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Doug Giles’ Righteous and Rowdy Delivers
Dads, when you let the National Education Association, Hollywood and the cast from Glee raise your daughters, you shouldn’t be surprised if they turn out to be self-absorbed, painted little Paris Hilton wannabes. As Doug Giles, columnist and host of the nationally syndicated Clash Radio program puts it: “Fathers, don’t let your babies grow up […]

Lot’s Wife Syndrome
When I get invited to speak at women’s events, by far the most popular topic is my “Embracing the Matriarch Within” presentation. This is due, in no small part, to the fact that the topic literally animates me while I speak. In fact, if someone were to tie my hands together and mark an “X” […]

How to Create a Baby Boom in Russia
I write from Moscow, where I am participating in a Demographic Summit with other World Congress of Families leaders and Russian officials. Abortion is rampant here, having first been legalized and encouraged by the Communists in 1920. Even today, the average Russian woman has seven (7!) abortions over her lifetime. Now we have an historic […]

I’m Catholic; Now What?
But as for you man of God, shun all this; aim at righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness. Fight the good fight of the faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses (1 Tim 6:11-12). At times, there are certain […]

Responsibility, Solidarity, and Healthcare
A recent article on Catholic Lane took up the question of whether widespread misuse of insurance was contributing to rising healthcare costs and in turn making healthcare less affordable. The point was made that when people are self-employed and purchase their own coverage, they usually opt to have only catastrophic coverage, reasoning that the cost […]

The “Landmark Gay Rights Resolution” That Wasn’t
“Gay rights have arrived at the United Nations as of today,” proclaimed a senior US official during a triumphant briefing. Her boss, Hilary Clinton, called it a “historic moment” for “lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered” (LGBT) persons. What they were referring to was a non-binding resolution passed [Friday, June 17] by a vote of 23-19 […]

Poem: “Disgracing Dinah”
Disgracing Dinah from Genesis 34 prior to the law of “an eye for an eye” Dinah’s weeping, Judah. Dinah’s weeping. Do you hear? Does she fear the horror that will happen when her big brothers hear of the ill-fated love fallen upon her as forcibly as the trial […]

This Fourth of July: Confirm Thy Soul in Self-Control
I encourage you to set aside the burgers and dogs and soda and beer for a moment this Fourth of July and contemplate something decidedly different, maybe even as you gaze upward at the flash of fireworks. Here it is: Confirm thy soul in self-control. What do I mean by that? Let me explain. The […]

Using One’s Talents Wisely
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” I do not know of anyone who does not know this verse. Maybe it is the only one people can quote from memory, almost correctly. It really is […]

A Dangerous Perfectionism
After waiting nearly three years to dig through Sarah Palin’s 13,000-plus old emails, journalists searching for juicy headlines from her brief tenure as Alaska’s governor were left empty-handed. The 300 pounds of printed correspondence dumped on the public this month revealed little new information aside from Palin’s fondness for exclamation points and faux-curse words like […]

Transubstantiation—Hard to Believe?
The Catholic Church teaches that in the Eucharist, the wafer and the wine really become the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Have you ever met anyone who finds this a bit hard to take? If so, you shouldn’t be surprised. When Jesus spoke about eating his flesh and drinking his blood in John 6, […]

A Question of Principle
In modern politics, the “single issue voter” gets a pretty bad rap. He is seen as unrealistic and intellectually myopic, a disservice to his party and, ultimately, his cause. Politics, after all, is about pragmatism; it is the art of the possible, and no thinking person allows themselves to be guided by their feelings on […]

Poem: “Look Out of the Window”
Look Out of the Window… Look out of the window, see How the wind moves through the leaves Each one green and of its own Free and graceful in the clear stream O my father, this I know full well These are the trees of Paradise Where I will dwell Pavel June 10, 2011

Movie Review: Super 8
Super 8, written and directed by the prolific TV/movie guru, J.J. Abrams (Alias, Lost, Star Trek prequel, Cloverfield), is a collaboration with his hero, Steven Spielberg (who similarly started very young shooting “movies”). Actually, Abrams has known Spielberg since he was 15, but that’s another story. Super 8 is a semi-autobiographical story—set in 1979–about a […]

Needed: Good Families to Restore Hope
Before my husband and I married, I was blessed with the opportunity to live in Austin and work for a leading pro-life lobbying organization. Ironically, one of the biggest benefits of my work was the exposure to the talking points of the abortion-rights camp. You see, I very quickly realized that in order to sustain […]

My Congressman’s Tough Job
Being a congressman can be a great job. It can be attractive for someone who relishes the ersatz virtue of playing Santa Claus with other people’s money, who finds a year-round routine of fund-raising social events enjoyable, and who covets receiving one of the most generous pensions on the planet. It can also be a […]

Poem: “Be Still Awhile…”
Be Still Awhile… In that softly shadowed place With the candle of His presence lit There He waits and listens Taste the Savior’s bread and wine Eat His flesh and blood Bow your head, Loves’ arrived The King of all, who Sees your need, Takes the time to be with you Stay with Him, while He’s with […]

National Catholic Reporter Owes Bishop Finn an Apology
According to the Vatican II document Inter Mirifica (Decree on the Media of Social Communications), media organizations “should see to it that communications or presentations concerning religious matters are entrusted to worthy and experienced hands and are carried out with fitting reverence” (IM 11). This, apparently, would be news to writer Phyllis Zagano and her […]

Planned Parenthood Funding: James Madison vs. Obama and the Progressives
With a critical vote in its state Senate, North Carolina has voted to de-fund Planned Parenthood. Republicans hold a huge majority in the Senate—meaning, as a Republican majority usually does, that the Senate is pro-life. The governor of the state, Bev Perdue, is a Democrat—meaning, as a Democrat chief executive usually does, that the governor […]

The Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Sunday, June 26, Catholics celebrate the Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, previously known as Corpus Christi. This used to be a major feast day of the Church with processions and everything — a really big feast, up there with Easter, Christmas, and Pentecost. We celebrate the Blessed Sacrament to affirm […]

Poem: “Age of Miracles”
Age of Miracles We all look solid-built enough, No one who looks can look through us, We are not paper, stone and rough, Two-legged walls we seem by guess And yet there is a wind that blows From far, the farthest far away That only someone frail can know And only someone small can say […]

Hell, Heaven, and Progressive Catholics
With another presidential election looming, it won’t be long before many self-described progressive Catholics start issuing countless statements about numerous policy issues. Though many such Catholics sit rather loosely with Catholic teaching on questions like life and marriage, their “relaxed” position on such issues is belied by their stridency on, for instance, economic matters. Woe betide […]

Eucharist and the Mass in the Catholic School
[This report was prepared on behalf of a group of Catholic parents to address issues locally that may also be going on elsewhere in the country. It is published here as a resource for parents who may find it useful.] The Role of the Eucharist and the Mass in the Catholic School: Parental Concerns and […]

Best Friend or Baby?
Dogs are often given the title “man’s best friend.” I get that. However, a new title has surfaced which turns one’s dog from friend to family. These days people address their dogs as “baby.” Last December, I received a Christmas card in the mail with someone’s dog in the spotlight posing as Santa. Cute? Sure… […]