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Join One Online Forum Today
Social networking via online forums is fast becoming an indispensable part of Internet marketing. For the smaller companies, I recommend starting out by joining two or three online forums and getting familiar with the territory. You can join a forum dedicated to your particular business where you swap ideas with others in your field. This […]

Some find it hard to accept that God would love some people more than others. That wouldn’t be fair, they say. But God became man. If he did not love some more than others, Jesus wouldn’t be fully human. For human beings have family and friends. While we can do good and even risk our […]

Smell That?
I firmly believe God created Man and Woman in His likeness—but with distinct, logical differences. Women can give birth. Men are strong enough to hoist those heavy boxes up into the attic. Women, have a superior sense of smell, which, based on life in my household, men do not. Yes, we woman are not only […]

Thirsting for Truth
What is truth? Truth conforms to reality. What is reality? One definition is: “the state of things as they actually exist“. That is how we determine truth. During Lent, one of the Gospels that is read each year is the story of the Samaritan woman at the well. This was what we would call today, […]

It’s Not About the Money; It’s About the Killing!
Okay, so the government is about to shut down. Partially. Good. Because if we don’t stop the killing of innocents in the womb inthis country, if we don’t at least show our Almighty and Most Holy and Just God, that we are seriously willing to bear some cost, some pain, or at least some inconvenience […]

Poem: “Whirling Dervishes of Winter”
Whirling Dervishes of Winter The wind whips the snow around like a whirling dervish lost in the truth of ecstasy: a pure white ghost dancing wildly like a Banshee of God over the snow as it coaxes and teases the dying sun, glimmering pure blindness off the icy whiteness of the world as it settles […]

Poem: “This is the Time of War”
This is the Time of War I tried to write an anthem for the future What will be and calls to us unseen Committed by an evil to encounter Sing for us until we come to be There will be a war not thought of yet Those who know it not will know it then […]

My Favorite Software Freebies
We have an abundance of free software options that can help us make better use of our PC’s and Mac’s. Several of them are based in the “cloud” which means our information stays static while we are portable – we can access it wherever we have Internet access. My favorites can make your digital life […]

The JP2 Generation Tells Its Story: Part Five, Fr. Chris Singer
Presented in cooperation with Greg Schlueter and The JP2 Generation Tells Its Story, remembering World Youth Day 2002 and the impact of Pope John II. Part Five, Fr. Chris Singer God’s ways are mysterious and marvelous. I had the great honor of attending World Youth Day 2002 in Toronto. And it was there that […]

Answering the Call with Feet of Clay
Monday, April 4, 2011 marked the 43rd anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s tragic death. Cut down in his prime by an assassin’s bullet, Dr. King’s legacy is one of perseverance, bravery, and sacrifice. He was a man bold to stand against a culture steeped in racism and institutionalized prejudice. He was a man […]

Ideals Trump Interests in Obama’s Libya Policy
President Obama’s recent explanation for militarily engaging Libya is yet another example of how U.S. leaders increasingly rationalize their policies via sentimental and idealistic platitudes, rather than reality or the long view—or just plain common sense. In a speech replete with moralizing intonations, Obama did manage to evoke U.S. “interests”—six times—though he never explained what […]

TEA Party Sues City of Coldwater, Michigan Over Free Speech Rights
The Thomas More Law Center announced [Wednesday] that it has filed a federal lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan against the City of Coldwater on behalf of the Common Sense Patriots of Branch County and two of its members, Barbara Brady and Martin Lepper, alleging that the City’s recent […]

Poem: Symbols in a Second Coming
Symbols in a Second Coming Fingertips on a tabletop, drumming time to music tapped into this life we know to be anything but always, all, or only true. How can we stop the symbols in a second coming with sounds and moving pictures of what will be beyond the scope of Hubble or horo- scopic […]

Hard Traveling
My Mom and Dad are exactly the sort of people you’d love to go on a road trip with. If you happen to be a Benedictine monk. Just kidding, of course. Even Benedictines find Mom and Dad a little austere. Most notorious of their ascetic proclivities is the (in)famous “iron-bladder” straight-through policy. If a trip […]

Let’s Practice the New Penitential Rite
A few years ago, our pastor talked to us during homily about receiving the Eucharist reverently. He noticed that more and more receive communion than ever before with very few being conscience of the sin in their lives. Fewer are coming to confession, he said, yet are coming up for communion. Sin has taken a […]

Sudan Bishop Says Violence Will not Block Independence
Outbreaks of violence in key regions of South Sudan will not block the path to independence, according to a Catholic leader who has called on the government to address the “root causes” of the conflict. Auxiliary Bishop Daniel Adwok Kur of Khartoum highlighted the “large amounts of violent incidents” in South Sudan, which is preparing […]

Libya and Rethinking Just War Theory
The military intervention in Libya by the United States and NATO offers new evidence that the just war theory stands in need of rethinking. The theory is fine as far as it goes. The problem is it doesn’t go far enough. People who say the just war theory should be scrapped because modern warfare makes […]

America’s March of Folly
The budget deficits from the first two years of the Obama administration are of sufficient magnitude to spring Dr. “Billions and Billions” Carl Sagan from his grave. Sagan could sue for copyright infringement for misuse of astronomical numbers. On second thought, the figures now being bandied about are in the trillions, which no doubt would […]

Divine Mercy is Worth Preparing For
Sometimes, when a major feast is approaching that requires a lot of preparation, it can be a bit difficult to think past it, to the preparations that are needed for what comes next. But we must not make that mistake with Easter and Divine Mercy Sunday, because, as momentous as the celebration of Easter is, […]

Put All Your Sales on Your Website
You should put each and every one of your sale events on your website and make them easy to spot. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it isn’t unusual for retailers to build a website and then just let it sit there unused. I have often become interested in a product from a broadcast […]

The Scoop on Holy Mass
A couple of weeks ago a family friend (we’ll call him John) took me by surprise with an unexpected question, “Do you mind if I go to church with you on Sunday?” Mind? Are you kidding me, I thought. I was thrilled! Then came the next question — one that was entirely predictable but ended up […]

Lent, A Time to Give from the Heart
Editors Note: The four previous article spoke of Lent as a time to “open wide our hearts to Christ”, a time “to listen to God’s voice”, a time “to repent in words and actions” and a time to “pray for miracles.” In works of charity one offers fine flour, and when he gives alms he presents his […]

Islamists on Welfare: Paid to Plot the West’s Demise
In 2008, the Toronto Sun reported that “hundreds of [Greater Toronto Area] Muslim men in polygamous marriages — some with a harem of wives — are receiving welfare and social benefits for each of their spouses, thanks to the city and province, Muslim leaders say.” “Polygamy is a regular part of life for many […]

Compliments to You
All the women I know fall into one of two categories: those who can graciously accept a compliment and those who would rather grout tile than graciously accept a compliment. And, of the women I know, there are really only about three who would be able to graciously accept a compliment. That means that pretty […]