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A Franciscan to Philadelphia
Rome has just accepted the resignation of the embattled cardinal archbishop of Philadelphia, Justin Rigali, 76, and has announced his replacement: Archbishop Charles Chaput, 66, currently the archbishop of Denver, Colorado. Chaput is a Capuchin Franciscan whose ethnic origin is American Indian. (Here is a link to his official biography.) The Capuchins are a strictly […]

GMO Wars Across the Dinner Table
When I decided my daughter’s first birthday cake would be a carrot cake made with whole wheat flour, I should have known God’s humor would one day smack me. Though I have relaxed, when my children were babies, I was a nutrition Nazi. Processed foods didn’t touch our table. When my daughter was three and ate […]

Freeing Al Qaeda?
Just when you thought it was not possible for the Holder Justice Department to become any more hostile to the national and homeland security interests of the American people, along comes yet another travesty. This one threatens both, as it apparently would involve turning loose in America a convicted terrorist known to be a top […]

Poland: Ban on Abortion Complies with International/European Law
In Poland, a nation-wide grassroots effort has lead to the proposal of bold, new legislation aimed at removing all exceptions to the country’s abortion laws thus protecting children from the moment of conception. The proposed bill is the product of an effort led by Warsaw’s PRO Foundation. Under Poland’s political system, organizers needed to collect […]

Distributism and the Current Crisis, Part 3: Localizing the Economy
[Part 1, Part 2] Political subsidiarity would mean little if the industrial system remained concentrated; it does no good to collect taxes locally if the production of goods, and therefore the production of taxable values, is not also widespread. We’ve noted the problems and inefficiencies of the current system, a system that is highly dependent […]

Poem: “Heavy Laden”
Heavy Laden They’ve ruined me! Their weighty words assign work, work, work to my joy. How can I let go this lack of blessing? I stick out my neck, O Lord, for your yoke. Mary Harwell Sayler

Finding a Lampstand: A Review of Archbp. Chaput’s Render Unto Caesar
Cardinal Justin Rigali announced at a news conference this morning [July 19, 2011,] that Pope Benedict XVI has named Archbishop Charles J. Chaput O.F.M. Cap. as the 13th Bishop and 9th Archbishop of Philadelphia. Archbishop Chaput [currently of the Archdiocese of Denver] will be Installed on Thursday, September 8, 2011, the feast of the birth […]

The Human Person in Hoarding’s Hellish Trap
There are many programs currently on cable dedicated to the issue of hoarding. For those of you who are unaware of what hoarding is, let me try and explain. Hoarding is the collecting and or keeping of possessions. The common word would be “stuff”. The “stuff” that hoarders keep is piled up so high that, […]

Google Analytics. Powerful Market Research — Gratis!
What if you had access to powerful marketing research about your company, it cost you absolutely nothing, and you didn’t take advantage of it? If you think that’s not you … then think again. If you are like many, many website owners you are not taking advantage of the free Google Analytics tool available to […]

Poem: “No One Knows How Far”
No One Knows How Far What is the future like? You have not been there yet, A time you have not visited You need not now forget Someone saw me walking Down a foreign street Long beyond the telling Where past and future meet There within a city A square within a square, Infamous to […]

Solutions for the “Tax Gap”
In 2010, there was a “tax gap”—i.e., the difference between federal taxes owed and those actually paid—of $410–$500 billion. Some of the gap stems from the complexity of the tax code. Much of it, though, is deliberate: self-employed individuals working for cash, table-servers under-reporting tips, taxpayers claiming unauthorized credits and deductions. And don’t forget the […]

We Have Sufficient Grace for the Pro-life Fight
Even those to whom the truth of the Resurrection has been revealed and claim to believe in that truth still struggle in a world broken and corrupted, where might makes right, and where sometimes the immensity of evil tempts us to doubt the divine presence. We live in a world where we see through the […]

Is Simple Attention the Islamists’ Greatest Enemy?
In a world paralyzed by political correctness and warped philosophies, attention is proving to be one of the greatest enemies of Islamist encroachment. Consider the difference between pre- and post-September 11: A decade after the 9/11 jihad got the West’s attention, many people — perhaps not unlike yourself — have become aware of Islam and […]

UN Women’s Flagship Report Encourages Radical Feminist Litigation
Supporting advocates of legal abortions and lesbian rights is among the priorities of the newest UN super-agency, UN Women, evidenced in their first major publication released last week. “In Pursuit of Justice” details the progress made in advancing women’s rights worldwide through changing legal norms and ending discriminatory provisions of national laws. In particular, the […]

Public School Systems Cheating Nation’s Youth
Benjamin Franklin said, “Sin is not hurtful because it is forbidden, it is forbidden because it is hurtful.” Someone ought to hang that quote in every doorway of every school and office of the Atlanta Public Schools system. Last week’s release by GeorgiaGov. Nathan Deal of an investigative report on widespread cheating within APS on […]

Poem: “Those Who Have No God”
Those Who Have No God I saw a buzzard floating with its black wings outspread To see along the alleys the living and the dead Above the pale white city on a motionless March day – What can the wind be thinking of, to blow and die away? These are the prophet scavengers which gather […]

New ‘Dr. Death’ Admits to Assisting the Deaths of 300 in U.S.
Dr. Lawrence Egbert, the medical director for the Final Exit Network (FEN) euthanasia advocacy organization, has been dubbed the new “Dr. Death,” after he admitted to the media that he and his organization have helped direct the deaths of nearly 300 people across the U.S. Euthanasia activist Jack Kevorkian, who died in June of natural […]

Pro-Life Troubadour
Our family likes to celebrate life’s events with poetry, so when we came home from our newborn daughter’s baptism, our older children each recited a poem on either baptism or new babies. I was pleased to learn that my 8-year-old chose to memorize “Tied Down” by Edgar A. Guest, a favorite poem of mine, and one […]

Irish Law Could Force Priests to Break Confessional Seal
From the Irish Catholic comes news that confirms just how far Ireland has fallen from its tradition of being the “land of saints and scholars”: The Taoiseach, the Minister for Justice and the Minister for Children are all indicating that a proposed new law will require priests to break the seal of confession if someone confesses […]

Peace and Goodwill for South Sudan?
The peaceful creation of South Sudan bodes well for the fledgling nation, but disaster could yet unfold unless serious issues are addressed quickly, according to leading bishops in the region. Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala hailed the success of formalities on Saturday, July 9th, marking the independence of South Sudan, describing it as a “wonderful day […]

The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares
At one time or another, we’ve all dreamed of a perfect world. Imagine a company where everyone is productive, a government full of honest politicians, a church where all are saints. Dreaming about such things is natural; expecting such things is dangerous. Unrealistic expectations lead to discouragement, despair, even cynicism. That would be bad enough. […]

Poem: “Our Very Selves…”
Our Very Selves… The weight of our rebellions So heavy The savior falls to the ground and cries “…Let this cup pass…” But the angel comes With a looking glass Aimed at you and me To show Him our Mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers Children, neighbors and friends Our very selves… The Angel whispers ‘The […]

Poem: “Broken House”
Broken House Today I am convinced that everything I do has little value, Lord, to You, to others, or myself. A vase of many flaws, atop a shelf, just waiting: I speak, but no one hears the sound, and all around the silence of myself – berating – I wonder what will make me real? […]

The Right to Contract Marriage in the Catholic Church
Living as we are in a period that exalts individual desires, especially regarding sexuality, many persons who consider themselves Catholics believe that they have a right to contract marriage in the Church in accordance with their own opinions on marriage. But really that is not the case. Baptized Catholics have the right to celebrate marriage […]