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I was asked for my initial reaction to President Obama’s State of the Union speech, and the handsomely redesigned Think Christian posted them last night, “Jobs, Steve Jobs, and the State of the Union.” As I point out, the president’s protectionist posturing is belied by the realities experienced by companies like Apple. The president is essentially telling companies: Ask […]

The Call to be One in Christ
The battle is not yours but God’s. (2 Chronicle 20:15) So whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come. And all this is from God, who has reconciled us to himself through Christ and given us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, God was reconciling […]

How Circumstance Dictates Islamic Behavior
Has there ever been a time when one group of people openly exposes its animosity for another group of people—even as this second group not only ignores the animosity, but speaks well of, enables, and legitimizes the first group? Welcome to the 21st century, where Western politicians empower those Muslims who are otherwise constantly and […]

The Annual Media Blackout of the March for Life
What’s more newsworthy: that several hundred thousand people converged on Capitol Hill in the midst of a cold rain in the middle of January in order to protest abortion, or that a tiny handful of pro-abortion counter protesters showed up as well? Here’s another question: are attendees at the March for Life primarily young, vibrant, […]

What the EU’s Culture War Against Hungary is Really About
In recent days there have been a lot of media reports about Hungary. According to those reports, the country not only is in a very bad shape economically, but there is also a risk that the Government, led by Prime Minister Viktor Orban, was trying to overturn democracy and install a right-wing dictatorship that is […]

A Letter to My Daughter
My dear daughter, I know that you feel like no one can possibly understand the way you feel right now. You think no one has ever felt this way. You feel alone. You look around and see couples and feel like the “odd man out.” What you fail to see are all the other young […]

The Persecuted Church
On January 21st, I attended a terrific conference in Framingham, MA concerning “The Persecuted Church.” When I say terrific, I mean the full, riveting, appalling sense of the word. Sponsored by CAMERA, the speakers ranged from young participants of the “Arab Spring” protests to sage professors to political operatives. The event culminated in a keynote address […]

American Laws for American Courts
Shortly before Newt Gingrich’s decisive victory in South Carolina last week, he was asked a critical question by a Palmetto State voter: Would he support a Muslim candidate for president? The former Speaker of the House answered in a way that was both characteristically insightful and profoundly helpful with respect to one of the most […]

Freedom! Finally!
Today was the funeral of a dear family friend and my mentor of many years. I couldn’t attend Fr. Jonathan’s funeral, because it was held in Germany where he’s been stationed since 2009. He’s buried there, too, in his community’s cemetery near their Schoenstatt Fathers house and world headquarters. During the hours of the funeral […]

Poem: “In His Place II”
In His Place II There you stood, stiff and deadly; Long have I awaited this day. O quiet killer and dread of men It’s time to take you away. You splintered beam, So stained with blood Climb up my pierced back. I shall accept your cold embrace And provide the love you lack. O my […]

Backlash Begins Against Obama’s LGBT Agenda
The citizens of several countries are pushing back against President Obama’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender foreign policy imperative. Leaders in El Salvador launched a website on “Obama’s Corrupting Foreign Policy” and are asking the U.S. Senate to reject Obama’s nominee for ambassador to their country. President Obama announced in December that the promotion of […]

Turning Tables on the “Gotcha” Journalists
“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” No doubt this truism was at the top of Newt Gingrich’s mind as he responded to John King’s lead off question in the CNN Republican debate in South Carolina last week. Marianne Gingrich, the second ex-wife of thrice married Newt, alleged in an interview with ABC News […]

Was John Courtney Murray right? A Postscript
After initially intending to complete this series in three parts (Part I, Part II, Part III), it appears that it may be useful to tie up any remaining loose ends with an overview of the propositions put forth in the Declaration on Religious Liberty of Vatican II, followed by Fr. Murray’s own reflections dated the […]

Happy and Healthy
It’s a harmless phrase, really. Many an expectant parent has said it: “We’re happy as long as he’s happy and healthy.” Well intentioned and true, no doubt. Who doesn’t want their child to be happy and healthy? Pregnant women forgo champagne toasts on New Year’s Eve, take prenatal vitamins with DHA and folic acid and […]

“The Middle” – A Shameless Plug
We mothers are a “Jane of all trades.” My skills have been evolving for decades now. I didn’t start off knowing how to cut and style hair for instance, but I have become quite good, in my own estimate, and am now allowed the great honor of cutting two of my adult sons hair. This […]

Storming Heaven with Rosaries: Prayer Crusade for the 2012 Presidential Election
“People ask me, ‘What will convert America and save the world?’ My answer is prayer.”–Blessed (Mother) Teresa of Calcutta The battle is on… got your weapon? It’s no secret that our beloved country is entrenched in an intense struggle. It’s a war between the culture of life and the culture of death; between economic stability […]

Our Second Baby Needs a Name
At adoration last week, I prayed a rosary for a dear friend who recently lost a baby eight weeks into her pregnancy. My heart breaks for her. As I prayed in the quiet chapel, my heart became even heavier thinking about the loss of our own pregnancy at 13 weeks, around this time in 2006. […]

Movie Review: The Descendants
I came to bury Caesar, not to praise him, and wound up praising him. I had my skewers ready and planned to make shish-kabob out of this film. But I cannot. Why was I all set to hate on this film? I thought it was “Just Another Sad Tale of a Dysfunctional Family Where Dad […]

Book Review: Patrick Henry: First among Patriots
Among America’s amazing pantheon of founders, Patrick Henry stands out for his stirring speeches and fervent commitment to liberty, virtue, and small government. The Virginia planter, lawyer, and politician strongly denounced Great Britain’s political and economic control of the American colonies and played a leading role in the movement for independence. More controversially, Henry’s love […]

The Tragedy of Giglio Island
Unexpected things happen all the time but certain things have the power to convey a message to the collective psyche of a nation. Less frequently there are events that can alter the course of human affairs on a planetary scale. The killing of Archduke Francis Ferdinand that ushered a century of unspeakable violence was one […]

A Generation Lucky to Be Alive
Today, hundreds of thousands of pro-life people gathered in Washington D.C. for the annual March for Life, commemorating the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that struck down existing state laws protecting unborn children. For those who have been on the March or seen footage of it on EWTN (you can hardly […]

Guardians of Pro-Life Treaty Promote Abortion
An international commission committed to the promotion and protection of human rights in the Americas recently published two reports that challenge laws protecting life from conception in both North and South America. One report published by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights denies physicians the right to conscientiously object to performing an abortion, while the […]

Twin Decisions
I was a student at Saint Louis University School of Law when I learned of the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v.Wade. It was in a class taught by the late Gerald T. Dunne. Dunne was a biographer of Supreme Court Justices Joseph Story and Hugo Black; he was a decorated Navy veteran of World War II (Silver […]

Girl Scouts Leadership: Pro-Choice, Pro-Gay Ideologues
Who’s calling the shots over at the Girl Scouts? And where’s the organization headed? The questions matter for two reasons. First, it’s cookie season. Any day now some cute little girls wearing green sashes and bright smiles will knock on your door and sweetly seek support for their projects, badges, and activities. Do you write […]