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All Articles

Spring Lenten Cleaning
“How do you do it all?” a friend asked me years ago about my schedule. “I’m a lousy housekeeper,” was my answer. This year for Lent, besides thinking of what we were giving up, I tried adding something for our family: a deep clean of our house, a room a week. We have our daily […]

Listen to My Voice
When we think about God’s voice, do the Old Testament images come to mind? Do we think only about the prophets of old who seemed able to perceive God’s voice directly? That was then; this is now. God doesn’t speak out loud to people anymore. Or does he? Perhaps he doesn’t come swooping down on […]

Santi Cosma e Damiano
Today we visit the church of Saints Cosmas and Damian. Cosmas and Damian excelled in medicine and offered their services for free. During the Diocletian persecutions, they were arrested. Because they would not renounce their faith, they were tortured. They suffered no injury during an attempted drowning or when they were burned. Crucifixion did not […]

Spiritual Dryness: “I Don’t Feel Anything!”
One of the most comforting feelings that we can experience is a sensation of peace, or even joy, when we pray. For many of us, this feeling was most pronounced at the time when we first made a decision to commit our lives to the Lord. Unfortunately, equally as common is the feeling of dryness […]

Death in Springtime: Recalling Terri Schindler Schiavo
It was the first day of spring in 2005. I was at the florist in the seaside village where I grew up, assembling a basket of flowering spring plants for my sister who had just given birth. To have my hands immersed in budding greenery, inhaling earthy scents, replaced for a few moments the pall […]

No Compulsion in Religion
My Apologies to Shakespeare and to Jimmy Buffet (But we’re all dhimmis now) Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears: I come to bury Uncle Sam, not to praise him. The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones; So let it be with Uncle Sam And those […]

John Paul II, Family Size, and Christian Prudence
Years ago, after attending a natural family planning class my husband and I had taught, one of the students called me to tell me why she wasn’t coming to the next class. After a brief span of conversation that let me know she felt very intimate with God, she proceeded to inform me that the […]

Thirty Years Ago: When President Reagan Was Shot
On March 30, 1981, Ronald Reagan, president for merely 10 weeks, stepped outside the Washington Hilton. What happened next was an image millions would soon witness on their TV screens: America’s 40th president raised his arm to ward off a question from a reporter and then, seconds later, bullets crackled the air. Chaos ensued. More […]

What’s a Baby Cost?
When my wife and I found out we were having our first baby, I was ecstatic. The coming of the new baby filled all my thoughts. I got to be a boring conversationalist, with only one topic to discuss. It was uncanny the connections I now saw (which had never been apparent to me before) […]

San Sisto
Today we visit San Sisto Vecchio, Saint Sixtus the Old. Named ‘the old’ because it is the oldest monastery in Rome. Twice throughout our Lenten Station pilgrimage I’ve mentioned the story of Saint Lawrence meeting up with Pope Saint Sixtus II while the Holy Father was headed towards his martyrdom. This church is built over […]

Teenagers and “Mom Power”
“There’s no food in our house. There’s never any food in our house. Who ate all the brownies? I didn’t even get one. When is the next somebody is going to the store? There’s nothing to do today. I’m so bored. Why do I have to clean the kitchen again? I cleaned it yesterday morning. […]

Dealing with Distractions During Prayer
Perhaps somewhere out there are women who can completely empty their minds and focus totally on God. I’m sorry to say that I am not one of them — never have been. Just by way of example, there are times I have said an entire rosary and realized at the end of it that my mind […]

Supreme Court to Decide Groundbreaking Church Employment Case
[Yesterday] the Supreme Court said it would decide a groundbreaking First Amendment case concerning the right of churches and other religious employers to freely choose the people who will lead their congregations, instruct their faithful, and speak for the church. The lower courts agree that these employees cannot sue their employers when that would put […]

Four Middle Eastern Upheavals
After decades of stasis, the Middle East is in uproar. With too much going on to focus on a single place, here’s a review of developments in four key countries. Libya: With most Americans not quite realizing it, their government haphazardly went to war on Mar. 19 versus Mu’ammar al-Qaddafi’s Libya. Hostilities were barely acknowledged, […]

Durbin Launches the ‘Anti-Pete King’ Hearing
How curious. At the very moment that the threat posed to U.S. interests by the toxic Islamist organization known as the Muslim Brotherhood is becoming ever more palpable, a top Senate Democrat seems determined to suppress Americans’ understanding of that menace. Even the New York Times is now acknowledging the obvious: the principal beneficiary of […]

Biotech Company Using Aborted Fetal Cell Lines to Test Food Flavor Enhancers — Some Major Food Companies Severing Ties with Senomyx
Senomyx is a biotech company that produces artificial flavors. It enhances the way our food tastes. They are so clever their website states that they “focus on the discovery and development of savory, sweet and salt flavor ingredients.” Last year another discovery was made, that Senomyx uses, in its research, HEK 293. HEK 293 are […]

Answer to Family Breakdown is “Social Fatherhood,” UN Says
The cohesion of the American family is about the worst in the world, according to a new UN report. Rather than recommending policies reinforcing traditional family roles, the study recommends social policies reflecting the new reality. Just 70 percent of American children grow up with both parents, worse than the developed world average of 84 […]

DVD Review: Charlton Heston Presents The Bible
“I’m not a priest or a scholar. I’m an actor. I tell stories.” These words spoken by the legendary Charlton Heston summarize the theme of the re-released 4-disc DVD set, Charlton Heston Presents the Bible. The DVD titles include Genesis, The Story of Moses, Jesus of Nazareth and The Passion. In the mid-1950’s, the actor […]

Lent, A Time to Pray for Miracles
Editors Note: The three previous article spoke of Lent as a time to “open wide our hearts to Christ”, a time “to listen to God’s voice”, and a time “to repent in words and actions.” This article will look at Lent as a grace-filled time to pray for miracles — small ones and big ones. These […]

Santa Pudenziana
On my tours, I often ask the group to name the cathedral of Rome. Many know the correct answer is Saint John Lateran. Some, understandably, think that Saint Peter’s Basilica is the cathedral. Now, if I were to ask where is the first cathedral of Rome, what would you say? Before you answer, let’s take […]

Bridging the Generation Gap in the Workplace
Like many of my fellow business leaders, I do my best to stay current. I embrace social media, read the latest leadership books and stay abreast of trends in the marketplace. And from a workplace perspective, there is one particular conversation topic in full discourse across the country—Generation Y in Corporate America. It should be. […]

Muslim Jihad in Christian Ethiopia
Not only does last week’s jihadist rampage against Ethiopia’s Christians highlight the travails Christians encounter wherever Islam has a sizable population, but it offers several insights, including some which should concern faraway, secular nations with Muslim minorities. According to Fox News: Thousands of Christians have been forced to flee their homes in Western Ethiopia after […]

Are We Becoming Users and Disposers of Others?
Professor Robert George of Princeton University, and co-author of the Manhattan Declaration, is heading to Benedictine College, Atchison, Kansas on Friday, July 15 to address medical doctors and medical professionals in a keynote speech on their conscience rights as part of a larger week dedicated to renewing the culture. An excerpt from the Manhattan Declaration, […]

S. Marco al Campidoglio
Today we visit the basilica of San Marco. First dedicated to Saint Mark the Evangelist, the church was later also dedicated to Pope Saint Mark, who once lived on this site. This is one of Rome’s oldest churches, built around the year 336. Known as Titulus Marci, this was one of the original twenty-five titular […]