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Planned Parenthood’s Garden: The Fruits of Reproductive Freedom
It has often been said by my fellow pro-lifers that it is simply untimely to expect the general population to understand the reasons why the practice of contraception not only leads to but, in many instances, causes abortion. And the problem with that argument is that, while we hesitate, Planned Parenthood and its allies sow […]

Do you Have a “Rite” to Marry?
Does the Church deny couples the opportunity to marry? If your answer is yes, then we need to rethink our understanding of why the Word became flesh. The Incarnation is the fountain of the grace of the sacraments and the Church would never deny anyone that grace. However, there is more than merely the desire […]

A (Sex-ed) Test D.C. Students Can Pass?
Here’s a pop quiz: What percentage of elementary school children in the District’s public schools is proficient in math? What about reading? What is the proficiency of D.C. high school students in these areas? The answer: less than half. Scores on the 2011 D.C. Comprehensive Assessment System exams showed only about 43 percent of elementary […]

Have a Good Day!
When I finished purchasing a product, the server handed me the bag and said, “Here you are; have a good day.” Remember in the Gospel story that the official came to Jesus, trying to justify himself, “An official asked him this question, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus answered him, […]

Muslim Persecution of Christians: August 2011
This series was developed in order to collate some—by no means all—of the foulest instances of Muslim persecution of Christians that surface each month. It serves two purposes: Intrinsically, to document that which the mainstream media does not: habitual, if not chronic, Muslim persecution of Christians. Instrumentally, to show that such persecution is not “random,” […]

Purposeful Detours
Sometimes our journey is lined with detours. We think we know where God wants us to be but then he sends us in another direction. For Pete Bauer, every time he seemed to draw closer to his goal, he was sent down another road. In the end, however, every detour proved to be a time […]

Political Parties and Skull Cracking
Whether it’s an election year or not, I see to it that Priests for Life echoes loud and clear the duty of citizens to inform themselves about where the candidates stand on the issues. This evaluation starts, of course, with where they stand on violence against human beings, because if public servants cannot tell the […]

Poem: “The Stubborn, the Blind and the Dumb”
The Stubborn, the Blind and the Dumb Take Stonewall and Jack by their halters And lead them out of the stable To graze in the bright green meadow, They will come without question behind you But if God takes a man by the shoulders And leads him out of his prison Of death to walk […]

Anonymous Donor Daddies: The Kids Aren’t Alright
I think it’s pretty fair to say that the whole IVF/artificial insemination social experiment has been a process of putting the desires of adults over the best interest of children. Latest case in point: recently, the New York Times reported that the grossly under-regulated and greedy U.S. fertility industry has been allowing dozens of different […]

Dodd-Frank: More Than Just Big Corruption
We’ve all heard lots about it, but what exactly is in that highly-publicized Dodd-Frank Act? Lots of things. For starters, the name of the Act is a lot longer: It’s the “Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.” Its aim is to promote financial stability through a host of new regulations and regulatory agencies, […]

Poem: “The Nazareth Mines”
The Nazareth Mines (Poem about the Immaculate Conception) When Rome was Of the world – And Master Moon Was free – And Mistress Midnight Bedizened – In show-star Finery. A tiny sparkle Caught Miss Mistress Midnight’s Eye – And captured Master Moon Who paled And gasped a sigh – But Rome still Of the world […]

Poem: “Do not Forget”
Do not Forget A fig tree grows beneath my window Yes, it’s true, a fig tree grows, My wife has eaten of the fruit, Green and inside red as rose Red as blood, red as wine Red inside as April, ripe As red bud blossoms or the sky Of summer dawn’s uprisen night A fig […]

WARRIOR: The Hope of Redemption for Dysfuntional Familes
The recent release of the movie WARRIOR has prompted many different “takes” on the story. I would like to focus on the impact of addiction as portrayed in the film. The Conlon family, having been torn apart by the father’s violent alcoholic behavior, is in a situation that many people, unfortunately, can identify with. Alcoholism […]

The Generosity of God
“But that’s not fair!” Most parents have heard this phrase umpteen times. The notion of fairness, also known as justice, is wired into us. It makes us aware that each of us has certain rights that need to be respected. But it also means that we each have duties. If others have the right to […]

Money Can’t Buy Hope for Boy Whose Parents Wish They Had Aborted Him
A Palm Beach jury just awarded a couple, Rudolpho Santana and Ana Mejia, $4.5 million in damages in a wrongful birth suit. Their son, Bryan, was born in October 2008 without arms and with only one leg. Their suit was against the mothers obstetrician and sonographer, saying if they had done their jobs, detecting the anomaly […]

UN’s High Fertility Projections Still Show Rapid Global Aging
Even with its highly optimistic fertility projections, the new UN population forecast predicts a grayer world than the one imagined by its 2009 report which used much lower fertility estimates. Perhaps most significant is the steep rise in society’s proportion of the old (65 years or older) and very old (80 years and older). By […]

The Memoirs of the Apostle: The First Epistle of Saint Peter
The First Epistle of Peter is the second of the seven “catholic” or universal epistles written and circulated to the faithful throughout the world during the first century following the birth of Jesus Christ. The Apostle Simon Peter wrote this short letter, in just 105 verses. Or the letter might have been dictated to Silvanus, […]

On the Deficit, the Rich, and the Tea Party
I’ve only recently come to realize the nature of the hurdle this country faces in trying to turn around a stalled economy and horrendous deficit. Here it is: liberal Democrat politicians have fully convinced huge numbers of people that our economic/fiscal mess is the result of two principal demons: 1) “the rich” and 2) the […]

Taxes: Fair or Foul?
Somewhere in the Analects of Confucius, the Master says that the first step in solving a problem is to call things by their right name. When things are mislabeled, it is very difficult to think about them correctly. On the other hand, if you do not wish people to think correctly about an issue, the […]

Reliving the Orthodontia Journey
Dear Reader, I have so many friends whose kids are either beginning or ending the orthodontia journey, I found myself revisiting the history of my own daughter’s mouth-capades. After 6 years of having some form of wire contraption glued in my daughter’s mouth (and us living off of mac & cheese, the clouds parted and […]

Too Much Screen Time
So plopping your preschooler in front of the television to gawk at “SpongeBob SquarePants” — a frenetic cartoon featuring scene changes every 11 seconds — impairs his attention span. Who could have guessed? This astonishing revelation comes courtesy of the Pediatrics journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. The journal recently published a study showing […]

Catholic Bishops Wade Into Budget Debate
As Congress struggles to balance our out-of-control federal budget, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has officially put its oar into the debate. In an open letter to congress, the USCCB (along with Catholic Relief Services), told federal budget-crunchers exactly what programs they thought should be sliced from the budget. And, (surprise surprise) […]

“In Whom We Live and Move and Have Our Being”
There is One Being, Who knows Himself and sees Himself. He dwells in Himself, And from Himself sets forth. Glory to His name. This is a Being Who by His own will is in every place, Who is invisible and visible, Manifest and secret. He is above and below. This hymn was composed by Saint […]

Conscience Protections Moving Wrong Way in US
Catholic scholars are up in arms about the latest interim rule issued by the Department of Health and Human Services, which is alleged to provide First Amendment protections to religious entities involved in health care, health insurance, and other programs impacted by the mandated distribution of contraception. In a letter signed by more than 20 […]