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All Articles

The Triumphs and Failures of Feminism
Some of the worst feminists are men. The classic feminist is a woman, of course. She emerged as a public spectacle about a century ago and has become something of an institution in our own time—thanks to the state-supported propaganda of our public schools and the history-by-pictures that passes for education. She is pictured as an […]

Book Review: Economics for Helen
Economics” is the name which people have come to give to the study of wealth. It is the study by which we learn how wealth is produced, how it is consumed, how it is distributed among people, and so on. It is a very important kind of study, because it often depends upon our being […]

A Book of Saints For Catholic Moms And So Much More
Like any good Catholic kid growing up in the ’60s, I had favorite saints, those holy people who brought me comfort and fed my curiosity and imagination. How I loved the Blessed Virgin Mary! Then there was Saint Anthony, who stood there in his plaster glory, with all the old ladies standing around the base […]

Poem: “Can Look at Me”
Can Look at Me Jewel box with cover, Legs, a tail, an eye, Orange, black, discovered Too chilly to be shy Along the trail it blundered Within the darksome night, Gusts of wind and thunders Splendid in their might But turtle in her cabin Of sweet unconscious beauty Calm as any mountain Will never be […]

Eurocracy Run Amuck
“We must re-establish the primacy of politics over the market.” That sentence, spoken a little while ago by Germany’s Angela Merkel, sums up the startlingly unoriginal character of the approach adopted by most EU politicians as they seek to save the common currency from what even Paul Krugman seems to concede is its current trajectory […]

Phoenix Hospital Says Nun Who Approved Abortion No Longer Excommunicated
An Arizona hospital that lost its Catholic affiliation by procuring a direct abortion two years ago says that the nun responsible for the decision to do the abortion has regained good standing with the Catholic Church. The local diocese did not confirm the statement, calling the issue a personal one. Bishop Thomas Olmsted of Phoenix […]

In the Dark, Remember, Grace Will Come!
Charles de Foucauld was a dandy, a fop, or perhaps an epicure. Having lost his faith as a young teen, he learned to enjoy the good things in life and did all he could to continue to enjoy them. Even amidst a military career, in which he performed quite daring exploits, he still loved to […]

The Perfect Family’s Christmas Letter 2011, Part 1
You know the one. It arrives the day after Thanksgiving. The envelope is double foil lined, the picture of the kids resembles a Gap ad, and the Holiday Letter comes with a warning: Caution! May cause blurred vision, severe feelings of gross inadequacies and nausea. Do not drive motor vehicle or operate heavy machinery while […]

Obama Administration Bans Knowledge of Islam
The Obama administration’s censoring of photographs of the late Osama bin Laden, lest they offend Muslims, is one thing; but what about censoring words, especially those pivotal to U.S. security? The Daily Caller reveals that “the Obama administration has been pulling back all training materials used for the law enforcement and national security communities, in […]

Advent: A Time to Fix Our Eyes on Jesus
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith. For the sake of the joy that […]

Movie Review: Hugo
Hugo is Martin Scorsese’s engaging adaptation of the children’s book by the same name. What’s it about? It’s an elaborate introduction to a slice of film history. The all-British cast plays out the story set in a 1930’s train station in Paris. At first, the story seems to be a tale of a misfortunate orphan-urchin […]

Genetic Warrior: Leticia Velasquez and the New Diversity
If any one type is removed from the system, the cycle can break down, and the community becomes dominated by a single species. (Dr. Richard Lankau, “Loss of Genetic Diversity Threatens Species Diversity”) Leticia, I’d like to discuss your recent re-coining of the term “Genetic Diversity,” which I think is an important step toward reclaiming […]

Fatherless, Motherless, Childless: Great Pro-Life, Catholic Fiction
Fiction is as instructive as non-fiction, maybe even more so. The best fiction catches us up in a world outside our own all the while teaching us truths about ourselves and humanity. The pleasure of reading a great story cements those truths into the deepest corners of our mind. Dean Koontz has been quietly reeducating […]

Poem: “Wounded Healers”
Wounded Healers Welcome into my wounded-ness please rest awhile! Welcome into the hidden, secret spaces sin burrowed in my soul. Welcome into places Satan’s lies have taken root leaching my self worth. Welcome into my wounded-ness, please anoint me with your healing balm! Anoint my feelings of rejection with acceptance and love. Anoint the pain […]

A Predictable Fiasco
The Egyptian elections have resulted in a rout for the throngs whose springtime hopes for freedom are now facing the prospect of a nuclear winter at the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood and its fellow Salafists. These Islamists appear to have garnered 60% of the seats in the next parliament and the opportunity to shape […]

The Story of Guadalupe: Hope for Our Violent World
On December 8, 2006 (Feast of the Immaculate Conception), Mel Gibson released his epic movie, Apocalypto . Hopefully many eyes were opened by this movie’s portrayal of the evil of human sacrifices practiced by the Aztecs and other Indian cultures in what would become Mexico. The movie provides the historical backdrop of today’s Marian celebration: the Memorial […]

Is It Time for an Urban Version of the Homestead Act? Part 2
Many, many books, articles, and experiences have inspired and influenced this Urban Homesteading idea (see Part 1). I cannot possibly include them all here – but I have tried to include a few items that capture the major themes that have inspired me. This first article deals with urban agriculture and its economic impact. It […]

Male Nurse Claims He Was Fired for Treating Muslim Women
In one of the more intriguing cases to emerge recently, male nurse John Benitez Jr. filed suit against the city of Dearborn, Michigan, for sex discrimination last [month], charging that he had been terminated for tending to Muslim women at a government-run medical facility after receiving contradictory instructions about the need to adhere to gender […]

What Is Truth: Revelation versus Man’s Vain Imagination
“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31). As I slowly reread The Confessions, savoring every jot and tittle, I am struck by the intensity of Saint Augustine’s search for truth—rather, for the Truth. Aurelius Augustine embraced many falsehoods during his life, but every successive identity he assumed […]

Who’s Got You? Observations of a Catholic Homeschooling Father
If you do an Internet search for “Catholic Fatherhood” how much data would you find in comparison to Panda Bears, Applied Linear Algebra, and Welding Theory? According to John Clark, author of Who’s Got You, Catholic Fatherhood comes in last. The results respectively were 1,914, 1,706, and 284. Catholic Fatherhood netted 270 results. Clark surmised […]

Nigerians Fight to Uphold Marriage Under Obama’s Pressure
The Catholic Medical Association of Nigeria (CMAN) congratulated that country’s Senate for defending marriage in law, but it condemned what it called the “coordinated ferocity” of foreign governments, NGOs, and international organizations which pressured the Senate not to pass the bill. CMAN called this interference “forces of neo-colonialism, imperialism, and secular humanism.” The bill, which […]

Poem: “The River of Egypt”
The River of Egypt They build a dam of sandstone blocks – Manganese washed from the rocks Turns the run a bloody brown So that the snakes and minnows drown Ferns, the pool where minnows swim A summer refuge cool and dim Red and sterile now until The engineers have flushed the fill But if […]

Poem: “Christmas”
Christmas Let the poor have Santa Claus, Let the rich, a cruise, Let the rest have what they want But Jesus, just refuse. Hilary M. Flanery

Hope After Poor Prenatal Diagnosis
Parents who receive news that their unborn child has a serious birth defect, genetic syndrome, or other medical complication are often left to sort out their responses on their own. As co-founders of the network Be Not Afraid, for almost ten years, we have had the privilege of supporting parents who carry their babies to […]