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ECJ On Stem Cell Patents: A Tremendous Pro-life Victory
The European Court of Justice (ECJ, the EU’s supreme judiciary instance) [last Wednesday] issued a judgment (C=34/10, Brüstle vs. Greenpeace) clarifying that (1) no patents can be issued for inventions involving “the use for human embryos for industrial or commercial purposes” as this would be “contrary to order public or morality”, and (2) that this prohibition also […]

Mission Accomplished?
After nearly a decade of deployments, surges, and setbacks, after thousands of lives lost and over one trillion in taxpayers dollars spent, President Obama has announced that – in keeping with the timetable originally established by President Bush – all U.S. troops will withdraw from Iraq by the end of the year. At a time […]

Your Relationship Deserves a Good Home
“With the Lord, there is mercy and fullness of redemption.” This responsorial psalm is derived from Psalm 130, which has the trembling words “If Thou, O Lord, should mark iniquities, who could stand?” In other words, if You keep a record of sins, who could ever make it to heaven? How true. We are committed […]

Poem: “Watchman, What of the Night?”
Watchman, What of the Night? “Black, my friend, black as pitch, yet ever darkening. Those who live do sleep Some, troubled, tossing, groaning, dreaming of evils, Fearful of life, fearing personal poverty. “Sleeping in death are Paine, John and Abigail Adams, Franklin, Jefferson, the men of Washington, Who fought, died, for truths they held self-evident. […]

In Public, Keep What You “Believe” About Abortion to Yourself
Given the recent incoherent attempts by Herman Cain to articulate what he claims is a pro-life position, it is apparent that he needs some lessons in how to make the prolife case — if indeed, he is pro-life. If he is pro-life, then some humility is in order, like recognizing that his answers so far have […]

The Vatican Said What?! Read the Text for Yourself
The important piece of news out of Rome today is that the Vatican has allegedly called for a “central world bank” in reponse to the continuing speculation and instability in the world financial system. I say “allegedly” because the text in which this call appears is not by Pope Benedict, but by a Vatican office, […]

Vatican Council Calls for Financial Reform
The Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace issued a document today titled, “Toward Reforming the International Financial and Monetary Systems in the Context of Global Public Authority.” Commenting on it is Catholic League president Bill Donohue: There has been much hyperventilation from some quarters over the release of this document. All of it is unwarranted. […]

Needed: Political Leaders that Serve Christ the King
I recently came across a perennially timely quote by William Penn — the colonial American proponent of democracy and religious freedom who founded Pennsylvania: “A people who will not be ruled by God are destined to be ruled by tyrants.” Even though Penn was a Quaker who was harshly critical of other faiths, in particular those […]

Rain and Sun
A few years back, a Princeville, Illinois family I know hosted an Italian teen for the summer. This young man enjoyed many parts of his summer, but was mystified by the weather. In the rural Midwest, during the summer, a storm can pass every few days or so, so that at least three or four […]

The Call to be Disciples as Catholic Men
Then James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to him and said to him, “Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you.” He replied, “What do you wish me to do for you?” They answered him, “Grant that in your glory we may sit one at your right and […]

Parenting Advice from the Brink
The Gray Lady ran an opinion column this weekend by Emily Rapp, mother to 18-month-old Ronan. Ronan has Tay-Sachs disease and, by all medical estimates, will die in a particularly gruesome manner before he is three. The subject is chilling, but I was particularly struck by her critical analysis–wisdom gained in suffering–of our parenting culture. […]

Being Pro-life with the Saints
One of the most central elements to the Catholic pro-life movement is prayer. As Catholics we have the power of the communion of saints and in my own reflection, I have come to identify a handful of saints who could be considered “co-patrons” of the pro-life movement. The Holy Family exemplifies for us a common […]

Greed is a Real Sin
There is a lot of talk on the streets and in the media about a thing called “corporate greed.” This greed is supposed to reside in entities called corporations that are somehow exploiting people to make a profit by valuing profit over people. The only problem with this construction is that a corporation is a […]

Book Review and Parents’ Guide: The Hunger Games Trilogy
***Spoiler Alert—The plot is discussed here in detail for parental benefit. I intend for the level of detail I provide here to help facilitate a discussion with your child even if you have not read the series yourself. Parents want to know who their children are spending time with, what music they are listening to, […]

The Radical Rabbi and the Great Commandment
They are at it again. In this Sunday’s gospel Jesus’ opponents enlist a lawyer to do what lawyers do best- ask a question that puts a person on the hot seat. “Which commandment of the law is the greatest?” (Matthew 22:34-40). If the law consisted in only the Ten Commandments, this would be tough enough. […]

Film Review: John Paul II: The Man, The Pope, and His Message
Catholics have long enjoyed the work of papal videographer Alberto Michelini. Now, under a special arrangement with the Vatican, a four DVD set on the life of Blessed John Paul II has been made available. It contains five hours of dramatic documentary footage, organized by topic into ten films that are each 30 minutes in […]

In Politics, Money Talks
They say that money is the mother’s milk of politics, and now that the field of Republican presidential hopefuls has solidified, the media has locked onto fundraising numbers as the primary means of measuring the viability of the candidates. Not surprisingly, establishment favorite Mitt Romney is far and away the best funded candidate. Rick […]

The Difference Respect for Human Dignity Makes
As many of you have already witnessed the disturbing video of a young Chinese girl involved in a hit and run and seemingly ignored by the whole world as she lay on the street with life-threatening injuries, it prompts the question: do we truly see ourselves as children of God? If you were to pose […]

Detacho: Modular Dollhouses for Fractured Families
Okay, now this is just sad. Toys help children to learn and prepare them for life. That’s why industrial designer Ben Forman ( has introduced a new dollhouse to help today’s modern preschooler prepare for the inevitable unhappy changes in her family structure. It’s called Detacho. Detacho families, like so many contemporary American families, can […]

Poem: “Don’t be Gloomy…”
Don’t be Gloomy… Don’t be gloomy, we could be As cheerless falling from the tree, Scarlet, crimson, dark of gold Rich with browns of autumn mold Let the wind swing out, detach The wings of us the earth to catch, Do not grieve or boast thereof, It is more colorful to love We are born […]

The Word of God Takes Root in Thessalonica
“For our gospel did not come to you in word alone but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with much conviction” (1 Thess 1:5). In ancient times the city of Thessalonica was an important trade city situated along the Via Egnatia, the Roman Empire’s major east-west thoroughfare, running from Byzantium to the […]

Movie Review: The Mighty Macs
The Mighty Macs is the kind of film that makes you want to cheer from your seats. It’s a Cinderella in basketball sneakers story of an underdog earning the crown. The film is based on the true story of the 1971-72 Immaculata University women’s basketball team. This small — under 800 students — Catholic women’s […]

Catholic Historical Sci-Fi for Teens,Young Adults: Young Chesterton Chronicles
The Tripods Attack! is the first book in the Young Chesterton Chronicles, an adventure series aimed at middle and high-school age boys. Its main character is a fictional, teenaged GK Chesterton. In The Tripods Attack! Gilbert fights off an alien invasion with the help of his mentor, Father Brown, and his best friend, the youthful […]

Snowmen: A Film for Humans
As I walked into the theater for a screening of Snowmen, the film’s publicist handed me materials and remarked that there was no sex and no explosions, “just cute kids in snow.” She was right, but that doesn’t fully explain why this movie is good. Goodness cannot be defined by what it is not. In […]