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Poem: “The Entertainer”
The Entertainer I saw human suffering Who danced a funny step, Loose-limbed, slow and casual, Angular, adept An entertainer not a clown, He had a pleasant smile, Astonishing to see him so – I watched him for a while He danced inside a shopping mall As shoppers passed him by, Very thin and very tall, […]

President Obama’s Latest “Jobs” Gambit
If you watched President Obama’s speech to a joint session of Congress, you didn’t see anything new. He did what he does best—campaign for re-election and pay lip service to private enterprise and fiscal responsibility while proposing more top-down economic planning that (despite his claims to the contrary) will surely plunge the government more deeply […]

Some Days in Damascus
I am grateful to him who has strengthened me, Christ Jesus our Lord, because he considered me trustworthy in appointing me to the ministry. Once I was a blasphemer and a persecutor of the Church, an arrogant man. But I have I have been treated mercifully because I acted out of ignorance in my unbelief. […]

Beating the Buzzer: There’s More To It Than Making Your Will
So, you finally did the responsible thing: you executed a Last Will and Testament. If you consulted with an attorney, you probably got a Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Decisions and a Durable Power of Attorney for Medical Decisions, too. Good for you. But you’re not done yet. You see, estate planning is kind […]

Donnybrook Over Homosexual Rights Expected in General Assembly
Fresh off of what they hailed as a “historic” human rights victory, homosexual activists are expected to aggressively push their agenda in the UN General Assembly set to convene later this month. Last June a small number of Member States of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva passed a non-binding resolution calling for a […]

Poem: “September’s Light”
September’s Light The light is In the sun Of gold To warm you When your thoughts Grow cold. The light is In the wafered Moon Piercing pitch A glorious Boon. The light Reflects in Crystal snow Glittering Mantle Blanketing woe. The light is Stagnant In infants’ souls Glistening water Will deepen Their shoals. The light […]

Holy Wars? Economists, Environmentalists, and Libertarians
A review of The New Holy Wars: Economic Religion vs. Environmental Religion in Contemporary America & Grizzly Man Who among us has not, in a whimsical or polemical moment, deployed religious metaphors to criticize or belittle a professional or ideological adversary who does not quite see things the way one might wish? That economist at […]

Obama Admin: Catholic Church Spreads “Homophobia” in Poland
While surveying the landscape for inroads to push the homosexual agenda into Poland, American embassy officials under the Obama administration complained that the Catholic Church teaching is a major source of “homophobia” in the heavily Catholic country, according to private cables recently published by Wikileaks. The cables from the American embassy in Warsaw, marked “sensitive […]

Scientific Musings Regarding God
One of my friends at the University of Washington was Milt Gordon (God rest his soul). Milt was a real scientist, and Chairman of the University’s Department of Microbiology. After I had left academia, Milt did some successful work (not just theory or studies) in plant genetics. Trapping Milt Gordon One evening, as Milt and […]

Playing Poker With Obama
The country has just passed through a long debate to reach a doubtful end. Indeed, it is not really an end at all, but a mere postponement of the fight, a fight that will last through the next elections at least. Hence, we will spend the next year and a half witnessing a debate over […]

Poem: “Not Just Yet”
Not Just Yet Where the roads you have known and walked on bend Come down this day to the river with me, Where the current runs so wide descend, A long boat waiting patiently Seats on deck, there’s room for more – Has someone used that seat before? You will not cross today but ride […]

Work and Prayer: Of Coins, Sheep, and Men
One of the most famous stories from the Bible is that of “The Prodigal Son,” a tale that has resonated with parents across times and cultures. The basic plot of the story is straightforward: a rebellious youth sets off from home in search of worldly pleasures, and having wasted his father’s money and reputation, eventually […]

Schools Serving Leftist Kool-Aid as Curriculum
Backpack? Check. Transformers lunchbox? Check. Leftist political Kool-Aid? Check. Looks like the school year can begin. This week, millions of American children return to their classrooms. Unfortunately, the material some of them will be forced to study is controversial, to say the least. In keeping with their habit of using our educational system to impose […]

Good and Bad News from Catholics in India
“We are a growing Church, and each year around 1000 people find their way to the Faith.” This was the report of a bishop from India during a visit to international Catholic pastoral charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN). Bishop Cyprian Monis, from the Diocese of Asansol in West Bengal, on the eastern […]

The Good of Conflict and Immorality in Movies
Often I hear Christians complain about the protagonist in a movie because he or she made one or more immoral decisions, and is therefore a poor role model. Another oft heard criticism is that movies are filled with too much on-screen conflict or violence, thus giving audiences the wrong idea about how to resolve problems. […]

Poem: “Mary’s Fiat”
Mary’s Fiat The angel held his voice, Awaiting the child’s choice. Hoping to return with a good report. As other cherubim, In haste to hear her hymn, Descended fast from heavenly court. But could that child ever fair, Have know the gravity of this affair? Now Eve sat in suspense, To hear her eloquence. For, […]

Ark of Grace Ch.4, Mary’s Immaculate Conception
Chapter 4 Mary’s Immaculate Conception In the Constitution Ineffabilis Deus of 8 December, 1854, Pope Pius IX declared that the Blessed Virgin Mary “in the first instance of her conception, by a singular privilege and grace granted by God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race, was preserved […]

When Teddy Roosevelt Saved Football
For more than a century baseball has been called America’s national pastime, and Major League Baseball is flourishing today. However, in recent decades, football—college and professional—has surpassed baseball in popularity and prominence. For many men and some women, fall weekends and football are synonymous. Both the National Football League and major colleges attract huge audiences […]

The Cure for Your Child’s Boredom?
It’s back to school time, which often means it is also back to a frenetic pace of extra-curricular activities. We want our children to be well-rounded and well-educated and so we sign them up for all sorts of things: sports, dance, scouts, library programs, etc. There isn’t anything wrong with any of those things, but […]

Poem: “Who will Survive?”
Who will Survive? One cricket sounding as the storm approaches The great trees unaware, How many will be down, which rotting branches Will be broken or be spared? All the beetles hiding underneath the bark And under every leaf Will not be shaken in the flashing of the dark Or come to grief But all […]

Outraged Parents Oust Gay Sex Books from New Jersey School Reading List
Two books, one containing an explicit depiction of statutory lesbian rape, and the other a homosexual orgy, have been ousted from a local high school by outraged New Jersey parents. The texts, Norwegian Wood and Tweak: Growing up on Methamphetamines, originally appeared on the summer reading list for both middle school and high school students […]

Solutions for East Africa Drought
As you know, East Africa is in the grip of a horrible drought. We have all seen images of the hungry and malnourished arriving in refugee camps, many after walking for weeks or months, surviving not only the bleak landscape but also bandits and even wild animals. The perseverance of these people, of mothers sacrificing […]

Living a Life of Purity as Catholic Men
Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world […]

What New UN Population Data Means for Global Power
The UN’s new fertility forecasts could have significant implications for predicting which nations will wield global power in the 21stcentury, especially predictions about the coming power shift in Asia where Indians will outnumber Chinese by 2025. For years UN population experts have said that low fertility and aging societies like China and Europe will have […]