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Optimum Global Energy Supply: A Technological Summary
The purpose of this essay is to introduce you to the self-replicating organic fusion energy converter. Fusion energy, as you may know, is the dream of engineers. Fusion energy is produced when atoms collide together and fuse to form new elements. Now, when this fusion process occurs, energy is released. The challenge in energy production […]

Appreciating the Simple Moments
Today was a beautiful fall day and I spent some of it outside blowing bubbles with a two-year-old. I would blow the bubbles and he would chase them and try to catch them – giggling with delight the whole time. As I blew the bubbles again and again, I couldn’t help but reflect on the […]

Wishing I was Wrong About the Occupiers
I hate to say it, but watching the various YouTube videos of the “Occupy Wall Street” protests and reading accounts of protesters’ goals and “demands” prompts me to shake my head with a resigned “I told you so.” I’ve been warning this was coming. Recently, Regnery Publishing released my new book, Don’t Let the Kids […]

Poem: “The Mountains Tremble”
The Mountains Tremble How many useless words and few: The loving prophet and the fool, For one the Father that He knew And for the other useless tools A fool is like a winter rain That rises up before it sinks With clouds of gray prophetic pain Profound as death before he thinks No one […]

Major Pro-Life Legal/Scientific Document Launched at UN Headquarters
It is commonplace now for UN officials and American law professors to tell foreign governments that they are required by international law to liberalize their abortion laws. Just last month the UN Special Rapporteur on Health issued a report making this claim. The Secretary General endorsed his report. Shortly thereafter the UN High Commission on […]

The Most Important Person
Every child deserves to be the most important person in the world to someone. The ever pithy Lou Holtz, who said of himself: “I’m so old I don’t even buy green bananas anymore,” once made an observation to the effect of: “80% of people don’t care about you one way or the other. 19% of […]

Obama, the Pill, and Catholics: The Sham
The Obama administration is close to proclaiming from its glass mountaintop the final decision to require most health insurers to cover contraceptives, the morning-after pill, and elective sterilization. The public comment period is over. The people have spoken into that vacuum known as government of the people, by the people, and for the administration. The […]

Ark of Grace Ch.6, Mary and the Brothers of Jesus
Chapter 6 Mary and the Brothers of Jesus If Mary is ever-virgin, who are then the “brothers” of Jesus mentioned in several places in the Gospels? Mark 6, 1-4 — He went away from there and came to his own country; and his disciples followed him. And on the sabbath he began to teach in […]

Poem: “All God’s Creatures”
All God’s Creatures My house It has some termites. My house It is their feast. My house God gave Them termites He really likes them beast. But just like me Them termites Were made by God Creator And God His Greatest work? The termite Exterminator! Hilary McRee Flanery

The Miles Jesu Intervention: Through the Eyes of a Former Member
Andrew Sullivan was a member of Miles Jesu for 28 years, a priest for seven years and served as General Secretary of the Society of Miles Jesufor four years. Miles Jesu, a Catholic religious congregation underwent a visitation by the Vicariate of Rome in 2007 and later a Commissioner was appointed to take control and re-found […]

Discovering Jesus on Vacation Adventures
When my family visits other parishes during our travels, we’re touched and uplifted spiritually. If I copied Geoffrey Chaucer and his tales of Canterbury, I could call them Biever Tales. But then people would think of something else, and my purpose would be lost. In Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, many pilgrims share stories on their journey. In their […]

A Renewed Call to Faithful Citizenship and the Priority of Life
[Author’s note: This week the US House of Representatives will vote on a very important Bill, the Protect Life Act (HR 358) which would bar abortion funding in the President’s health care law. Call your Representative in Congress today and ask him or her to vote YES on the Protect Life Act. You can call the […]

Christian Maturity and Mitt Romney
In 1983, I became an ordained minister in the Southern Baptist Convention, and I arrived there, ironically, thanks in part to the loving support of several good Mormons. Prior to my ordination I had studied in a variety of schools including Bucknell University, Bangor Theological, Pacific School of Religion, Jesuit School of Theology, and Golden […]

Living What We Believe as Catholic Men
When Jesus went into the region of Caesarea Philippi* he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist,* others Elijah, still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter said […]

Looking for Salvation in All the Wrong Places
The need to worship is hardwired into the human psyche. Yet, as unfashionable as it’s become in the last century to worship the God of Creation, the same cannot be said of the worship of political heroes. The most notable — and horrific — examples that come to mind are found in the frenzied, almost religious zeal […]

Poem: “Where was the Wind?”
Where was the Wind? She was riding the powerful gelding, Jack, In the shadows cast on the narrow trail When the trees above her, soaring poplars Whipped like masts from side to side Poles on a ship in a switching gale Pitching hard in baffled seas No wind there to move the trees The rushing […]

Poem: “Like Jonah”
Like Jonah Hands shaking Stiff body aching Face white as a lily Your story so familiar Three days in the belly of that whale Forced your faith You set off running To where before you dared not go And saved a nation. I laugh because Now I understand Like so many others, Hands shaking Stiff […]

Martin Sheen Finds The Way on the Camino de Santiago
Lately it seems that many of my friends are either returning from a pilgrimage to a holy site in Europe or planning one. I long to make a pilgrimage too, but since it’s not in the budget right now, I’ll have to settle for living vicariously. Fortunately, a new movie titled The Way, starring Martin […]

The Sneakiest of the 7 Deadly Sins
At age 16, my life was about rock ‘n roll. If my own band was not performing on Saturday night, I was out in the audience, watching another band. It would have never occurred to me to spend my Saturday nights at a Catholic conference or retreat. True, no matter how late I was out, […]

Poem: “Before the Forests Burn”
Before the Forests Burn What happened to the animals after the eviction When man and woman, flesh and clay, were driven out from Eden, Would within, invisible, the beasts of Paradise Wander with a sense of vague and puzzled emptiness? Although the winds of evening cooled them in the shade Would they have sensed a […]

So Long, Freedom of Thought
The college years used to be known as a time to explore new ideas, adopt new identities and embrace — and discard — new affiliations. You could arrive on campus a political conservative and leave a liberal; enter a staunch atheist and exit a devout believer; declare yourself a biology major, then switch to theater […]

Sayles’ Amigo: Friend or Foe?
Imagine for a minute you are the mayor of a small town. Your country, which has been occupied by a foreign power for many years, has been liberated by a second foreign power. But, your liberators have decided to stay. You have traded one occupier for another. The foreign government demands your allegiance and cooperation in […]

The Rosary: A Weapon of Mass Instruction, Part 1
A number of saints have described the rosary as an effective weapon for helping Christians prevail in the spiritual battle that ever rages in our midst. In fact, so great is the rosary’s power that St. Pio of Pietrelcina even went so far as to say that it’s not simply a weapon; rather, “it is […]

On Steve Jobs, Roseanne Barr, and the Wall Street Mob
I got a double shock Thursday morning when I turned on my radio. “Steve Jobs has passed away,” I heard a DJ remark. “That’s a shame.” Yes, it is a shame. I was saddened to hear that. I was equally shocked as I turned the dial and heard something even more deadly. It was a […]