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Hello? Anybody out there?
Draw yourself an organization chart representing the Catholic Church. What you’ll get is a sketch of an ecclesiastical institution that on paper looks like a genuine world class internal communication machine. Those boxes and lines could lead the beholder to suppose that if the Pope says something on Monday morning, then by the following Sunday […]

In Perilous Times We Need the Rosary
We live in such turbulent stressful times. We hear of disaster after disaster, Hurricane Irene, earthquakes, the Japanese tsunami, a record number of tornadoes, disastrous floods in the North East, fires and drought across the South West. Economically, each day seems to bring bad news. We may yet tip back into a recession. Crime and […]

Poem: “Climbing Home”
Climbing Home The trail I seldom trod, Keeps coming back to me. Though turning right or turning left, Its entrance still I see. I tried to take it once, In holy chivalry, Until my Guide was out of sight, Then felt I had to flee. They say it leads to home, That path of misery, […]

Double Your Blessings!
There are two devotions close to my heart and vital for the future of our Church and for the salvation of our souls — The Eucharist and the Rosary. May we rediscover each day a deeper and more abiding reverence and love for the Blessed Sacrament. May we also use this month — one which the Church […]

Remembering Steve Jobs, Entrepreneur Extraordinaire
As an entrepreneurship educator, studying the co-founder and former CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs, has been one of the great pleasures of the profession. At times, it even feels like an indulgence given the difficulty future technology leaders will surely have in replicating his contributions. In an industry where prices were continually being pushed down, […]

Class Warriors for Big Government
Acting as unofficial scorekeeper, Sojourners Founder and CEO Jim Wallis recently declared, “There really is a class war going on, and the upper class is winning.” However, many of the class warfare protesters who are taking to the streets to “occupy” Wall Street and American cities are the disgruntled children of well-to-do parents. A quick […]

Is Making Sacrifices “Stupid?”
I’m really not one to talk about voluntary sacrifices I make — the whole “do not let your right hand know what your left hand is doing” thing. It’s something between me and God. But, I happened to casually mention to a friend that I was basically doing another Lent for 40 Days for Life, […]

Islam’s History of Forced Conversions
Finding and connecting similar patterns of behavior throughout Islamic history is one of the most objective ways of determining whether something is or is not part of Muslim civilization. Consider the issue of forced conversion in Islam, a phenomenon that has a long history with ample precedents. Indeed, from its inception, most of those who […]

Clinging to Hope in Iraq
Christians in one corner of Iraq have tripled in number over the past 15 years according to a leading bishop who is grappling with an influx of people escaping persecution and oppression. Christians in Ankawa, a suburb of the Kurdish capital Erbil, have increased from more than 8,500 in the mid-1990s to more than 25,500 […]

Keeping the Lepanto Spirit
The feast of Our Lady of the Rosary – celebrated by the Church on October 7 – is my favorite Marian feast day in the liturgical year. The reason for this has less to do with my love of the Rosary than my intrigue over the Battle of Lepanto. Perhaps you remember that the Battle […]

Poem: “Before the Last Day”
Before the Last Day Along the creek side Where the trail descends, before the riffles Seethe among the great round stones Gray knucklebones A brown Arabian Glowing in the sunlight Fifteen hands high The rider stops then slowly nears As one who steps up to a stranger Imparting confidential messages – It is the morning […]

Vision of a ‘Just Society’ is Just Plain Funny
If you’ve been too busy holding down a job (or two), juggling the demands of a busy family, engaging in community service and occasionally taking the wife and children out for a pizza on a Saturday night, you may not have noticed that several thousand protesters have “occupied” Wall Street, the District and other locations […]

When Two Become None
Mexico City lawmakers are currently considering a further redefinition of the meaning of marriage. They are proposing to implement a policy that would allow couples to decide on the length of their commitment. The minimum contract would be two years, after which a couple could “re-up” if they decide they are happy with one another […]

U.S. Supreme Court Hears Most Important Religious Freedom Case in Decades
Today, U.S. Supreme Court Justices criticized the federal government’s argument that the Religion Clauses of the First Amendment do not apply to church decisions about hiring and firing ministers, calling the aggressive position “extraordinary” and “amazing.” The sentiment bridged the Court’s traditional ideological divisions, with Chief Justice Roberts, and Justices Kagan, Breyer, Scalia, and Alito […]

It’s Not Easy Subsidizing Green
The bankruptcy of “green jobs” darling Solyndra is still in the news because it could cost U.S. taxpayers $535 million due to a federal “stimulus” program loan guarantee. The Silicon Valley solar-panel maker’s failure comes on the heels of another “green” corporate-welfare beneficiary going under, Evergreen Solar. These deals were big losers for Americans. Both […]

“Show Me the Records,” Congress tells Planned Parenthood
When a Washington Post reporter broke the news last week that the abortion mega-provider Planned Parenthood is under investigation by Rep. Cliff Stearns and the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Americans United for Life was quickly at the center of the debate as a result of AUL’s ground-breaking report, “The Case for Investigating Planned […]

The State of Our Personal Catholic Higher Education Bubble
I am in a high state of agitation as I write this, because unless she is able to take off a year to work and then return to school with the same scholarship status, our daughter will have to leave a Catholic institution of higher learning after a straight-A freshman year. It was a calculated […]

Book Review: In Our Backyard
There’s a brutal invasion sweeping across our country, attacking our decency and humanity from the inside out. While we enjoy eating fresh produce, consuming chocolate candy, staying at a clean hotel, or getting our nails done, human trafficking has often been crouching in the background as a ruthless supplier for these goods and services. Other […]

A Soul’s Journey: Rosalind Moss becomes Mother Miriam
We are all on a journey — the journey of this life. It begins in the mystery of “not being” before we are conceived, and seems to end, humanly speaking, in the “not being” of death. From dust to dust. But faith — not precisely scientific, repeatable, experimentally verifiable knowledge, but a type of knowledge […]

Poem: “Proud Plum”
Proud Plum In orchard of Peach and cherry Apple, pear and plum Children ran and Played so merry Picking fruit from some Apple, peach Cherry, pear Bade the children come But one tree Kept limbs up high She was the purpled plum Between her branches Green with leaves She was morose and glum From childrens’ […]

Take Good Care of Your Health Care Records — Or the Government Will!
In another example of Obamacare overreach, the current administration is planning to pry into your private health care records. The proposed new regulation, issued by Secretary Kathleen Sebelius of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), demands that insurance companies submit detailed health care information about the patients they insure.* What this means, in […]

New Movie Project, Noah, Prompts Hope, Trepidation, Prayer
I received a press release yesterday about a new film project. In part it read: Paramount Pictures and New Regency Productions jointly announced today that Academy Award nominated director Darren Aronofsky will direct the feature film Noah, with Academy Award nominated screenwriter John Logan (Gladiator, The Aviator) coming aboard to re-write the script by Aronofsky & […]

A Visit to Assisi: Blessings and Spiritual Growth
Today, October 4th is the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi. Last year, on a pilgrimage to see the Shroud of Turin, north of Assisi in Italy, my travel companions (three teenage girls) and I got to spend a few special hours in Assisi. Seeing the Shroud left an indelible impression on me and spending time in […]

Win One of 5 Copies of Disney’s The Lion King
Robert Guillaume, 83 years young, provides the unique voice of Rafiki in Disney’s classic film The Lion King. Mr. Guillaume’s 50-plus year career includes accolades in both theater and TV. He won two Emmys (for Soap and Benson) and received a Tony nomination for his role in Guys and Dolls. I recently interviewed the charming […]