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Poem: “O Eternal Spring”
O Eternal Spring O Eternal Spring O sweet refreshment of my soul Look on me And draw me ever nearer Thee. In the furnace of Your Heart Make me like unto Thee, That my mortal frame May melt and meld, To be of Thee, eternally. © 2016 Joann Nelander

God Works Through Weakness to Bring Strength to His People
It was five years ago. The memory is still in my mind.I entered my room to discover my five-year-old grandson looking up at a large crucifix on the wall above my bed. He turned and asked if that really happened. “Yes it did,” I replied. “Did Jesus die?” he asked, turning back to look at […]

Today’s Betrayal of Women by the Female Block on SCOTUS
If ever there were a law that so embodied the original argument in favor of abortion, it was the Texas law struck down today by the U.S. Supreme Court. If ever there were a mockery of all that the early proponents of abortion held dear, it was made by the united votes of the three […]

Transgender Health Experts Contradict Themselves in New Publication
A leading medical journal published its first series on transgender health and reveals what appear to be major contradictions. On the one hand the journal argues there is nothing medically wrong with transgenderism. On the other hand, it argues transgenderism is a condition that requires medical attention, setting up transgenderism as the first non-medical condition […]

Poem: “I Am: The Divine Mystery of the Triduum”
I Am: The Divine Mystery of the Triduum (Note: As a Catholic Christian, I have just recently celebrated the Triduum marking the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ. As a student of Celtic literature, I have always been drawn to the style of the ancient Druidic bards, on which this poem is based.) I Am […]

In Armenia, the Pope Will Visit a Very Special Convent
By M.Z. de la Morena GYUMR?, Armenia—Sister Arousiag proudly points out the dormitory of the convent of Our Lady of Armenia here: it is where Pope Francis will rest for a few hours on the second day of his June 24-26, 2016 visit to Armenia. “It is the best room we have,” she assures a […]

Poem: “The Baptist by the River Jordan”
The Baptist by the River Jordan This one is like a comet Long ago promised A white force sent from the heavens To sear the earth- He roams in leather and camel’s hair Set in a wilderness mist Skin black as the fishermen of summer No earthly prince, and yet In droves they gather From every […]

Catholic Colleges: ‘Gender Identity’ in Title IX Threatens Religious Freedom
In letters to the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR) the presidents of five Catholic colleges cited their institutions’ faithfulness to Church teaching in explaining how the expansion of Title IX to include “gender identity” posed a significant threat to the religious mission of the colleges. College requests for religious exemptions from […]

Eyelash to Eyelash with God
Whenever I show anyone a picture of my beautiful, bouncing baby boy, inevitably one of the first three things they say is, “Oh my goodness, his eyelashes are so long!” (The other two are some variation of “Wow, he’s big!” and “He is so handsome!” I’m not biased—just reporting the facts.) It’s true, his eyelashes […]

Benevolent Global Village is a Myth
The architects of a new world order often speak of a global village. Hillary Clinton tells us that it takes a village to raise a child. Are they speaking of the same village? If there is a benevolent global village then where is it and why is so much of humanity exiled from it? If the […]

Homosexual Marriage Not a Right Says European Human Rights Court
A unanimous decision of the European Court of Human Rights has once again said that homosexual marriage is not a human right under European law. Almost one year after the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the Obergfell v. Hodges case, which imposed homosexual marriage on the entire United States, the European Court opted with caution, […]

Many California Docs Say No to Assisted Suicide!
This past October, California governor Jerry Brown signed an assisted suicide law making it legal in the state for “physicians to provide lethal prescriptions to mentally competent adults who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness and face the expectation that they will die within six months.” However, not all medical professionals and hospitals agree […]

‘Mother Teresa Was the Best Missionary of the Millennium’
By Eva-Maria Kolmann NEW YORK—An Indian prelate has described Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, who will be canonized by Pope Francis Sept. 4, 2016, as the “best missionary of the millennium.” Bishop Salvadore Lobo of Baruipur, who headed the canonization committee, reported that Christ had said to Mother Teresa in a vision: “Go into the houses, […]

Poem: “On the Pages Before Me”
On the Pages Before Me In the evening hours, When the night is still. Comes the Lord my God, To his servant. There he sits awaiting, The God of all Glory. And wonders, wonders, wonders, How is this so? Where in his life, Had he been so good? How in his life could he, Achieve […]

Poem: “Reaching Eyes”
Reaching Eyes A hand reaches out, with eyes behind and yet I may not glance, to avoid the dance of charity not felt for I am a judge in motion ever ready to drop my gavel deciding who is true or false when in reality it is I who should be the first defendant resplendent […]

Movie Review: Me Before You
WARNING: I TELL YOU THE END OF THE FILM IN THE NEXT SENTENCE. Due to the serious subject matter of the film Me Before You (euthanasia), and the fact that most people already know how the movie ends (euthanasia), combined with the fact that the film is based on a novel by the same name […]

Obama State Department Offers Funding to Trans Pressure Groups Overseas
The Obama State Department is putting enormous pressure on traditional countries to regularize, promote, and protect what many consider to be disordered, even psychotic behavior, specifically related to those who think they are the wrong sex. The Global Equity Fund, founded in 2011 by the US State Department, is inviting applications for groups that want […]

The Unexpected Snake
The greatest kindness will not bind the ungrateful.

The Genius of Jesus: We Learn Through Stories
For me, the cliché “I can read you like a book,” means I understand a person very well, that I can tell what they’re thinking without having to ask. Indeed, we’re all living and breathing books. I have believed that since I began my professional writing career more than 30 years ago. Most of that […]

Extreme Christianity
I fancy myself a Christian. I was baptized Catholic and have practiced the faith over fifty years. I’m convinced I will need a lifetime of practice to make any noteworthy progress. My love for the Lord is deep. Teaching, writing, and talking about God, His love for humanity, and the necessity to be authentic witnesses, […]

Thousands of Children in Syria Pray for Peace
By Eva-Maria Kolmann NEW YORK—On June 1, thousands of Christian children of all denominations gathered in several Syrian cities to celebrate “International Children’s Day” as a day of prayer for peace. In Homs, the occasion marked the first public event held with children since the liberation of the city by the Syrian regime. Christian television […]

Diocese of Phoenix Partners with Catholic Colleges for Unique Coalition
The Diocese of Phoenix is joining with Arizona’s Catholic colleges to form a unique partnership in higher education that stresses an integral human formation at both Catholic and secular universities in the Grand Canyon State, according to school superintendent MaryBeth Mueller. “It is important for the Diocese to support Catholic colleges as an alternative to […]

Vatican Defends Unborn at UN World Summit
The Vatican reminded world leaders there is no international right to abortion at a global summit in Istanbul last month. The Holy See rejected European proposals to create a new right to abortion under the Geneva Conventions, also known as international humanitarian law or the laws of war. The “Holy See emphasizes that there is […]