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In an Industry that Makes People, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Sperm donation, egg donation and surrogacy: Third party reproduction seems to be a “done deal” in Western society. Even ardently pro-life people do not seem to see the problems. Hey, these techniques are making babies, not killing them. So what could possibly go wrong? A lot of things can go very wrong. Let me describe […]

Poem: “Microcosmos”
Microcosmos When we first started looking through microscopes a cold fear blew and it’s still blowing. Life hitherto had been frantic enough in all its shapes and dimensions. Which is why it created small-scale creatures, assorted tiny worms and flies, but at least the naked human eye could see them. But then suddenly beneath the […]

The Big Deal With Bathroom Laws
About ten years ago Regina and I were going through a stretch of pretty rough road together, and all the hidden fault lines in our marriage were exposed. My best friend who had been one of the priests on the altar at our wedding heard my confession one day and said, “Gerry, for your penance, […]

Pope Francis Praises Personal Freedom in Family Life
The four keys to a lasting marriage are faithful, free, fruitful, and total love, as we explain in our newly released book on Catholic marriage. Pope Francis stresses these same four themes in his recent exhortation Amoris Laetitia (Joy of Love). Our last article looked at what the pope had to say about the first key, […]

Truth, Treason, and Marriage
The early part of the first century A.D.: Herod was the one who had John arrested and bound in prison on account of Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip, whom he had married. John had said to Herod, ‘It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife.’ Herodias harbored a grudge against […]

Congress Investigates Heinous Crimes
The Committee on Energy and Commerce in the US House of Representatives has convened a Select Investigative Panel to probe the marketing and sale of aborted baby body parts. The website tells us that the Committee has been established to “gather information and get the facts about medical practices of abortion service providers and the […]

Never Sacrifice the Eternal for the Temporal
Every city has its hip area with trendy shops offering locally made trinkets, markets for vendors of organically grown produce, and faux-French cafes. Accountants and stockbrokers who wear power suits Monday to Friday may transform on Saturday into hipsters in faded jeans, t-shirts, bandannas around their heads or floppy straw hats to saunter around trendy […]

State Department Human Rights Report Condemns Forced Abortions in China
In the mid-eighties I met with Elliot Abrams, who was then serving as Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights, to call his attention to the victims of China’s one-child policy. I told him that massive numbers of forced abortions and forced sterilizations had occurred in China over the past few years as the Communist […]

The Fallacy of Focusing on Islamic Radicalization
Islam is the unique cause of Islamic terrorism.

Poem: “With the Sun on Our Backs”
With the Sun on Our Backs My hand is upon you, As you well know. I walk with you daily In the sand and the snow. Together we are bound, For the journey we take. To serve My Father in this place. Days will come, When life will be hard. And others shall be, As […]

Putin Sends a Message to Obama
Weakness begs for bullying.

The Last Days and the Resurrection the Dead, Part III
This is the third in a series on unconventional propositions about last days and the resurrection of the dead. The first was on that of the Russian mathematician, Andrej Grib, dealing with quantum logic; the second on that of the American physicist, Frank Tipler, dealing with his physics derived Omega Point; this, the third, on […]

Sex-Selection, Forced Abortion Are Happening Here in the United States
Many women today living in immigrant communities in the United States face discrimination, mistreatment, or resentment from family members if they fail to bear a son. Disproportionately girls are being targeted for abortion in some parts of these communities. The choice to abort is a coerced one, more often than not one pushed by husbands […]

What’s the Deal with a $15 Minimum Wage?
More money, fewer jobs.

Amazing God: He Loves Us Wretched Fools
I can’t even begin to estimate how many times I have sung “Amazing Grace.” That includes all the solo renditions in my car, sung with heart and soul. Indeed, that first verse is a wonderful prayer: Amazing grace, how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I’m […]

Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia Praises Faithful and Forgiving Love
Reading the full text of Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia, I experienced the odd sensation that the Pope and I must have been poring over the same exact Church documents for the past two years. The themes of faithfulness, personal freedom, fruitfulness, and total gift of self are woven throughout the Pope’s exhortation, and of course […]

Nick Foligno Faithfully Gliding Forward in the NHL
When Nick Foligno’s daughter Milana was born with a congenital heart defect two-and-a-half years ago, he knew he could rely on his Catholic faith for solace and strength. His mother Janis had died four years prior to that — an experience that initially threw him but eventually helped him gain a more positive outlook on […]

Poem: “Sweet Presence”
Sweet Presence You are here. My soul drinks Of Your Presence. Here is sweetness pervading, Time with no measure, Eternity kissing the moment, Stillness, though fleeting. Your touch stirs the life of me. I want to dance, Charged with new vigor. I should simply gaze on You But the power of life Is hard to […]

In the City of the Decadents
Civilizations: Barbaric, Vigorous, Decadent.

Latest Pope Francis Controversy and Why Non-Catholics Should Care
Non-Catholics may be wondering why Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia or The Joy of Love, has Catholics in an uproar. Has the Pope changed Catholic doctrine? Has he left the doctrine officially intact, but changed pastoral practice so much that the doctrine is annulled? Now that I have taken the weekend to read it, […]

Five Things my Mother (and Daughter) Taught Me about Caring for People with Dementia
My mother developed Alzheimer’s disease, the most common type of dementia, in her early 60s. Later on, she was diagnosed with an aggressive thyroid cancer that required a surgical opening in her throat called a tracheostomy so that she would not suffocate from the tumor. My father and siblings were naturally distraught and overwhelmed. I […]

Assisted Suicide: Canada’s Deadly Shifting Landscape
Canadian legal landscape is shifting. On April 14th 2016, Canada’s Liberal government introduced for 1st reading it’s assisted suicide legislation.[1] Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau initially said he was going to whip his majority government into supporting the bill for state-sanctioned assisted suicide. Unnamed sources informed me he was faced with a potential Caucus revolt […]

Pope Francis Stresses Faithful Education in Light of Family Crisis, Says Theologian
Pope Francis clearly stated the need for faithful Catholic education in his apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia released on Friday, and warned against any attempts by schools or teachers to impose ideologies contrary to the teachings of the Church, theologian and author Dr. Edward Sri told The Cardinal Newman Society. “Pope Francis went out of his […]