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All Articles

“Pigasus” for President: Chicago 1968 Speaks to 2016
History doesn’t repeat itself, but it can rhyme.

Review: The Original Image of Divine Mercy: The Untold Story of An Unknown Masterpiece
A new full-length documentary film on the Divine Mercy is now available for large or small screenings during the Jubilee Year of Mercy. It has the long and intriguing title of: The Original Image of Divine Mercy: The Untold Story of An Unknown Masterpiece. Also for Divine Mercy Non-Fans Now, if you, like me, are […]

For Christians in Aleppo, Syria, Life Remains a Struggle
By Oliver Maksan NEW YORK—The conflict in Syria entered its sixth year in March, but the ceasefire and ongoing talks in Geneva between the major warring parties have for the first time given rise to a glimmer of hope that an end to the conflict might be possible. However, real security and peace remain elusive, […]

Male Privilege and Women’s Bathrooms
North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory (R) has become a whipping boy for the advocates of the latest round of the sexual revolution. The Human Rights Campaign has gathered a bunch of business owners to bully the governor in an attempt to get him to back down. “Your bigotry is bad for business,” is their mantra. […]

Poem: “Flowers Without Fruit”
Flowers Without Fruit Prune thou thy words; the thoughts control That o’er thee swell and throng;– They will condense within thy soul, And change to purpose strong. But he who lets his feelings run In soft luxurious flow, Shrinks when hard service must be done, And faints at every woe. Faith’s meanest deed more favor […]

Do Protestant’s and Catholic’s Believe the Same “Gospel”?
In an article called “The Gospel for Roman Catholics” put out by the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (CARM) the claim is made that Roman Catholics lack a fundamental understanding of the true and undefiled gospel of Jesus Christ. Meanwhile, the Catechism of the Catholic Church calls the Lord’s Prayer a “Summary of the Gospel” (CCC 2761) and Pope […]

The Great Unaddressed Human Rights Issue of Our Day
Moments after speaking before a sea of families in Rome about the dangers of commercial surrogacy, an Italian reporter asked why I was being so vocal in a country where it is already illegal. Isn’t that like preaching to the choir, she wondered? While the notion of speaking to hundreds of thousands of people who […]

Last Days and the Resurrection of the Dead, Part II
In my last article, Last Days and the Resurrection of the Dead, Part I, I discussed Andrej Grib’s proposition that there would be a “Big Crunch”, the universe disappearing in a singularity. Grib, in his article about this and quantum logic, referred to that Big Crunch being an “Omega Point”, proposed by the Jesuit paleontologist […]

USAID Needs to Warn Women of the Dangers of Depo-Provera
Jonathan Abbamonte also contributed to this article. Despite mounting evidence of serious side effects associated with the use of injectable contraceptives, international aid programs continue to indiscriminately distribute Depo-Provera under various brand names worldwide. Indeed, a coalition of family planning partners including the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Bill and Melinda Gates […]

Holy Spirit, Inspire Me to Speak
Holy Week and Easter Sunday, the 2016 versions, are in our rearview mirror. That means we are in the midst of the Easter Season – a.k.a. Eastertide or Paschal Time. To exemplify the importance the season holds on the Church liturgical calendar, Eastertide lasts 50 days, longer than both Lent and Advent. St. Athanasius reckoned […]

Surrendering to ISIS is the Only Way to Defeat It
Unlike our leaders, ISIS doesn’t confuse victory and defeat.

Poem: “It Takes Families To Raise A Village”
It Takes Families To Raise A Village Men with guns surround the powerists’ vehicles. Mothers, loving, unseen behind bulletproof glass, Their children laughing above run-flat tires, Dark vehicles in caravan, racing through red lights, Unimpeded. Happy on the way to school. The mothers talking, motherly, About goodness, and love, and Daddy and cousins. The mothers […]

Genetically Engineered Language: Propaganda Colors Public Perception
A recent headline in the United Kingdom’s Independent shouts that the first genetically modified human embryos could be created in Britain in just a few weeks. The article by Steve Connor reported that scientists have submitted a proposal to the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA), the government’s fertility regulatory body, asking to edit the genes of […]

Pope Reaches Out to Pakistan Bomb Blast Victims
By John Pontifex NEW YORK—Victims of the Easter Sunday Pakistan bomb blast have received a personal message of sympathy from the Pope. Archbishop Sebastian Shaw of Lahore described how he was going from bed to bed visiting the wounded in a local hospital when he received a call on his mobile phone from Vatican officials […]

Poem: “Beside my desk, seashells”
Beside my desk, seashells Show evidence of life outgrowing the old self and discarding hard protective layers that once encompassed vulnerabilities. Praise the Lord! You have risen from the grave condition of mankind and found Yourself, buoyed in the Spirit but anchored in us, Your blessed Body on earth. © 2016, Mary Harwell Sayler

Sweet Spanish-Language Book Teaches Children Why We Pray
It was my pleasure to introduce my kids to Kimberly Cook’s delightful little book Mami, Mami, Cuando Rezas — the Spanish-language translation of her book Mommy, Mommy, When You Pray. It provided me with the perfect opportunity to make headway on my New Year’s resolution to teach our kids more Spanish! Mami, Mami, Cuando Rezas […]

Canada’s Demand for Death
I spent this past weekend in Montreal, Canada, where despite the expected joie de vivre that Francophone cultures are prone to celebrate, the province of Quebec seems to be spending more time and energy focused on death rather than life. Last year the Supreme Court of Canada overturned the country’s ban on physician assisted suicide […]

The Endless Ages of Purim
Every age carries within it the seeds of its ruin.

Supreme Court Asks for Additional Briefs in Little Sisters Case
Less than a week after it heard the case of the Little Sisters of the Poor, the U.S. Supreme Court took the unusual step of asking for additional information, telling both sides to discuss alternative ways to avoid forcing religious women to provide services against their faith. “This is an excellent development. Clearly the Supreme Court […]

Remembering an Old Friend who Saved Lives
“I’ve been served with a restraining order. I need a lawyer. Will you help me?” I answered the call one evening in 1989. I said yes and, as it turned out, from that point forward I have been active in the pro-life movement. The caller was Chuck Pelletier, founder of the local pro-life center here […]

Movie Review: Miracles from Heaven
Miracles from Heaven is a disruptive new God film from the folks who brought us Heaven Is For Real. There are many similarities to the two films. Each film is about a miracle experienced by a child. Each child has an out-of-body encounter with heaven and God, and comes from an already-believing family. Each film […]

Bigotry Towards Catholics Showcased at the UN During Holy Week
Marianna Orlandi, Ph.D also contributed to this article. Holy Week did not deter an open attack sponsored by the government of Finland on the Catholic Church and religious teaching on family and sexuality at an event at the United Nations last week. Finland’s government screened a documentary on an aid worker determined to confront Catholic […]

Book Review: The Child with Autism Learns about Faith
One of the hardest things for a parent of a child with special needs is getting that child’s (and his or her own) religious needs met. Kathy Labosh, the parent of two children on the autism spectrum, knows first hand how difficult that battle can be, and she set out to do something about it. […]