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Poem: “Quick to Live”
Quick to Live For Alys Thorpe Quick to live and quick to die, That’s how we live say you and I, But even mountains crumble fast Stone can flow and time is vast Look with some asperity: They are like rollers on a sea, They fall in eons of explosion, Shore-bound breakers in slow motion […]

“Sticks and Stones” and Down Syndrome Eugenics
As a young boy growing up a popular phrase taught was “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” This advice proved to be very useful in my childhood and very handy when as an adult I became a Police Officer and dealt with a barrage of inappropriate names from […]

The Call of Catholic Men to be Ministers of the Gospel
And you who once were alienated and hostile in mind because of evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his fleshly body through his death, to present you holy, without blemish, and irreproachable before him, provided that you persevere in the faith, firmly grounded, stable, and not shifting from the hope of the gospel that […]

Book Review: Extreme Makeover
If knowledge is, as they say, power, then you will find great empowerment in Teresa Tomeo’s latest book Extreme Makeover (Ignatius Press, October, 2011). Extreme Makeover: Women Transformed by Christ, Not Conformed to the Culture offers an excellent combination of facts, statistics, and personal testimonies to make this the sort of book that any reader […]

Why the Muslim Beard Bodes Trouble
To develop a thorough understanding of Islam, one must learn to “connect the dots.” For instance, Muslims who adhere to non problematic aspects of Islam, indirectly indicate their acceptance of problematic aspects of Islam—such as enmity for infidels, death for apostates, subjugation for women, and so on. Consider the Muslim beard. Because Muhammad wanted his […]

Well Met
Have you ever wondered how many people you’ll meet in your lifetime? I was on a road trip with my wife and kids last week and we stopped at the Worlds’ Loneliest McDonald’s. I’ve also been to what local urban legend reputes to be The World’s Busiest McDonalds. It stands all alone amid the never […]

Poem: “Sandbridge”
Sandbridge Great sentries of the eastern shore Who hold their ground against a savage sea, And defend each vulnerable house on stilts From the rising tide’s fatal entry. Their age is shown by grassy tops That swing and sway in the salty air, While catching white dust-like granules And pulling them into their lofty lair. […]

Poem: “A Hymn to the Sacrifice”
A Hymn to the Sacrifice I saw the truth of it Of death’s imprisonment, A circle under circles In the darkness of the devils Round and round a sphere was cast In the future and the past, Unbreakable and thick Except by flame and candle wick God’s magnificence descending From a glory never-ending – Life […]

Book Review: Be an Amazing Catechist: Sacramental Preparation
In a textbook example of blooming where you are planted, Long Island mom Lisa Mladinich is quietly building a successful second career by sharing what she has learned about passing the Catholic faith on to future generations. It’s hard to avoid the suspicion that she must have been a child prodigy in her first career. […]

Poem: “September Saturday”
September Saturday September September How I remember… Apple-pie cobblers Candy-corn gobblers Chewing waxed lips Wax bottle sips Smouldering leaf piles Autumn smoke hazed miles Friday night pancakes Thick syrup Mom makes Skinned up knees falling hard Running in the grade school yard Nine at night give thanks and pray For tomorrow’s a September… Saturday! Hilary […]

Historical Intersection: The Baptist and the Apostle
I did not go up to Jerusalem to those who were Apostles before me; rather, I went into Arabia — Galatians 1:17. John the Baptist was dead. Herod Antipas had had him executed to placate the cruelty of Herodias, his second wife, who had demanded that the king deliver to her the prophet’s head. An ugly night […]

Do We Question a Generous God?
The Gospel (Matthew 20: 1-16a) tells of a vineyard owner hiring and paying his workers. Some workers work all day. Others come at noon. Still others start work at three in the afternoon. The last group comes at five in the afternoon. In the evening, much to everyone’s surprise, everyone is paid the same! When […]

Win a Copy of Disney’s Dumbo 70th Anniversary DVD/Blue-Ray!
Comment on this article to enter the contest to win a free copy of the 70th Anniversary Dumbo DVD/Blue Ray combo pack! Remember that you must first log in or register as a new user in order to leave a comment.

Depersonalizing the Dementia Patient
Televangelist Pat Robertson made another high-profile gaffe last week when he told a caller on “The 700 Club” show that a husband who is tempted to cheat on his Alzheimer’s-stricken wife ought to leave her for someone new. “I know it sounds cruel,” Robertson said, “but if he’s going to do something, he should divorce […]

America’s Endless War
Is America condemned to endless war? And if so, what implications does that have for the American psyche — the American soul? A friend of mine who is a practicing poet writing under the pen name Pavel Chichikov shares a poem composed after hearing the roar of F-16s — presumably engaged in protecting the citizenry […]

Exposed: Ron Paul’s Foreign Policy Ignorance and Naivety
Among other qualities, a good presidential candidate must be knowledgeable and able to think outside the box; equally important, he must not be naïve or gullible — certainly not swallow everything the enemy says hook, line, and sinker. During the recent Republican candidate debate, Congressman Ron Paul exhibited his ignorance and gullibility when the panel […]

A Dolphin’s Tale of Inspiration for the Military
The family-friendly movie Dolphin Tale is one of the best films I have seen in a long time. I laughed, I cried, and I didn’t want it to end. The story centers on Winter (a real dolphin who plays herself), who was caught in a crab trap on the Florida coast and rescued by young […]

“I Spy” is More than Child’s Play
If you think “I Spy” is just a game for children, think again. Our federal government and the public school system have begun to play – but for real and they’re playing with our lives and the lives of our children. Team Obama has launched “Attack Watch,” ( an interactive website and subcategory of […]

Turning SSPX Defiance into Good
Shortly after the first of many meetings between the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) in October of 2009, I wrote in my column: Regardless of whether or not the meetings result in the SSPX arriving at full communion – something each of us should […]

No Standing: What Marriage Radicals Really Think of “The People”
Last week’s hearing in the California Supreme Court on whether the proponents of Prop 8 have standing to defend the measure in court seemed to go well for the defenders of natural marriage. But another issue lies beneath the surface of the court arguments. The issue is what kind of people are the marriage redefiners: […]

Book Review: Catholic Controversies
For reasons that are both understandable and regrettable, apologetics, the science of demonstrating the reasonableness of religious doctrine, is not often mentioned in public life these days. In part, this is due to the demands of charity and prudence, to avoid unnecessary and often acrimonious strife among religious denominations in a nation which has benefited […]

Greece on the Brink
The Greek government is in a gigantic financial hole and is teetering on the brink of defaulting on its debt. It has been able to limp along since last year only with bailouts from outside of Greece. According to the latest reports, the Greek government will run out of money in October unless it receives […]

Poem: “The Colossus of Toads”
The ancient idol on the island of Rhodes Stood grimly astride the strait. But here we suffer a colossus of toads, Our country to desecrate. Salvage my soiled nation – long …..uncleaned, Proudly in thrall to sin and war. Release her from the postmodern fiend. Let her radiance shine once more By Robert Struble, Jr.

Pastors to the Front Lines
In mid-September the Governor of North Carolina convened a special legislative session to consider a state constitutional amendment defining marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman. Amending the state constitution in North Carolina requires two-thirds of both houses of the legislature and a majority of the public to support it on the […]