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All Articles

Political Lingo: Disavow the Enemy’s Language
Really, how important are the words we use? Here’s what Jesus tells us in Matthew 12:36 & 37: But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will […]

Poem: “Wheat and Weeds”
Wheat and Weeds Wheat and weeds within me grow, Carrying on like friend and foe. Always mixing, always climbing, Rising up wherever I sow. Sturdy stalks and thorny limbs, Clashing in the yearly winds. Always touching, always fighting, Spurring virtues and rebellious sins. Wheat that only God can provide, Weeds that only sprout to divide. […]

Using Bullying to Club Patriotic Pledge
Last week while thousands of children were outfitted in their “Sunday best” attire to attend memorial services for their parents, victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, some children in suburban Boston were learning a different lesson about America. A group in the bedroom community of Brookline was busy advancing its agenda to eradicate […]

Doctrine: Nourishing Milk for the Soul
Many years ago, I had an encounter with a coworker that would forever ignite a stronger desire to articulate Church doctrine in a clear practical manner. The story goes this way. I had recently finished developing a pilot Adult Education program for the Diocese I worked in at the time. The Bishop of the Diocese […]

Winning the Battle Against Al-Qaeda, Losing the War Against Jihad
So long as the West focuses on names and faces in the so-called “war on terror”—as opposed to focusing on ideas and motivations — so long will it possibly win battles, even as it slowly loses the war. [At] the ten-year anniversary of 9/11, we win another battle with the recent slaying of al-Qaeda’s number […]

Ark of Grace Ch.5, Mary is Ever-Virgin
Chapter 5 Mary is Ever-Virgin The perpetual virginity of Our Blessed Mother is frequently disputed by those interested in discrediting the Catholic Church. In this we find an unintended argument to prove the necessity of Mary’s perpetual virginity. It is logical to expect that someone interested in discrediting a kingdom would first try to cast […]

Poem: “Prodigal”
Prodigal No need of loaves to multiply, The wheat and oven I supply, Nor flesh compounded by My wish For many now the nets of fish But scarce as winds beneath the sea Master-perfect poetry, Rare as robins on the moon A singer who can sing in tune And so I will proliferate As loaves […]

18 Common Mistakes to Avoid on Your Website
Developing a new website or improving an old one can be a daunting task. There are so many things to keep in mind: the marketing message, the design, the words, the links, the navigation, the keywords, and more. It ain’t easy. Below are some “don’ts” that I recommend keeping in mind as you build or […]

A 9/11 Account Like You Have Never Heard
I was ten years old on November 22, 1963, the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas, Texas. Forty-eight years later, every detail of what I was doing as the news unfolded on that infamous day remains vividly engraved in my mind’s eye. Every generation seems to have these […]

Greece, Germany and the Fate of the Euro
It has been over a year since I have written about the fragile condition of the European Union’s financial system. The financial crisis of a possible Greek default has been papered over since then, but now it is coming to a head again. Greece again is teetering on the brink of default. Last Friday, Greek […]

Dealing with Crises as Catholic Men
With my own voice I will call out to the LORD, and he will answer me from his holy mountai. (Psalm 3:5). Now the people complained bitterly in the hearing of the LORD; and when Moses heard it his wrath flared up, so that the LORD’s fire burned among them and consumed the outskirts of […]

Catholic News Service Puff Piece on Partial-birth Abortion Supporter?
A confusing article — to say the least — has been published by Catholic News Service: a puff piece on Labor Secretary Hilda Solis. From an August 30 interview: The office of Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis includes images of Our Lady of Guadalupe, a glass crucifix and a sculpture of Mary and Jesus. Her […]

Poem: “The Perfect Storm”
The Perfect Storm St. Clare, The storm Is coming, St. Barbara, Keep them Well Yet Queen Of Angels Holy This is A taste Of hell. Tsunamis, Earthquakes Shatter, Unjust wars Man can Sell, But queen Of Angels, Holy Her Son Permits To quell If we could For His Glory All Charity Perform, Like Holy Mother […]

Sunshine’s Getting Older
It’s the first day of school here at the Fenelon Clan Abode, and I made our high school sophomore a super-duper, extra-special, sunshine theme breakfast: Eggs in a basket with little mini-sun cutouts, sunshine drink (milk with vanilla, sweetener, and yellow food coloring), and yogurt parfait with bursting sun rays (peach slices arranged along the […]

Card. Raymond Burke Celebrates Pontifical High Mass at Knock Shrine
Cardinal Raymond Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura in the Vatican, celebrated a Pontifical High Mass in the Extraordinary Form at the Marian Sanctuary in Knock County Mayo on Saturday the 10th of September. His Eminence was formally welcomed by the Parish Priest of Knock who hosted a private dinner for the Cardinal with a […]

A Passive-aggressive President
Poor President Obama. All he wanted to do was deliver a jobs speech to Congress. How were he and his staff supposed to know that their chosen time and date happened to be exactly the same as that of a long-planned Republican presidential debate, where his aspiring rivals planned to highlight his failure to create […]

Poem: “Citadel”
Citadel It wasn’t just a place to name the animals To guard the Tree of Life To know the good of life and not the evil It was the citadel impregnable, a refuge of the trees A rampart of the oaks and tamarisks Walls and towers made of limbs and leaves There was a peace […]

Inside the Mind of a Hollywood Director: Bitterness, Love, Verisimilitude
An interview with Gavin O’Connor director of WARRIOR WARRIOR is a motion picture story about two bitterly estranged brothers who end up fighting in a cage for the mixed martial arts world championship. It is also about their relationship with their father, whom neither can forgive. The violence we see in the cage is visceral. […]

Poem: “Rise! And Live”
Rise! And Live Friend, In the dark night That time of thunder Overcome You were led from us Lives knit with yours, Like leaves On a windy November night Scattered Raise your chin Like a newly born flower You have broken through to rich atmosphere Rise! And live. Michele Marie

Where Are We, Ten Years After 9/11?
So, where are we ten years after 9/11? It is comforting that we have been blessed with a near-unbroken decade without further mass-casualty attacks since those that killed nearly 3,000 Americans on September 11, 2001. Unfortunately, our government is pursuing policies that can only encourage those who aspire to do us harm to redouble their […]

We See, You Say
How can anyone remain interested in a religion which seems to have no concern with nine-tenths of his life? The Church’s approach to an intelligent carpenter is usually confined to exhorting him not to be drunk and disorderly in his leisure hours, and to come to church on Sundays. What the Church should be telling […]

Could the London Riots Happen Here?
Commentary on the riots inLondon and other British cities has frequently made the point that what happened there could be a forerunner of something that might happen inAmerica. And why not? After all, it already has — think of Watts, think of the eruptions inWashingtonand other American cities after Dr. Martin Luther King was killed. […]

Ten Years Later: Another Call to Fulltime Pro-life Work
General George S. Patton, Jr., in his 1926 essay, “The Secret of Victory,” wrote, “The secret of victory lies not wholly in knowledge. It lurks invisible in that vitalizing spark, intangible, yet as evident as the lightning — the warrior soul. The fixed determination to acquire the warrior soul, and having acquired it to either […]

Everything Changed
For America 2001 was annus mirabilis. And so it was for me in terms both personal and professional. The year brought a great honor in the form of my confirmation by the U.S. Senate to run the Office of Water at the Environmental Protection Agency, pursuant to my nomination by President George W. Bush. The […]