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Muslim Persecution of Christians: September, 2011
An especially busy month in the persecution of Christians in the Muslim world, September also witnessed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton release the Annual Report on International Religious Freedom. Ironically, aside from Iran and Sudan, none of the countries that habitually appear in this series were designated as “countries of particular concern,” defined by the […]

Protect Life Act Debate: Pro-abort Rep. Can’t Bring Herself to Say ‘Heartbeat’
The other week I drew attention to a shocking videoin which a number of Planned Parenthood representatives repeatedly urged university students to ignore the science about when life begins. Not only did they suggest that the science has no bearing at all upon the debate about abortion, but they appeared even to cast doubt on […]

Poem: “The Boarder Baby”
The Boarder Baby A boarder baby comes Into this hospice world A miracle wrapped In a flesh caftan Breathing heaven’s air From the womb of time Syllables from the Talmud Trickle softly from His parted lips Into mystery. In his throat Stars sing Canticles to the sun until Silver nitrate psalms Poured the root of […]

Occupy the Republic?
A memorable moment in the Occupy Wall Street movement this month took place in Atlanta, when Congressman John Lewis (D, GA) showed up and expressed a desire to address the assembly. Rep. Lewis has a busy schedule, and when asked to wait his turn he walked out. Elitist types on both ends of the political […]

Render to Caesar
Despite their flattering words, they were trying to trap him, to force him into a no win situation. Consider the circumstances. They are living under the iron boot of a brutal empire which filled the earth with its idolatry. Patriotic Jews longed to throw off the tyrants’ yoke. They prayed for an anointed king who […]

Poem: “Wager”
Wager On that day as dusk became He gambled in a deadly game, Indemnity for them or no: Here, see the flesh and blood I throw If I lose, their death has won, Forever yielding dust to dust, See the crown that I throw down: Pride and malice, greed and lust I am the gamble […]

Blessed Pope John Paul II and St. Don Bosco’s Dream of The Two Columns
Most Catholics have heard about Saint Don Bosco and the order he founded based on the spirituality and charism of Saint Francis de Sales, today called the Salesians, which are divided up into Fathers, Brothers and Sisters. The idea of founding such a religious community within the Catholic Church was primarily to help young boys, […]

Poem: “Shifting Sands”
Shifting Sands I have seen the trees grow tall And wondered how they got so big. I have watched them blush in fall Then strip to bony branch and twig. I have counted every wave That crept across the open sea. I have seen them swell so brave Then clap the shore of eternity. I […]

Anointing in The Pastoral Letter of James of Jerusalem
As a priest I am called upon to administer the sacraments of healing: anointing and confession. Often these sacraments are dispensed together, when I visit people in their homes, at the hospital, or at nursing homes. Most people are familiar with confession but frequently I am met with a look of bewilderment from the patients […]

Franciscan Sci-Fi: An Interview with Author John (Coleman) McNichol – Class of ‘92
In the midst of living your vocation did you ever wonder what became of some of your college classmates? Since graduating in 1992 I have been continually surprised at how fellow Franciscan University alums have popped up on the radar — locally and nationally. Seeing Regina Doman’s books on the shelf of a local Catholic […]

Obama is Alienating Catholic Voters
Catholics make up about a quarter of the American electorate and have backed the popular-vote winner in every presidential election since 1972. That track record continued through 2008: While weekly churchgoing Catholics slightly favored Sen. John McCain, Catholics as a whole backed President Barack Obama by a margin of 54 to 45 percent. Given the […]

The Rosary: A Weapon of Mass Instruction, Part 2
The Joyful Mysteries continued… 3. The Nativity of the Lord And it came to pass that when they were there, Mary’s days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her first born son and wrapped him up in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger: because there was no room […]

Poem: “Incantations would not Work”
Incantations would not Work You are a ripple in a cup And call that little wave: Myself, But ocean runs and ocean rolls Immense and savage, ill-consoled, It comes from nowhere you can see Fingers skyward breaking free Do not betray the sea or else It will revenge its moving self, How many rippled cups […]

General Boykin’s Comments Reflect Pro-life, Pro-family Experiences
The comments of Lieutenant General Jerry Boykin at the Value Voters Summit accurately reflect what very many pro-family leaders have experienced for years as they have valiantly struggled to defend traditional family life and sexual morality. This has especially been the case regarding abortion, but even more so on the issue of homosexuality. Religious leaders […]

Army General: ‘Where Were the Churches’ in DADT Fight?
One of America’s most seasoned war generals expressed frustration at the silence of Christian churches as the U.S. military’s ban on open homosexuality fell to a repeal effort earlier this year. At the Values Voter Summit on Saturday, Lieutenant General Jerry Boykin described the exasperation of pro-family leaders in Washington who found themselves abandoned by church […]

Why Should Lay People Fast for Priests?
Jesus said “Behold, I will be with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28-20). In all the centuries since His resurrection, with the rising and the setting of the daily sun, Christ has descended to be with us, always. Every time a priest has proclaimed “This is my body…. This is […]

Free Market Sweden, Social Democratic America
Two historic countries, moving in opposite — and unexpected — directions. “Sweden” isn’t the first word that normally crosses our minds when we hear the expression “free market.” But if President Obama, Paul Krugman, Warren Buffett, and other progressives want to find ways out of America’s seemingly-intractable economic crisis, they might consider looking to the […]

Tiny Violins and Tissues
Oh, look: Another study conducted on what the undervalued, average American Housewife/ Full Time Mom would earn if she actually received an annual salary. Oh, look: More bank executives getting paid millions of dollars to not work. That’s right, Bank of America just fired Sallie Krawcheck, (now former) president of wealth and investment management and […]

UN Women: Right to Abortion = Right to Justice
While many Americans took last Monday off for Columbus day, the Third Committee of the General Assembly at the United Nations was meeting in its 66th session to discuss Item 28 (a,b) concerning the Advancement of Women internationally. Arriving at the UN earlier than usual, we were surprised to find the Third Committee present in […]

Graceful Surprises Build a Family
Twenty-six years ago today, I gave birth to our first born. Amazing how those years slipped by so quickly. Now he’s a grown man with hopes and dreams of his own, and I feel privileged at being able to witness how they unfold. I remember the day I found out I was pregnant with him. […]

Poem: “The Call”
The Call Two old aunts After many decades were called To raise an orphaned nephew Angels left behind but could not tame Into holiness; he was empty, So they feasted him On their sacrificing. When he needed gates, They petitioned a builder For a small house; they didn’t own A down payment. Their prayers And […]

How to Change the World
The alignment of a few highly visible events this month provide an opportunity to consider the most important topic before us: life. There is the death of Apple founder, Steve Jobs; there is the 40 Days for Life campaign that takes place around the country; and finally there are the “Occupy” sit-ins around the country, […]

Love Is Strong As Death
What has heaven to do with earth? Does the Divine One care about the comings and goings of men? After all, He is “the God of gods and the Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome” (Deuteronomy 10:17). Even Solomon wondered whether or not the Creator really deigns to walk among His creatures: […]

We’ve Been ZIRPed
It isn’t easy to earn interest income these days. Interest rates on government T-bills, banks’ savings accounts, and certificates of deposit are microscopic. You can blame our government and central bank. They have “ZIRPed” millions of American savers. Here are the details: According to the U.S. Treasury Department, the average interest rate paid on federal […]