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All Articles

Prayer and Trust in Romans 8
PRAY DAILY. I had only been in town a couple of days when I started noticing these bumper stickers. I saw them on cars, trucks, and vans around the city, and many of the same cars bore another sticker that read, TRUST JESUS. I thought, “Could there be a correlation?” Pray daily. Trust Jesus. If […]

Commodifying Compassion
Religious progressives are often quick to condemn those who extol the virtues of market economies for focusing too much on material concerns. This charge of materialism is, in fact, a core and valid insight contained in most critiques of consumerism, a phenomenon in which people tend to equate their own value and meaning with the […]

What if Caylee Anthony Died Younger?
She was the perfect villainess: a callous, self-centered, derelict mother straight out of central casting. When her toddler daughter disappeared, she partied for a month without reporting the child missing. Then she blamed everyone from a fictional nanny to her own parents for the demise of the little girl whose remains eventually were found rotting […]

Poem: “Rara Avis in Terris Nigroque, Simillima Cycno”
Rara Avis in Terris Nigroque, Simillima Cycno — Juvenal [A rare bird on Earth, like nothing so much as a black swan] But who will know when rare birds come That may take form as any shape, In greatness or as modicum, A man, a woman or an ape And they will walk and they […]

How to Handle a Breakup
Summer is a rough time to experience a breakup because it’s the sunny season of barbecues and socializing. Chapter Eleven of my book is Coping with Disappointment and Betrayal. Most people who date have their heart smashed once or twice. It’s not pleasant! Here are a few quick tips that should help you weather the […]

Supreme Court Justices and Violent Video Games
Pardon my exasperation, but there are times when the elitist views of the mandarins who set rules for the rest of us from the federal bench and other similarly exalted vantage points are indeed upsetting. As an example, consider the Supreme Court and its decision last month on selling and renting violent video games to […]

Energy Freedom Now
Mark Twain is usually credited with the quip that “Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.” The same is certainly true of our dependence on foreign, and often unfriendly, sources of energy – particularly when gas prices soar and every American feels the pinch. The difference, of course, is that we […]

Illegal Veggies
A citation and 93 days in jail. That’s what planting veggies in your front yard could get you, at least in Oak Park, Michigan. Ridiculous, you say? Hardly; it’s a reality, and it’s happening to Julie Bass. Julie and her family live in an average neighborhood in an average home in Oak Park, and a […]

Movie Review: Finding Fatima
Great new DVD from the makers of The 13th Day, Finding Fatima is shot in the same Bresson-esque and super-stylized way as The 13th Day. While hearkening to and honoring filmmaking’s past, the Brothers Higgins are simultaneously bringing the story and message of Fatima to a new generation. As much as I love watching documentaries, I was […]

Jury Duty Matters
I wonder how many people who criticize the Casey Anthony jury have tried to get out of jury duty when they were called. There was a time, before I served on a jury, when I was one of those whose life was so busy there was no way I wanted the inconvenience of it. I […]

Ignoring Human Rights Has Become the American Way
The headline, “Outcry in America as Pregnant Women Who Lose Babies Face Murder Charges,” speaks volumes about the lengths that some will pursue to express misplaced outrage for the sole purpose of defending the reproductive rights of women. The lead case in the article involves Rennie Gibbs, a young woman who became pregnant at the […]

In the Midst of Spiritual Labor
We know that all creation is groaning in labor pains even until now; and not only that, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, we also groan within ourselves as we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies. (Romans 8: 22-23) This passage from St. Paul to the Romans is […]

Distributism and the Current Crisis, Part 2: You Say You Want a Devolution?
[Part 1] Conservatives express great frustration with the egregious violations of the Constitution by the legislatures and the courts, violations which ensure that power gravitates to the federal government, while the states become mere bureaucratic subdivisions of the federal apparatus rather than partners in a political union. In response, they call for a devolution, a […]

Virtue Is Its Own Reward
During the dark days of Republican profligacy, when earmarks were the rule and GOP House and Senate members routinely voted for massive discretionary spending bills (many loaded with pork and earmarks) there was one man who bucked the tide of red ink: Rep. Jeff Flake (R-Arizona). “I believed the earmarks game was robbing us as […]

Poem: “On Calling Out and Hoping God Will Answer”
On Calling Out and Hoping God Will Answer Love breaks open like a beak – half up, half down : and from the wings of a throat erupts a cry. Mary Harwell Sayler

Mary and Marian Devotions in the Catholic School
[This document was prepared on behalf of a group of Catholic parents to address issues locally that may also be going on elsewhere in the country. It is published here as a resource for parents who may find it useful.] Mary and Marian Devotions in the Catholic School Parental Concerns and Suggested Remedies This report […]

When “Not Guilty” Seems to be a Travesty
Casey Anthony’s acquittal of the killing of her precious child, Caylee, has shocked the nation. Many who watched the trial on TV – and who were not constrained from taking into account inadmissible evidence, the punditry of various talking heads, or the overwhelming public sentiment against Ms. Anthony – have been critical of the jury’s […]

Cracks Start to Show in ‘Vegetative State’ Diagnosis
After years of opposition from disability advocates, more experts are beginning to question the validity of the “persistent vegetative state” (PVS) diagnostic label that paved the way for Terri Schiavo’s starvation death. A Discover magazine article published online July 6 explained that PVS often fails to account for a broad swath of traumatic brain injury […]

The Limits to Bernanke’s Power
As chairman of our country’s central bank, the Federal Reserve Board, Ben Bernanke is expected to put the economy on a sound footing and foster strong economic growth. Unfortunately, Bernanke faces “mission impossible”—partly because the policies implemented by Congress, the president, and bureaucrats account for much of what happens to the economy, and partly because […]

“Gay Rights” Forecast: Expect Havoc
With liberal activists emboldened by their recent legislative victory in New York (where a same-sex “marriage” bill was passed into law on June 24th) one can reasonably expect to see efforts redoubled to further promote the “gay rights” agenda nationally. With this in mind I’d like to offer some observations. Victory for Freedom? In […]

Flash Mobs and Flash Prayers
Peoria, Mobile, Boston, Chicago, Baltimore, Atlantic City, and now Milwaukee, my home town, has been plagued by violent flash mobs. And that’s just in the past week. Flash mobbing initially began as an experiment in social networking. On June 17, 2003, a crowd of about 100 people, drawn by text messages, emails, and blogs, gathered in […]

Poem: “The Ants”
The Ants The ants have built their mansion in a pile of sand, Are we not better, wiser, larger, The cities of our comforts better planned? Clever, they misconceive the great backhoe The concrete mixer and the dredge, For at their scale how is an ant to know? The mall was in the blueprint […]

The Double Message of the Parable of the Sower and the Seed
I’ve always loved gardening. Seeds I’ve planted include carrot, cucumber, and of course, zucchini. In each case, I’ve planted seeds in neat rows, expecting nearly all of them to sprout and yield fruit. But the farmer in Jesus’ parable (Mat 13:1-23) uses the broadcast method. Lots of seed cast everywhere. And predictably, many of these […]

Poem: “Where Are You Going?”
Where Are You Going? Where are you going There on the paved face Of a sphere That spins while racing Swift orbits Around a flawless star Suspended in a black universe There you are Sitting in your car Staring at a red light To watch the change That you might move your foot And be […]