine as I thought of all the things I wanted to give this brand-new baby girl: love and security, freedom, opportunity and the […]

Prayer, Vigilance Called for in Wake of Confusion Over Komen Statement
After confusion spread Friday in the wake of further statements from the Susan G. Komen Foundation on its decision to defund Planned Parenthood, pro-life leaders are calling upon the pro-life community to respond with prayer and vigilance in the days and months ahead. The Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) ignited a media firestorm against […]

The ‘Why’ of Suffering
Recently, my wife, LaRee, and I addressed about 75 Christian medical students who came from across Canada’s three western provinces to hear us. We spoke about our sorrows and grief that have accompanied our twenty-eight years living with chronic, degenerative multiple sclerosis. We shared insights we have gained from our Christian perspectives. I spoke about […]

Seeing Pink
For the past several years, it is positively maddening to shop during the month of October. I really do love the color pink—in roses especially, and we had a pink living room once, and of course both of our girls went through the pink princess stage—but seeing those pink ribbons, pink Cheerios boxes, balloons, NFL […]

The Church at Sundance
The whole idea behind edgy, independent films is that by prying themselves from the commercial grip of major studios, filmmakers finally have the freedom to tell the truth. Sometimes this works. Last year’s The Redemption of General Butt Naked and Higher Ground were intense explorations of spiritual life. Both films were challenging in different ways, […]

For Mothers Everywhere: On Scrubbing Toilets and the Challenger Disaster
Twenty-six years ago, on January 28, 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart 73 seconds into its flight,disintegrating over the Atlantic Ocean off the course of central Florida. All seven of its crew were killed, including the “Teacher in Space,” Christa McAuliffe. On this sad anniversary, it’s not space flight I want to talk about, […]

Dot-Gov Has It All to Help Americans Do Better
Last week in his State of the Union address, President Obama claimed to share President Lincoln’s opinion “that government should do for people only what they cannot do better by themselves, and no more.” I thought about that today while running errands and noticing that virtually every billboard in my town directs citizens to federal […]

Poem: “Living Crib”
Living Crib Make a manger of my heart, O Lord! Your skillful carpenter’s hands master Grace’s lathe and plane. Chiseled chips of fallen humanity, flash frustration Fly! Falling upon the soil of my soul, Softening it, creating a bed for beasts of burden to lay. Carve a cradle for yourself, my sweet Baby Savior. The […]

The Three Deadliest Words in the World: “It’s a Girl!”
It’s a Girl: The Three Deadliest Words in the World is a documentary on the 200 million missing girls in the world today. Aborted, killed after birth or abandoned because they are girls. Deeply-rooted prejudice against girls and ill-conceived government policies against human beings produced this mass slaughter. I haven’t seen the film, but it’s […]

Do You Have Access to Both Forms of the Mass?
Did you know that our Holy Father wants you to have access to both forms of the Roman Rite Mass? Most Gen X and Gen Y Catholics only know one form of the Mass, but two forms are in use today: the Pauline (after Pope Paul VI) Usage or Ordinary Form (Novus Ordo or “Vatican Two […]

The Truth About Life with a Huge Student Loan
One of the issues of this presidential campaign as well as of the recent Occupy movement is the cost of higher education and the burden of student loans. I’ve heard some people remark that people who complain about the cost of student loans are “whiners” and that they should have realized what they were getting […]

Sundance Festival Movie Review: Father’s Chair
When a child goes missing, a parent experiences a range of emotions fueled by love and the desire to be reunited with their child. This situation is a nightmare no family wants to experience. Yet, if this unfortunate occurrence does strike a home, the strength and unity among family members can offer hope while searching […]

The Obama Mandate to Catholics: “To Hell With You?”
America’s Catholic bishops are princes of diplomacy, highly educated, erudite, men of tact, propriety. They’re asked to shepherd the flock with a long historical timeframe—like, say, eternity. They tend not to have knee-jerk reactions to issues of the moment. And so, it’s not often when a paragon of decorum, namely, Pittsburgh Bishop David Zubik, publishes […]

Impostor Parents
Who are these people and what have they done with my real parents? My real parents swore they needed a 2600 square foot house and five acres of mountain land for just the two of them because they like their space and privacy. Their impostors sold the house and bought a 1300 square foot South […]

Komen Cuts Ties to Planned Parenthood, Embryonic Stem Cell Research
For years, several Susan G. Komen for the Cure affiliates have given Planned Parenthood over half a million dollars in grants every year. Last year that amount was roughly $680,000 and $580,000 the year before. Now, the Nation’s largest breast cancer awareness organization says it will officially end its financial support for the Nation’s largest […]

Who are We: Americans or Catholics?
The big Catholic news item in the United States these days centers around the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate requiring nearly all employers to offer health insurance plans that provide zero-deductible coverage for “preventative services” like sterilization and contraception, including drugs that cause abortion. When the mandate was first proposed, the United […]

The Road to Sobriety in Smashed
Countless films depict the descent into an uncontrollable addiction and its consequences, but few aptly convey the challenging ascent to sobriety. Most movies gloss over the complex and strenuous path to recovery and away from addiction. In short, they inappropriately convey the message that it is easy and permanent once someone manages to triumph over […]

Disgusted Parents ‘Occupy’ the Classroom
That rumbling sound you hear isn’t a snow-removal truck, a low-flying plane or a train inadvertently chugging through your backyard. No, it’s the low, slow churning of civic discontent, fomenting thanks to the decades-long trend toward educational mediocrity and resulting in a grass-roots movement that will — with any luck at all — restore our […]

How to Prepare for Catastrophe
Many people today are worried, justifiably, about major devastating events that could seriously alter our way of life. Yet, intertwined with those legitimate fears are vehicles that may or may not be legitimate, which do little more than stoke fear or evoke a collective sense of worry, unsubstantiated by the facts. It goes without saying […]

Europe in Demographic Denial
If there is one word that captures many Europeans’ response to the continent’s financial crisis, it is denial. Witness the description by the editors of France’s newspaper-of-record, Le Monde, of France’s S&P credit-downgrade on January 13 as “un non-événement financier.” The fact that this “non-event” will increase France’s borrowing-costs (not to mention those of the EU’s own bailout […]

Poem: “The Easter Rising,” 1916
The Easter Rising, 1916 A Poem for the 90th year of Irish Independence, 1922-2012 Rebelling led by Patrick Pearse, No more to smell the tyrant’s breath, Though fighting went from bad to worse, Men steeled their hearts to dreadful death. None would back down, nor turn to run. From such “suicide,” none did quail. Outgunned […]

Senator Marco Rubio Introduces Bill to Overturn HHS Mandate
The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty applauds Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) for introducing a bill protecting the conscience of millions of individuals against the Obama Administration’s abortion-drug mandate. Unlike other pending bills that address conscience issues, Senator Rubio’s bill—The Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 2012—is narrowly focused and establishes a firm religious exemption in the […]

Business As Usual at the New York Times
For a picture of how low the level of public discourse has sunk in America, look no further than the New York Times. In an editorial following Newt Gingrich’s upset victory in the South Carolina Republican Primary, the Times’ editorialists dealt from the bottom of the deck, playing the race card in an attempt to deflect attention from […]