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All Articles

Optimism in Egypt Over Building Churches
Obtaining permission to build new churches in Egypt could become almost as easy as constructing mosques, according to new government proposals which have won the backing of leading clergy. The plan, now in public consultation, proposes to do away with the existing laws whereby church-building plans require permission from the president himself. Instead, such proposals […]

Spanking Hits Bottom Line in Parenting Debate
For years, I have arduously avoided the one topic that most certainly will incite a reader riot. However, I find I can stay silent no longer. The issue? Spanking. As hard as I am trying to fulfill a promise made to myself made years ago while sitting in front of a blank computer screen fighting […]

Husband’s Day
Father’s Day is a day for honoring fathers. But I would like to take a step back and honor men as husbands. In our enlightened, liberated era, we have a tendency to overlook men as husbands, since the father is so often not the husband of the mother. But without some kind of connection between […]

Who Owns Our Jobs?
We have all been trained up to the belief that jobs are something in the gift of great corporations or government bureaucracies. True, there are still places in the economy for the small businessman or woman, the sole practitioner, the craftsman, or the small farmer. But in general, we regard the capital requirements of job […]

Beauty: The Garden in our Souls
Beauty. At first the concept is difficult to define. Instinctively I feel that beauty is real to everyone. Once I have made my mind that something is beautiful I know it in the same sense that I know what the number one is. The natural number does not represent something: one is simply one. Beauty […]

Poem: “Reading The Will”
Reading The Will Isaiah 58 From the midst of yourselves, pull out oppression. From the center of yourselves, remove falsehood and cruel speech. Feed the hungry, yes, but find some way to satisfy the complaints of the afflicted – those most likely bothered by what you do not do. Then light shall lift you from […]

Blessed are the Peacemakers!
I love to explore new things. God has given me a sense of curiosity. My favorite slogan is, “Curiosity may have killed the cat… but satisfaction brought it back.” It amazes me that we so often pray and pray and pray for something and it seems as if God never hears our prayers. However, when […]

Summer and Celebration
June 21 is the first day of summer because it is the day of the summer solstice. Okay, just a quick review of your high school astronomy. In summer and winter we have solstices — the summer solstice is the longest day of the year and the winter solstice is the shortest day of the […]

Waiting on God
The first readings for the daily liturgies this week tell the story of Abram and his family. On Monday, God promises that Abram’s descendents will inherit the land he has brought him to. He was seventy-five years old at this point. Tuesday, God makes the promise again.” I will make your descendants like the dust […]

Bishop Warns of “Impending Genocide in Sudan”
A Catholic bishop in Sudan has warned of a possible new genocide in the country. In an interview with Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), Bishop Macram Max Gassis of El Obeid Diocese warned of further problems in South Kordofan, on the border between north and south Sudan, where there has been […]

Earthly Treasures vs Heavenly Treasures
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and decay destroy, and thieves break in and steal. But store up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor decay destroys, nor thieves break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be. “The lamp of the body is […]

The “Sacrament” of Abortion
The Sacrament of Abortion is the title of a book written by Ginette Paris and published in 1992. In this short book, the author claims that abortion is a sacred act, a sacrifice to Artemis (known to the Romans as Diana). Artemis is both a protector of wild animals and a hunter who kills them […]

Our Health is Overinsured!
One of the arguments for healthcare reform is that millions of Americans with employer-provided healthcare are underinsured. Proponents of this view are saying that people are underinsured if they are paying too many of their healthcare costs out-of-pocket. Quite the contrary, a little reflection on what insurance is and is supposed to do suggests that […]

Poem: “The Morning Stars”
The Morning Stars When his daughter died he planted a pine – When he died himself it burst through his death As if from the tomb in which he lay What did you plant for us, child of God? We wait for the tree that will shade your tomb In a dark soil rich with […]

Pictures for Life
The Legislature of the State of Texas meets every two years for 140 days. It is in session this year, and among the bills that it has passed is one that requires a woman who is seeking to abort her child to have a sonogram at least 24 hours prior to having an abortion. The […]

Time for a Return to Checks and Balances
In December, 2007, the Boston Globe published a Q&A with then-candidate Barack Obama in which the subject of Executive War Powers was addressed. “In what circumstances, if any,” Charlie Savage asked, “would the president have constitutional authority to bomb Iran without seeking a use-of-force authorization from Congress?” Mr. Obama’s answer was unequivocal in its condemnation […]

Movie Review: Courageous Shines Needed Light on Fatherhood
On Tuesday, May 10th, together with two co-workers, I headed down to Menomonee Falls, WI to attend a promotional screening of the movie Courageous. Courageous is the fourth production of Sherwood Baptist in Albany, GA. Sherwood’s previous productions are, “Flywheel,” “Facing the Giants” and “Fireproof.” Facing the Giants was Sherwood’s first big hit, followed by […]

Poem: “Stations”
Stations One sits beside Him And He knows He sits alone. That one will kiss Him Then be on his way. A true friend longs to be there Should something happen On a night, Where no joy lingers In a windy desert that Howls its danger, Past the praying Though most are sleeping A true […]

Muslim Brotherhood Leader Caught Lying—While Swearing to God
Sobhi Saleh, a top Muslim Brotherhood leader who was elected by Egypt’s Supreme Council to be on the constitution amendment committee, recently gave a speech wherein he insisted that Brotherhood men should only marry Brotherhood women, since they are “superior” to other Muslim women in Egypt—and so they can “produce little Brotherhood kids.” He also […]

Book Review: Catholic Family Bootcamp
Are you looking for a book which will help your family increase in virtue? Catholic Family Bootcamp is an ideal resource for assisting your family not only in reinforcing the spiritual virtues, but also in strengthening emotional bonds with your closest family members. “I have only one goal in providing you with this devotional book: […]

When Fathers Fail: Healing the Father Wound
Have you ever heard the saying “You can’t give what you don’t have?” It makes sense doesn’t it? I can’t give you a dollar if I don’t have a dollar right? But in terms of affection, love and relationships it makes even more sense. If your father was not affectionate, you may have trouble showing […]

Is the Trinity Relevant?
Many are ready to give a polite nod of some sort to Jesus of Nazareth. Most honor him as a great moral teacher. Many even confess him as Savior. But the Incarnation of the Eternal God? Second person of the Holy Trinity? God can’t be one and three at the same time. Such a notion […]

An Insipid Debate
Deep dish or thin crust? Leno or Conan? And people say American civic discourse is no longer serious. What could be more serious than the choice presented to former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty at Monday night’s Republican presidential debate, between Coke and Pepsi? (For the record, Pawlenty prefers Coke.) The debate, hosted by CNN and […]

The Making of a Father’s Heart
Did you ever look at your husband and wonder just what you did in your life to deserve such a man? Does that scene in The Sound of Music, where the Captain and Maria declare their love for one another finally make sense to you? (“I must have done something good….”). There are so many […]