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Book Review: Francis Woke Up Early
One of the most vivid childhood memories is sitting in my parish church, gazing up at a large fresco of the Child Jesus and St Josephworking in their carpentry shop. I wondered what the pair discussed amid the rasping of their tools and fragrant wood shavings. My childish faith imagination helped me forge a deep […]

The Drama of Grace
In the Gospel of St. Matthew there is Jesus’ parable of the merciful master and the merciless servant. The master holds one of his servants accountable for a debt owed to the master, and is ready to order the servant and his family sold into bondage, and all of his property sold as well, for […]

Study: The Pill Causes Memory Changes
In case you missed it, the world celebrated Contraception Day 2011 on [September 26]. Here is USAID’s recognition of the day, complete with a happy Indian family with two children, (the average number the UN statisticians say Indians, and every other nation, will have by century’s end and a one child less than the average […]

Poem: “1927”
1927 Revolution virgin-pure Covered now in filthy sores, I wonder what he’d think of this: The paradox of class and war Between the lowly and the state – No servant of the Comintern Foretold which class the Party ate: I knew him at one hundred one Channeled Chinese generals For the International, Tangled with the […]

He Said What?! The How and How Not of Teaching by Personal Experience
“He said what?!” These were the first words that came out of my mouth when I heard my Confirmation teacher explicitly go into detail about how it was perfectly all right to have sex with your girlfriend if you truly “loved” her. Naturally, he told us he had sex with his girlfriend because he loved […]

Gov. Christie, Ronald Reagan, Woodrow Wilson and God’s Call
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is being urged to seek the Republican presidential nomination. There is a genuine groundswell for Christie. Asked [last] week at the Reagan Library whether he will enter the race, Christie gave a very interesting answer. Citing the example of Ronald Reagan, he stated: “I know, without ever having met President […]

Ladies, We Can’t Let Mormons Be the Only Ones with Empowering Underwear
Over the years I’ve shared many an undergarment adventure–from the Invisible Underwear investigation to the Perfect Panty my niece insisted I buy (yes I still talk to her). Finally, it appears my quest for THE brand has ended. And you know me, I’ve even found where to buy them at a discount. I mean please, […]

The Secret Weapon Against Abortion: An Interview with ‘180’ Creator Ray Comfort
After the pro-life documentary film 180 was published on the Internet [last] week, the spellbinding display of young people changing their views about abortion in real time was an instant hit, garnering over 320,000 views on Youtube in only four days (Click here to watch the movie on Youtube.). New Zealand Christian minister Ray Comfort, creator […]

Reflections for Sunday, October 9, 2011
Meditation and Questions for Reflection or Group Discussion (Isaiah 25:6-10; Psalm 23; Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20; Matthew 22:1-14) Accepting God’s Invitation to His Heavenly Wedding Banquet Many are invited, but few are chosen. (Matthew 22:14) “Don’t touch the stove; it will burn your fingers!” “Don’t cross the street until you look both ways.” Just as […]

The Good and Bad of Fear
We have often heard the quotation, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” The correct quote reads, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” This quote comes from the Inaugural address of Franklin D Roosevelt in 1932. Right after the infamous stock market crash of 1929, which led to the Great […]

Courageous is a Must-See Movie for Families.
I attended the opening night of Courageous with some trepidation. I had seen Fireproof, made by the same filmmakers, and I had not cared for it. Fireproof was just “okay” and I gave it an “A for Effort,” but, to my mind, the Christian message was too on-the-nose. But, last Friday night, some friends wanted […]

US Lambastes $238K Average UN Salaries and More
The US representative to the UN for mangagement and reform delivered a scathing critique of the new UN budget–which was delivered piecemeal and incomplete to donors and reflects a massive spending increase that outpaces inflation. With 15 reports still to be considered, the UN budget is already at “an alarming” $5.5B, the US said. Considered […]

Poem: “The Birch Tree”
The Birch Tree Shale-gray morn Lace in purse Thin-paged Missal Scriptural verse. Rosary rattles Scooped from table Will pray ‘fore Mass If I am able. Quiet still Children sleeping One more coffee For my keeping. Back porch view Conscience-clear Trees stand guard There’s naught to fear. For like the tree With anchored root When […]

The Call of Catholic Men to Daily Prayer
First of all, then, I ask that supplications, prayers, petitions, and thanksgivings be offered for everyone, for kings and for all in authority, that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all devotion and dignity. This is good and pleasing to God our savior, who wills everyone to be saved and to come […]

Poem: “Saint Teresa of Jesus”
Saint Teresa of Jesus This present life we live, she said A darkness at a lousy inn – Have you no patience then? Bedbugs scuttle in the bed, God send us the morning sun – When is dawn? This night is long Just one night, a restless dream, It will be shorter than it seems […]

Media Getting It About 40 Days for Life
The media likes 40 Days for Life — and we have the abortion industry to thank. No, I have not lost my mind just four days into the campaign! Yes, I know at the national level, the media seems to have an agenda that’s radically in favor of abortion. But I’m seeing 40 Days for […]

Fears for Christians in Syria
The situation of Christians in Syria could worsen under a new government. This was the fear voiced by Bishop Samir Mazloum of the Maronite Patriarchate of Antioch, in a discussion with international Catholic pastoral charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN). According to Bishop Mazloum, whose See is in Bkerke, Lebanon, the Church is […]

No Hijab, No Peace: Analyzing the Rye Playland Incident
In a controversy sure to fuel the accommodation debate, 15 people were arrested on August 30 at Rye Playland, an amusement park in Westchester County, New York, following a melee that involved Muslims objecting to the prohibition of head coverings on certain rides. One young woman’s refusal to remove her headscarf apparently led to altercations […]

A Shower of Roses
In the mid-1980’s, I spent a lot of time with Michelle, a seventeen year-old parishioner who suffered from a terminal brain tumor. In the last weeks of her life on Earth, I visited with her every day. It’s difficult to declare God’s love to a dying teenager and her family. It was a humbling way […]

Poem: “The Colorful Bottle and the Genie”
The Colorful Bottle and the Genie (A Parable) Some called it a lantern, When a candle was placed in it To set off its colors like errant rainbows Cut glass sapphire blues, ruby reds and emerald greens Once reflected A room’s lit chandeliers and flickering candles Others called it a vase When it held rare […]

Peace and Security
A few years ago, I toured northern England. There, stretching 73 miles from coast to coast, the Roman Emperor Hadrian built a massive wall. Constructed of stone, it was built to last, since it marked the northernmost boundary of the greatest empire the world had ever known. Soldiers from every corner of the world were […]

St. Remigius, Bishop
Remigius, or Remi, was born of noble and pious parents. At the age of twenty-two, in spite of the canons and of his own reluctance, he was acclaimed Archbishop of Rheims. He was unusually tall, his face impressed with blended majesty and serenity, his bearing gentle, humble, and retiring. He was also learned and eloquent, […]

The First Epistle of St. John
The Roman galley cruised through the surf and flotsam into the harbor on the island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea. While the galley slaves slumped exhausted across their oars, the convicts disembarked and formed a long chain bound for the penal colony and marched up the road to the sound of the lash and […]

Dolphin Tale and Rethinking Dominion
There are all kind of theories floating around about what life must have been like between Adam and Eve and the animals in the pre-fall Garden of Eden, but I wonder if it looked quite a bit like what I saw at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium last week. This impressive facility is the real-world setting […]