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Does Promoting the Family Make Cent$?
Is promotion of the family a common good and profitable? These questions appear to be the point of contention for corporate America due to confusion in the definition of “family.” Consider the Human Rights Commission report (buying guide) of companies that promote the lesbian and gay agenda versus those that do not. The Human Rights Commission […]

Downgrading America: S&P Declares the Obvious
If you had been living on another planet the last three years, you would be shocked to learn that the credit-rating agency, Standard and Poor’s (S&P), has placed the current AAA credit rating for the debt issued by the U.S. Treasury on a “negative watch” status. Most of us who live on planet earth had […]

Were Conquered Christians Really Liberated Muslims?
Imagine if a top American historian appeared on the MSM insisting that the only reason Europeans conquered the Americas was to “defend” the Native Americans—who somehow had adopted Christianity centuries before Jesus was born—from being persecuted by heathen tribes. While that would create a maelstrom of outrage and derision in the West, in the Arab […]

Poem: “Ready for Silence”
Ready for Silence Then hear now the silence He comes in the silence in silence he enters the womb of the bearer in silence he goes to the realm of the shadows redeeming and shriving in silence he moves from the grave cloths, the dark tomb in silence he rises ascends to the glory leaving […]

He Is Alive and Waiting For You!
Our churches will be packed today, filled by an influx of infrequent visitors and with the lovely fragrances flowing from the multi-colored spring flowers that will surround our altars and fill our sanctuaries. How pleased Our Lord will be to see so many there. How hopeful He is that all will return. The songs we […]

Bringing Good from Evil
Not long ago the media reported on a Pennsylvania abortionist who had been arrested for killing newborns. Pictures of his victims were included in a grand jury report. It was vile. Photos of dead babies killed as they were born, their necks with gaping wounds where the abortionist had slit their spinal cords. Despicable and […]

The serpent’s bite was a deadly one. The venom had worked its way deep into the heart of the entire human race, doing its gruesome work. The anti-venom was unavailable until He appeared. One drop was all that was needed, so potent was this antidote. Yet it was not like Him to be stingy. He […]

Poem: “Restless”
Restless On the morning of the third day having redeemed the house of Adam Jesus, restless in spirit threw off the linen shackles of death and took up his body anew. Stephen Pohl

CAIR’s Strong-Arm Tactics in the Cradle of American Liberty
Aaron Proctor, a Philadelphia-based libertarian writer, can count himself the latest victim of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), an organization that ironically claims to work for civil rights. Proctor, a colorful commentator for the Philadelphia version of, had the temerity to investigate CAIR’s dubious background in connection with its Philadelphia branch’s planned fundraising […]

Do We Have the Gumption to Take Our Medicine?
With Washington’s budget showdown over – for now, at least – attention has shifted to the next major government funding crisis on the horizon. With a mere $80 billion between the government and default, lawmakers, lobbyists, and Obama officials are scrambling to make the case for an extended line of credit. But just as with […]

Poem: “Bad Night”
Bad Night A seabird driven landward by a storm Circles overhead, expected guest, We have been waiting for the wind to form, Apocalypse approaching, east to west The Christ of God comes riding on a cloud, No vapor any more but head and flank, Steed of Consummation and the proud Recoil, the angels rank on […]

Suffering with Those Who Suffer
Heading home from school, I heard only my solitary footsteps hitting the sidewalk, and the rustling of books shifting in my book bag. Looking unruly and uncivilized, with an air of foreboding, a long patch of woods surrounded me on both sides of the street. Not seeing anyone else around, I began to feel uneasy. […]

The JP2 Generation Tells Its Story: Part Seven, Theresa Bey
Presented in cooperation with Greg Schlueter and The JP2 Generation Tells Its Story, remembering World Youth Day 2002 and the impact of Pope John II. Part Seven, Theresa Bey On the seventh day of World Youth Day 2002 we walked from our sleeping areas to Downsview Park, where Pope John Paul II would celebrate […]

The Agony of Holiness
Holiness is not merely faith, it is not merely virtuous behavior, it is not merely serving others, and it is not merely acts of piety. Holiness at its core is the belief that we were made to share in the life of the Holy Trinity coupled with the desire and the determination to act in […]

Pennies in Your Pocket
You know the song: Lean on me, when you’re not strong And I’ll be your friend I’ll help you carry on For it won’t be long ‘Til I’m gonna need Somebody to lean on Now: who wrote it? Don’t worry if you can’t remember. The songwriter himself said: “Nobody knows who I am. Sometimes if […]

Email Solicitations — Why They Are Opened
If you are under 30, you might not remember what a treat it used to be to get your daily mail. We actually got letters from people. A long distance phone call was expensive, so people still wrote to one another. And when you got a letter from someone special, you sat down, studied the […]

A non-Catholic acquaintance was visiting my home recently. On seeing one of the Sacred Heart pictures in the house, she commented that that one of her older relatives was an Italian Catholic and liked those “Sacred Heart pictures too, but really, I think they are pretty morbid.” “Oh, my dear,” I thought, “it would take hours….” […]

Why Call It Eucharist (Thanksgiving)?
Jesus said to them, “I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer”… And He took bread, and when He had given thanks He broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is My Body which is given for you.” And likewise the cup after supper, saying, “This cup which […]

Celebrate the Living, But Mourn the Dead
The media is abuzz with news about humanity’s numbers. Sometime during the latter part of this year or early next year — the exact date is still a little fuzzy — there will be, for the first time in history, 7 billion people alive on the planet at the same time. Left-wing pundits are already […]

The Essence of This Pontificate
What has been the essence of Pope Benedict XVI’s first six years, since his election on April 19, 2005, six years ago? What has been the pontificate’s chief characteristic? If one thinks of the pontificate as a whole, it is clear that the center of Benedict’s papacy is teaching. This pontificate is the pontificate of […]

Sterilizing Those Pesky Humans: Earth Day with Paul Ehrlich
Every April 22 is Earth Day. As one who studies Soviet Russia, I can’t help notice that the day coincides with the birthday of Vladimir Lenin. The inaugural Earth Day occurred April 22, 1970, no less than Lenin’s birth centennial. This is most ironic. Lenin is a decaying symbol of central planning, which, regrettably, is […]

The Sanctity of John Paul II
Strange as it may seem at first, I find the key to the sanctity of Pope John Paul II in the closing words of an American novel published in 1988 — a book the Pope most likely never read. In brief, the heart of John Paul’s practice of “heroic charity” resides in the fact that […]

Pope Paul VI & Natural Law: Follow-up to Latin and the Memory & Identity of the Catholic Church
In the course of the publication of my articles on Latin and the Catholic Church’s memory and identity (part one, part two, part three, part four), commentator “Michael” posed the question, “Can Catholics figure out, by Natural Law alone, the ‘goodness’ or ‘badness’ of some writing?” He also made the claim that, “…in removing the […]

Free Will: Candy has Consequences
For years, I guarded the kids’ Easter baskets like the soldiers outside of Christ’s tomb. I’d monitor them vigilantly – if I could have rolled a stone in front of them, I would have. I wanted the children to make the contents last and to really appreciate the treats inside rather than just wolfing them […]