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An Approach to Evangelization for Catholic Men
The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field (Matthew 9:37). It will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of the Father speaking through you (Mt 10:20). I am not ashamed of the gospel, it is the power of […]

Loved into Existence, Part 2: Science Consistent with Christian Belief
Dr. Morse gave this speech April 23, 2011, at Hong Kong Baptist University, at a conference of Western and Chinese scholars, entitled “The Family and Sexual Ethics: Christian Foundations and Public Values.” China is experiencing numerous problems due to family breakdown, including the one child policy, high divorce rates, and an imbalanced sex ratio. This […]

Poem: “Freak”
Freak When dogs grow antlers, hooves, And stags loll out their tongues, When from the throats of wolves A sparrow’s song is sung When from the backs of whales The manes of lions spring, When lizards shake their tails Like puppies beckoning No reason makes a change Except for nature’s play, The commons of the […]

For All? Or For Many?
Recently, I went back to work part-time at a fabric store as the Education Coordinator in charge of the classes, schedules, teaching the sewing and quilting classes, and seeing to various other educational needs of the store. The other day, while talking with a couple of ladies about the seasonal fabrics at the store and especially the […]

Poem: “Vortimer”
Vortimer Bury me at Richborough, for then Barbarians will not through here raid Britain Though through other ports they may attack, By my body’s lying here they will hold back He was a warrior of Christ, this Vortimer, Though pagan were the Saxons off the Saxon shore, Flesh of mortal weakness now and in the […]

Bernanke and the Potemkin Economy
On July 11, The Center for Vision & Values posted my article decrying the insulting name-calling directed toward Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke. The very next day, Bernanke made me question my forbearance by telling Congress that a third round of “quantitative easing” or “QE3” could be a near-term option. Now it’s my turn […]

Who is Simon Miller? Worth a Look Tonight
My first exposure to Procter and Gambles’ and Wal-Mart’s Family Movie Night program was Secrets of the Mountain a Nancy Drew-type story, billed as an action/adventure film, with the protagonists a divorced mother and her three children instead of a teenaged detective and her friends. The basic theme was of a family drawn together by […]

Poem: “Having a Word with Judah”
Having a Word with Judah Someone must have told you stories of your great- grandfather, Abram, and your great-grandmother, Sarai – how they had domestic troubles, struggling to amend the word they’d heard. Surely someone called them foolish to be so old and childless yet still plotting, childlike toward a milk-and-honey life. Someone must have […]

All in the Family? Don’t Take Faith for Granted
Last summer I went on a field trip. I attended a three-day seminar on Christian-Jewish relations. This happened at the Sacred Heart University in Bridgeport, Connecticut. I arrived on Monday, checked into my dormitory on campus, and we all enjoyed kosher cuisine with other divinity and rabbinical students as we kibitzed about what Jews and […]

ND State Senate Deception Aborts Human Life Bill
[CL Editor’s note: This article analyzes in detail an action that took place in North Dakota in April. Though very lengthy and extremely detailed, it deserves careful attention from all pro-lifers who are involved with state legislation. It illustrates how vital is the grasp of every nuance of how legistlatures work, and that very careful debriefing and dissection of […]

The Work of Thy Hands
As we continue to hear of the “gloom and doom” forecasts of economic issues in theUnited States, it is good to put our focus on where it belongs — God. InMinnesota, we have a radio station that has a catchy slogan: “Keep and eye on the sky and an ear to WCCO.” We can paraphrase […]

Fertile Ground for Farm Subsidy Cuts
With […] a growing consensus that federal spending at current levels is unsustainable, political support for farm subsidies is waning fast. What’s more, high crop prices and clear injustices are building bipartisan support for significantly cutting agricultural subsidies in the 2012 Farm Bill. The New Deal introduced an enormous number of agriculture subsidy programs paved with good […]

Through a Different Lens
Many people have commented on this picture through a variety of lenses. While the story was originally broken on this blog, the Toronto Star, picked it up and published it with the caption: “At Valley Park Middle School, Muslim students participate in the Friday prayer service. Menstruating girls, at the very back, do not take part.” (Perhaps […]

Growing Faith at Home
“Home-grown.” “Hand Picked.” “‘Native Produce.” Signs like this are beginning to dot the roadside as sticky hot August rolls into cool crisp September. Ask anyone in my family and they’ll tell you that it is my favorite season of year. Why? Because I absolutely love farmer’s markets, roadside stands, and U-Pick produce! In an age […]

The Need to Restructure the DoD: Part I
In 1914, on the eve of the Great War, the Duke of Cambridge wrote, “There is a time for all things. There is even a time for change; and that is when it can no longer be avoided.” Speaking of change, the current debt crisis could force drastic cuts in the Department of Defense budget, […]

The Real Population Bomb
In 1968, Stanford biologist Paul R. Erlich opened his bestselling book, “The Population Bomb,” with this declaration: “The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now. At this late date nothing can […]

Poem: “Untold”
Untold The shrilling of the wren so loud Surrounded by a hollow bird, A nest in which a voice resides, A life that has a life inside So the spirit in the flesh A hollow with a living guest, Spirit hatches, fledges, flies, May be of no or any size As we are small the […]

“Christian Terrorism”?
In light of the Norway terrorist attack, and as expected, the hail of religious relativism has begun—the idea that, if a “Christian,” such as Breivik, commits terrorism, then it is folly to assert that certain Muslim doctrines inspire violence and terror: all becomes relative. A recent AP report titled “‘Christian terrorist’? Norway case strikes debate,” […]

Driving Carhart Out
On Saturday night, July 30, I was privileged to deliver the keynote address at the kick-off rally of the “Summer of Mercy 2.0.” (Click here to listen to the talk) This nine-day event in Germantown, MD focuses on stopping the child-killing business of LeRoy Carhart, late-term abortionist. He does abortions through the second and into […]

Latest Legal Challenge to Obamacare
Last month, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit was the first appellate court to reach a decision on whether the Commerce Clause authorizes Congress to force private citizens to purchase healthcare insurance under penalty of federal law. In a divided opinion, the Sixth Circuit held that it did. The case, Thomas More […]

Loved into Existence, Part 1: What Christians Believe
Dr. Morse gave this speech April 23, 2011, at Hong Kong Baptist University, at a conference of Western and Chinese scholars, entitled “The Family and Sexual Ethics: Christian Foundations and Public Values.” China is experiencing numerous problems due to family breakdown, including the one child policy, high divorce rates, and an imbalanced sex ratio. This […]

Gaining Solomon’s Gift for our Children
What if our children could be given the gift that Solomon received? During his audience with those gathered at the papal summer residence in Castel Gondolfo recently, Pope Benedict XVI spoke in reference first Mass reading of Sunday July 24, which described Solomon’s request to God for a “docile heart” so that he would know […]

Poem: “Liberty vs. License”
Never can fast be the same as slow, Nor is an ebb tide at all like flow. Though both of these pairs come from ….motion, Although each might share common ocean. Freedom likewise has opposing poles, One dreadful with bergs and many shoals. Liberty, though, is hopeful and clear, And, under God, gives our souls […]

Obama Plays Catch-22 with Religious Groups
Catholic League president Bill Donohue addresses the dilemma that the Obama administration has created for religious employers: [On Monday], the Obama administration mandated that all health insurance plans cover contraceptives and sterilization for women, though it made an exception for religious employers. But did it? Not really. To wit: a religious employer is defined, in […]