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Distributism Starts in the Home
My mother was the first one of us to encounter Distributism. (She’ll find that out when she reads this article!) But when she made the decision to cast aside a job title and paycheck, in the eyes of the world, to begin the world of our family with my father, she was on the path. […]

2012: A Year to Spend More Time in Prayer with Jesus
The LORD came and stood there, calling out as before: Samuel, Samuel! Samuel answered, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” (1 Samuel 3:10) Jesus said to them, “Come, and you will see.” So they went and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day. Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, was […]

True Faith and False Freedom: On John Courtney Murray (Part I)
Everyone knows that religion is noble, and since no one in his right mind would possibly argue that liberty is not a precious right, it only stands to reason that “religious liberty,” as it is so often invoked these days, must be especially good! Now, it’s just a hunch mind you, but I suspect that […]

Imitating the Holy Family
This is the time of year when Christians are most focused on the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Reflection on the Holy Family is more than just the Nativity scene. Naturally, Christmas focuses on the birth of the Saviour, and Mary and Joseph play key roles in this most important event. But, there […]

Christian University Joins Monks in Fight Against Fed’s Contraception Mandate
Last month, Colorado Christian University (CCU) became the first interdenominational Christian college to challenge in federal court a new “Affordable Care Act” (aka “Obamacare”) mandate for abortifacients (drugs which induce abortions). Colorado Christian joins the monks at Belmont Abbey College pushing back against government intrusion into personal religious convictions that is unprecedented in the health […]

Top SEO Companies Not Likely to Deliver Good Content
A well-established copywriting colleague of mine was approached by one of the top SEO companies in the nation. They wanted her to assist their clients by writing web pages. Web pages need to … Grab attention Understand the reader’s desire or pain Present a concept or solution Move the reader to a next action Be […]

Immigration: The Distributist Solution
There is one thing…that must strike all Englishmen who have the good fortune to have American friends; that is, that while there is no materialism so crude or so material as American materialism, there is also no idealism so crude or so ideal as American idealism. America will always affect an Englishman as being soft […]

Poem: “To Men of Good Will”
To Men of Good Will There can be no peace If not of good will. There can be no race For those who stand still. Only she – Full of grace Was the miracle Set in place. To magnify Her soul prepared By God, her spirit – Never ensnared. “Blessed art thou…” Gabriel hailed, And […]

Extraordinary Things Happen When You Bring 40 Days for Life to Your Community
Should your community participate in the next 40 Days for Life campaign — from February 22 to April 1? Ask Gerry Brundage. He would probably say YES. Gerry lives in Sherman, Texas. He had thought about applying to lead a 40 Days for Life campaign in his town in the fall of 2010 but, in […]

Food Fights and Free Enterprise
It is sometimes said, following Milton Friedman’s insight, that business is not a friend to the free market, and the truth of this is no more evident than in recent battles between established restaurateurs and operators of mobile eateries. Once a business becomes established and enjoys a measure of success, a narrow view of its […]

Iowa’s Wild Ride
The surprising results of Tuesday’s Iowa caucuses have reinforced the conventional wisdom about this season’s Republican primary battle: Nothing about this race is conventional. Presumptive frontrunner former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney won Iowa — but by only eight votes. Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum stole Romney’s thunder with a come-from-behind quasi-victory that catapulted him from […]

Muslim Persecution of Christians: November 2011
The so-called “Arab Spring” continues to transition into a “Christian Winter,” including in those nations undergoing democratic change, such as Egypt, where the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis dominated the elections—unsurprisingly so, considering the Obama administration has actually been training Islamists for elections. Arab regimes not overthrown by the “Arab Spring” are under mounting international […]

Do You Reject Dates Based on Family Background?
The Christmas season brought an influx of articles and posts about family. Normally, “family” is one of those words that evokes that warm, toasty feeling. When dating, family can cause much anxiety, though. Not only do people assess individuals as spousal material based on their own merits, but they also critique their family background. My observation is […]

Up until now, all has been quite humble. A donkey-ride to a dusty town south of Jerusalem. Hotel rooms all booked up. Giving birth in a stable and laying the baby in an animal’s feed trough instead of a cozy cradle. Into this scene of obscure poverty suddenly bursts an exotic entourage from a far-off […]

Poem: “Leave it Behind”
Leave it Behind I saw the cells of purgatory When I was a child, The menaces of royalty In stiff brocaded gold Stiff with unforgiving pain They moved out from their cells Where prisoners of hate remain Inside their narrow hells Underground along an aisle They reached out for a touch, A neediness which might […]

Rick Santorum’s Rosetta Stone
I live in Western Pennsylvania, just across the county line from where former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum grew up. My wife went to the same high school as Santorum. I’ve followed his career very closely. I’m surprised—but I’m not surprised—by Santorum’s performance in the Iowa Republican Caucus. I’m surprised because it looks like he’s changing. […]

Remember God’s Role in Our Prosperity!
“May you have a happy and prosperous new year!” This warm and well- intentioned greeting in the week before and after New Year’s Day, is one we offer each other each year. It is a good thing to wish someone prosperity. God wishes His people prosperity. In the Book of Deuteronomy, we find the Jewish people […]

Homosexual Lobby Group Funded Mostly by Governments
European human rights lawyer J.C. von Krempach has taken a close look at the funding stream of the International Gay and Lesbian Association – Europe (ILGA) and concluded that most of their money comes from governments. Writing in the foreign policy blog Turtle Bay and Beyond, von Krempach found a vast majority of ILGA’s funds […]

Befogging the Enemy: U.S. Officials as Human Pretzels
The most vexing video of 2011 may be this clip of Congressman Dan Lungren questioning Assistant Secretary of Defense Paul Stockton on December 7. Though Stockton’s evasiveness is in line with the government’s history of not calling Islamism the enemy — recently exhibited by scrubbing FBI training materials and labeling the Fort Hood attack as […]

My Digital Resolutions for the New Year
These first few days of 2012 find me returning to my desk and computer after a nice long break over the Christmas holiday to savor time with family and friends. The excitement and busyness of the past few years, with the growth of this website, my speaking engagements around the country and the publications of […]

On Being a Bad Catholic
I’m a bad Catholic. Do you know how I know? I took my Christmas trees down before Epiphany. That’s right. By January 2 I couldn’t stand the clutter anymore and we took them down. I did leave the Nativity scene up, but the trees are gone. I’ve never done the Liturgy of the Hours. Never. […]

Poem: “Mary of the Morn”
Mary of the Morn Through the Gate O’Morn He came In a stable born Where St. Joseph Held her hand Both so tired and worn. Patient donkey Just outside Munching on some corn Saw the love St. Joseph had To Mary he was sworn. Saw St. Joseph’s Furrowed brow Knowing future scorn Saw St. Joseph […]

Appeal Process Moving Forward for Federal Stem Cell Funding Suit
In 2009 two researchers filed a lawsuit claiming that new National Institutes of Health (NIH) guidelines easing restrictions on human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research are a violation the Dicky-Wicker Amendment, a budgetary amendment prohibiting federal tax dollars from being used to create or destroy human embryos for scientific research. In August 2010, district court […]

Universal Declaration of Human Rights Turns 63
For those of you that missed it, December 10th was Human Rights Day here at the United Nations. Sixty-three years to the day, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in 1948 by unanimous vote at the General Assembly of the United Nations in Paris, France. When the declaration was first authored, it was […]