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Lay Initiative Brings Catholic Radio to Fastest-Growing U.S. Diocese
What do a 70-year-old widow and a 45-year-old father of five have in common? Three things: They both reside in the Archdiocese of Atlanta (the fastest growing archdiocese in the country), they are long time friends and they both had a goal of starting a Catholic radio station in their diocese. After much prayer, Mark […]

Vatican Hosts International Conference on Adult Stem Cell Research
Don’t ever let anyone tell you that the Catholic Church is “anti-science” or against stem cell research. Actually, she is very much in favor of stem cell research, so long as tiny human beings are not created, used and destroyed in the process, and now she’s putting her money where her mouth is with regard […]

“Nothing Dramatic” — Karl Blake’s War Story
“It was nothing dramatic,” says Dr. Karl E. Blake of Wexford, Pennsylvania, retired surgeon and member of the World War II generation, “but it was important, and no one has written about it, at least that I’ve seen.” I got an unexpected call from Dr. Blake last Memorial Day, mid-afternoon, after just returning from the […]

Don’t it Make My Blue Eyes Green
I had one of those days last week. The kind that starts out with a bad hair morning and snowballs into: I have no cute clothes, I’m a lousy writer, I’m a bad mom, etc. Naturally, this “I’m-Not-Good-At-Anything” day morphed into a “She’s-Good-At-Everything” day. Yes, the green-eyed monster reared its ugly head. [Please note: in […]

Nigerian Catholics at Risk
Renegade politicians whipping up religious hatred are to blame for bloodshed and violence in northern Nigeria according to the local bishop who says the police have failed in their duty to protect the people. Bishop Oliver Dashe Doeme of Maiduguri said local politicians were exploiting the region’s religious divisions to “whip up” anger in a […]

The Mercy of God, Not the Merit of Man
The matter of grace is a real puzzle. There is obviously tension between the freedom of man and the providence of God, both of which are affirmed by the church. Right from the start, let me state that I do not think this enigma is fully solvable. Our minds are unfit to comprehend the interaction […]

A Call to Patriotism
Thomas Joseph Dudley, USMC died in Afghanistan during combat on July 7, 2011. He was 29 years old, married, and had three children. He was laid to rest in Rock Hill, SC on July 15, 2011 amid an outpouring of patriotism and support for his young family. During Staff Sergeant Dudley’s funeral, his young son, in […]

Sexual Politics and the GOP Kaleidoscope
Theodore Roosevelt’s great image of politics as a kaleidoscope hardly captures the present pandemonium over Herman Cain’s alleged sexual misdeeds. For a Republican primary, usually a pretty button-down affair, this is pretty steamy stuff. Compared to Bill Clinton’s escapades-proven, admitted and forgiven by his wife, Hillary — this matter is still in the realm of […]

The New Roman Missal: The Confiteor and the Gloria
In the prayer known as the Confiteor (which begins, “I confess to almighty God…”), the new translation cultivates a more humble, sorrowful attitude toward God as we confess our sins and accept responsibility for our wrongdoings. Instead of simply saying, “I have sinned through my own fault,” as was done in the old translation, we […]

Ark of Grace Ch. 8, Was Mary Rebuked by Jesus?
Chapter 8 Was Mary Rebuked by Jesus? Those who read the Holy Scriptures without any knowledge of biblical languages, sometimes fall into serious misinterpretations of the text. One good example of such misunderstandings is “Jesus’ rebuke of Mary” at the time of the wedding in Cana of Galilee. Was Jesus ever disrespectful of his mother? […]

Paterno, Pedophiles, Homosexuals, and Cowards
Coach Jerry Sandusky, the now notorious pedophile, and his boss, coach Joe Paterno, have some Catholic background. Paterno played football for a Catholic high school in New York. The New York Times states that Paterno is a “practicing Catholic.” The most I could ascertain about Sandusky is that his paternal grandparents emigrated from Poland. To […]

Poem: “De Profundis”
De Profundis Every Sacrament I could… Immersed my soul In graces good. Every penance That I uttered In fear and trepidation Shuddered. Every child I birthed in pain I offered Him So souls would gain. And now my soul In night won’t cease For you my prayers… De Profundis. Hilary M. Flanery

Perry’s Tax Proposal Would Harm Marriage: Schlafly
Although Texas Gov. Rick Perry has been embraced by some as an ideal presidential candidate for mainstream social conservatives, he has at least one strong critic in conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly, who says his tax plan would damage society by undermining marriage. In an op-ed for, Schlafly wrote that the governor’s 20 percent “flat-tax” […]

Onward, Christian Soldiers
Liberals are nervous. They should be. As the 2012 election grows closer a soft rumble builds throughout thousands of Evangelical Christian churches across America. Pastors and churchgoers alike are waking up to the disturbing reality that we as a nation have strayed drastically from our historical Judeo-Christian moorings. Though many may try, none can honestly […]

Searching for the Better Part
I’ve long been confused by the story of Martha and Mary from Luke 10:38-42. It reads: As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what […]

Poem: “In What Way do you Know of Death?”
In What Way do you Know of Death? He said: There is no afterlife, no God I asked him for his date of birth His time of death He knew when he was born On the basis of authority For he did not have full sentience then But as for when he dies He says: […]

The Abortion Fight Cannot Rest
October, the month of the rosary and the Pro-life Rosary Campaign, is over. Forty Days for Life has just ended. Things will quiet down until January with the various state marches and the National March for Life. There will be various prayer vigils before the march. In the spring there will be a new Forty […]

‘Glee’ Displays Gay Teen Sex in Prime-time
This week’s episode of Fox Television’s prime-time musical comedy show Glee featured two teenage couples, one heterosexual and one homosexual, engaging in sex for the first time. Titled “The First Time,” the episode depicted two couples – a young man and woman, Finn and Rachel, and two young men, Kurt and Blaine – each losing […]

Is Conservatism Incoherent? (Or, Pogo Was Right)
The question posed in the title might itself be somewhat problematic, since “conservatism” is not one thing, but a rich and often contentious variety of positions. Nevertheless, a sufficiently large portion of conservatism marries a social and religious traditionalism with a more or less pure capitalism. But is this a suitable marriage? For what we […]

KC Star Omits Story on Top Episcopal Bishop
[On Monday], the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP) held a press conference in front of the Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph to bring attention to a case involving an Episcopal priest, Bede Parry, who is being charged with molesting young boys while he was […]

Why Does the Crucifix “Provoke” Muslims?
For a religion that is perpetually “misunderstood,” the consistency of Islam is remarkable. Consider how ostensibly diverse issues—complaints of “human rights” abuses at an American university and murder in an Egyptian classroom—are interconnected. First, the American story. According to Fox News: The Washington, D.C. Office of Human Rights confirmed that it is investigating allegations that […]

Poem: “Chance”
Chance I’ve heard some men of a wiser lot Assert the premise that all was naught; That man and woman, bird and beast Were plucked by chance, and by chance deceased. That life is chance, and a chance but one, So live it up before you’re done. But might I chance to question them, Haven’t […]

Knowing God is for Us as Catholic Men
What then shall we say to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but handed him over for us all, how will he not also give us everything else along with him? Who will bring a charge against God’s chosen ones? It is […]

Friendless in the Middle East
The Arab upheavals of 2011 have inspired wildly inconsistent Western responses. How, for example, can one justify abiding the suppression of dissidents in Bahrain while celebrating dissidents in Egypt? Or protect Libyan rebels from government attacks but not their Syrian counterparts? Oppose Islamists taking over in Yemen but not in Tunisia? Such ad hockery reflects […]