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San Paolo Fuori le Mura
Today we travel outside the walls (Fuori le Mura) of Rome to visit the Basilica of Saint Paul. This is one of the four major basilicas of Rome. Now known as a papal basilica, this was known as the patriarchal basilica associated with the ancient see of Alexandria. You may recall we visited another former […]

Who is to Blame for Koran Burning Protest Deaths?
When Pastor Terry Jones, 59, announced an intent to burn a Koran on the anniversary of 9/11 in 2010, the U.S. government, fearing attacks on American troops abroad, put intense pressure on him to desist and eventually he called off his plans. Jones, however, did not cancel the ceremonial judgment of the Islamic scripture – […]

Federal Judge Vindicates Released Time for Credit in Spartanburg, S.C.
Today a federal judge ruled that Spartanburg County School District No. 7 did not violate the Constitution by allowing students to earn elective credit for released time courses. U.S. District Court Judge Henry Herlong issued an emphatically worded order in Freedom of Religion Foundation v. Spartanburg County School District No. 7, holding that the District’s […]

The Cross — A Good Sign
The other day, my three-year-old son observed, “Churches have crosses on them.” I looked up, surprised at the connection he had made. Daringly, I decided to push my luck and asked him, “Why do churches have crosses on them?” Astonished, I heard his answer: “Because it’s a sign. It’s a good sign.” I was partly […]

Exploitation: Legal Protections for Human Embryos Eroding in France
The cold weather in recent months seems to have brought a flurry of news stories about embryos. In October the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to the inventor of in vitro fertilization. In November the journal Human Reproduction published a study in which researchers at the University of Barcelona implanted silicon […]

Obama vs. the Bushes: Comparing Costs and Coalitions from Libya to Iraq
The Libya situation is complicated. I envy no president stuck with the task. Among the complexities, the most daunting unknown is what’s behind the opposition. We would all like to see Moammar Gaddafi tossed to the ash-heap of history, but the rub is who, or what, would replace him. What a tragedy it would be […]

Degrading Cycle Targets Girls
The crime alone was heinous enough. According to police in Cleveland, Texas, an 11-year-old girl there was gang raped six times last fall by a total of at least 19 assailants, some of them boys, some of them ex-cons more than twice her age. Her assailants documented their attacks using cell phone videos and photos […]

Abortion Prominent in Agenda for UN Population Commission
Abortion, family planning, and sexual education will be vigorously debated in the upcoming UN Commission on Population and Development. The theme of this year’s commission is “Fertility, Reproductive Health and Development.” The initial draft of this year’s outcome document was released last week and as expected, the text is rife with references to sexual and […]

Thermonuclear Budget Politics
While the battle over the 2011 budget and serial CRs (continuing resolutions) has been noisy, the amount of real money actually cut and to be cut from the federal budget is modest relative to its engorgement since 2008. Writing in the Wall Street Journal, a Nobel Prize winner, a former Secretary of State, and a […]

Three, Two, One…You’re On! How Voice Lessons Helped a Writer do Talk Radio
While an editor busily pruned my first book, I traveled to Washington DC’s Studio Theatre after work each week. How exhausting it was to schlep downtown on those nights, especially when it snowed! After a 30-minute hike from the subway, I’d enter the classroom, lie down with my back touching the floor, begin breathing exercises […]

Let the Youth Teach Us about Pro-life
I often point out that our youth are not simply the “future leaders” of the pro-life movement. They are leaders here and now, in more ways than one. Often I am asked to speak about the role of youth in the pro-life movement, and to encourage parishes and pro-life organizations to focus more on recruiting […]

The Sinners Will Stumble
Let him who is wise understand these things; let him who is prudent know them. Straight are the paths of the LORD, in them the just walk, but sinners stumble in them. (Hos 14:10) This passage from Hosea reminds me of a lesson my dad taught me when I was in my early teens. I […]

Winning the Parent Lottery: An Interview with Fraser Heston, Son of Charlton Heston
Fraser Clarke Heston is the son of the late actor Charlton Heston and his wife of over 60 years, Lydia Clarke. Fraser directed his Oscar-winning dad in several films, including the recently released DVD set, Charlton Heston Presents The Bible. Fraser also played the role of baby Moses in The Ten Commandments. I recently spoke […]

Halfway Through Lent
The time of Lent is an occasion that the Lord has given us to deepen our Faith. This weekend we arrive upon the fourth Sunday of Lent, also called Laetare Sunday, and the middle of this Holy Season. It is called Laetare Sunday because in the midst of the austerities of Lent we are called […]

The Man Born Blind
The Lion of Judah is no tame lion. Neither is he predictable. While walking along the streets of Jerusalem one day, Jesus sees a common enough sight in the Holy City. There is a disabled person by the side of the road begging (John 9). What else is the poor man to do? He has […]

This Goes Beyond Abortion
As of press time, the U.S. House and Senate were still haggling over legislation to fund the federal government through the end of the current fiscal year. One of the leading disputes is over whether to allow the largest provider of abortions in the U.S. — Planned Parenthood — access to federal funds. The House […]

Youthful Joy
“Ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam.” I memorized those Latin words when I was in first grade. Yes, in first grade. I was 6 ½ years old. Those were the first words spoken by an altarboy in response to the priest’s opening words of the Mass. The priest would make the sign of the Cross […]

Which Came First: The Chicken or the Easter Egg? Consumer Awareness or Social Justice?
The season of Easter baskets and pastel blue and pink and green eggs is upon us, although many of us still have these in the behind-the-scenes preparation stage. We have turned our face toward Jerusalem and the way is not so rosy. Not yet. Not until after Good Friday and Holy Saturday. But who knew […]

Free Speech Wins in Battle Over Anti-Jihad Bus Ads
A Michigan Federal Judge yesterday ordered a Detroit-area transportation authority to display an anti-Jihad advertisement on its buses. Judge Denise Page Hood granted an injunction request filed by the Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) to reverse the bus authority’s refusal to display the ads, which state, “Fatwa on your head? Is your family or community […]

Will I Scar My Kids For Life?
“Thanks Mom,” said my daughter as I handed her a pile of clean laundry. “You’re welcome.” I turned around to fold the Fruit of the Looms but she continued. “Thanks for bringing me into this world, for clean laundry and for helping me through hard times.” And then she was gone. I peered out around […]

Prayer, the Heart of a Vocation
I was raised in a very small town, roughly 1,000 people all together, even including the surrounding countryside. To say everyone knew everyone would be an understatement! Despite the small size, and the fact that only 50% of the town is Catholic (Lutherans and Methodists make up the rest), my home parish has sent five […]

The JP2 Generation Tells Its Story: Part Four, Statia (Sullivan) Brown
Presented in cooperation with Greg Schlueter and The JP2 Generation Tells Its Story, remembering World Youth Day 2002 and the impact of Pope John II. Part Four, Statia (Sullivan) Brown Every morning the WYD participants attended Catechetical sessions with hundreds of others to learn more about our Catholic faith. We heard from different cardinals, […]

Defending Traditional Marriage: Washington State vs. Maine — 2009
“As Maine goes, so goes the nation.” On election day, November 2009, the Pine Tree State harkened back to its old bellwether status — at least on the issue of same sex marriage. Defying the governor, the legislature, and the other powers-that-be (except the churches), stalwart citizens upheld the historical definition of marriage. By a […]