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All Articles

Poem: “A Poet’s Whisper”
A Poet’s Whisper Whisper through a blazing trail With careful steps on burning coals With thoughtful deeds in freezing homes Give pure white thoughts to blackened souls. A whisper is a light entwined In darkness set just for a time, A steeple high above the night, A shadow dimmed in morning’s light Whisper visions to […]

Poem: “Hush”
Hush The nuns of Puebla were disbanded One hundred fifty years ago In Mexico The dark Reform of Juarez came, O General, you put the nuns away In private life to pray or not to pray No convents, nor in clericals Would Bishops or their priests be dressed, Nor would as Father be addressed So […]

Planned Parenthood’s Core Principle: The Ethics of Misinformation
Twisted values have always been a Planned Parenthood hallmark whether discussing the human rights of the preborn or a believer’s right to love God. No matter what the right thing to do might be, you can count on Planned Parenthood to do the opposite. For example, during the November 2 hearing on Capitol Hill which […]

Polish Priest Discovers He is a Jewish Holocaust Survivor
Imagine you are a Catholic priest in your 30s. Suddenly, at your mother’s deathbed, your world is turned completely upside-down. This was Polish Father Romuald Waszkinel experience when he learned that his real name is Yaacov (Jacob) Weksler and that his birth mother was a Jew. His Jewish Mother, Batia, had given him to Polish […]

Why Holidays Should Be Holy Days
In an effort to grab a bigger piece of Holiday Shopper Pie, major retailers have altered their “after Thanksgiving” hours such that they’ve begun to cut deeper into the Thanksgiving Holiday itself. In recent years, chains such as Target, Kohls, Macy’s, Wal-Mart, and Best Buy had opened their doors to customers in the wee hours […]

Poem: “Sailor’s Calm”
Sailor’s Calm Calm serene days Sizzling stifling doldrums… Crystal clear depths Beneath a silver blue mirror A sailor’s calm… “Calm seas do not make a skilled sailor” Off in the distance Mushroom clouds inflate! Horizon blackens Trade wind wall shatters the calm The mirror splinters Small glittering shards, dancing lights Shards fade to gray Then black […]

Find Me Somebody to Organ-Rob–Alive or Dead
Organ-robbing is something that, in polite company, is referred to as organ donation or organ removal from a “dead” body or some similar term. The idea is to persuade the public that donating a vital organ is a brilliant idea, and since the person making the donation is dead, who’s to care? Well, folks, you […]

Leading Biotech Company Abandons Embryonic Stem Cells
For years, the Geron Corporation has been touting its embryonic stem cell program as the future of regenerative medicine. Just last year, it became the first company to begin human trials on a treatment derived from embryonic stem cells. This Monday, however, citing financial constraints as the primary reason, Geron announced that it has terminated these […]

Unwed Mom Factor Not in Maternity Leave Data
It’s good news or bad news, depending on the headline. Last week, Census Bureau statistics on the percentage of working new mothers who receive paid maternity leave prompted two kinds of stories. There’s the “glass is half full” variety, such as this one from “Census Report: Over half of working mothers get paid leave.” […]

Co-Redemptrix? Thinking Critically About Mary
I have great love for Mary of Nazareth, the God-bearer, whose womb housed Divine Wisdom. Given my tender feelings, I undertake this article with hesitation, lest I should appear hostile. Nothing would upset me more than to dishonor our Lady, whose submission allowed the Eternal Logos to assume man’s frail flesh. Nevertheless, I feel compelled […]

A Coffee Break with Mother Teresa and Blessed John Paul II
I am not a coffee drinker; my mother on the other hand, having grown up in New Orleans, would gulp down ten to twelve cups a day. But not me. So what do I do on my coffee break? I indulge in a quick read here at Catholic Lane or on my other favorite Catholic […]

Poem: “The Coldest Fire in the World”
The Coldest Fire in the World Black Gum leaf is crimson black And on a branch a red winged hawk Dark becomes the autumn dusk Through the branches crossed and blessed Electric yellow in the west Mice go timid from their nests Down the yellow poplar tree Leaves let go, the hands float free The […]

Gerson Blows Whistle on Obama’s Anti-Catholic Policy — Time to Step Up
A faith removed from lived experience is no faith at all (James 2:14ff). Our faith concerns the totality of the human person, the shape of culture, with a commitment to building a “civilization of love.” The political arena is a very specific place we are called to “go into the world” (Matt. 28:19). So it was […]

The New Roman Missal: There Will Be Blood
“For all” to “for many” Of all the changes in the new translation, two small words used by the priest at the consecration are evoking the most questions. Those two words are “for many.” Currently, the priest refers to Jesus’ blood as having redemptive value “for all”: “This is the cup of My blood, the […]

Sandy – or the Making of a Pearl
When I was in 4th grade, I wrote my first short story. My teacher was the first in my school who wanted to try a “creative classroom.” After we finished our assigned work, she had stations we could go to with extra projects. One included story starts. I took one of the cards and wrote […]

Nurses: Hospital Still Pressuring Us to Do Abortions Despite Court Order
Twelve nurses at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ) said on Monday that the hospital is continuing to pressure them to perform abortion-related services, despite a restraining order issued by a court Nov. 3. “In October, we were suddenly confronted with a choice between our faith and our jobs,” said Fe […]

Green Fiascoes and Boondoggles
A barrage of news headlines on the Solyndra scandal continue to remind us that President Obama made green jobs one of his administration’s priorities. Those headlines also reveal this initiative to have been a costly mistake. The bankruptcy of Solyndra, the solar-panel manufacturer that has collapsed despite receiving half a billion dollars from the federal […]

I Can’t Believe I Almost Missed This
I woke up this morning to the most glorious sound. Well, first I woke up to someone throwing a laundry basket at my door before he went downstairs, but after that I woke up to the squeals and giggles of an (almost) 12 week old baby girl – our tenth baby (on earth). As I […]

Your Relationship Deserves a Good Home, Part II
Home is the place where we feel safe, where we can shut out the world, enjoy the people we love and who love us, be accepted for who we are, and always go if something is wrong. Home is the place where we grow into the person we are called to be. Those whose home […]

Poem: “The Roast Beef Hour”
The Roast Beef Hour Cloth of cream China plate Crystal vases Decorate. Blossoms orange Mums of yellow Autumn eve A Sunday mellow. Sterling silver Piney vapor Scents the air From brass held taper. Dad and mom Sipping wine Roasting beef Upon we’ll dine. Chilly children Crunch on leaves Runny noses Wiped on sleeves. Whipped potatoes […]

‘Vegetative’ Patients May Be Fully Conscious: Lancet Study
A study published in one of the most respected medical journals in the world this month has found that many “vegetative” patients are in fact fully conscious and aware. Experts at the University of Western Ontario conducted the experiment by applying an electroencephalogram (EEG) machine, a common mechanism for measuring brain waves, to a large […]

Pakistan: Christians Suffer Discrimination in Prisons
Christian prisoners in Pakistan’s jails are suffering severe discrimination, according to a local Catholic lawyer. Moazzam Aslam Bhatti reported his claims of anti-Christian prejudice to staff from Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), who are currently visiting projects which the Catholic charity is supporting in the country. Mr. Bhatti said that Christians are marginalized […]

The Not-So-Pacific Pacific
Suddenly, it seems, President Obama is all about the Pacific. As he put it at a weekend summit of the region’s leaders in Hawaii, “The United States is a Pacific power and we are here to stay.” Unfortunately, thus far in his presidency, Mr. Obama has caused many of his guests to see America as […]

The Risk of Creation
“I cannot tell how you came into my womb: for I neither gave you breath nor life, neither was it I that formed the members of every one of you; but doubtless the Creator of the world, Who formed the generation of man, and found out the beginning of all things, will also of His […]