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Are You Thinking About Homeschooling?
Even though September seems a long ways away, this is the time of year when academic decisions for next school year are often made. Are you considering homeschooling next year? Perhaps it is an idea you have been considering for a long time, or maybe you recently met someone who homeschools and you want to […]

The Dilemma of the Would-be Job Seeker
Have you recently received a call from a recruiter about a new opportunity that got you thinking? Perhaps you’re feeling underappreciated by your boss. Are there few opportunities for professional growth at your company? Is it experiencing financial challenges that have impacted your income and benefits? Have the leaders failed to inspire you because of […]

Landing Pages: The New Sales Tool
The future of print media is in flux. Newspapers and magazines are trimming their pages and their staffing as subscribers and advertisers dwindle. One thing for certain, the Internet isn’t going away. It’s foolish not to pay attention to new ways you can use the Internet to ensure the profitability of your business. One great […]

My Story of Becoming a Mom, Part One: Aching Arms
As a registered nurse, I have patients who experience discomfort in different regions of the arm for a variety of reasons: frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, the list goes on. Some of these conditions are very difficult to treat, and I’m very blessed that I don’t suffer from these or any other debilitating medical […]

Turn the Other Cheek?
“Love your enemies.” “Turn the other cheek.” (Mat 5:38-40). This sounds admirable to some, but preposterous to others. The 19th century philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche thought such talk promotes a society of weaklings. Karl Marx thought these words keep the oppressed under the thumbs of the capitalists. Does Jesus want us to be doormats, suckers who […]

Egypt’s Chance
If developments in Egypt have gone as well as one could hope for, future prospects remain unclear. The exciting part is over, now come the worries. Let’s start with three pieces of good news: Hosni Mubarak, Egypt’s strongman who appeared on the brink of fomenting disaster, fortunately resigned. The Islamists, who would push Egypt in […]

Heart Speaks to Heart: See and Hear the Man Cured by Blessed Newman

Does Google Despise Success? Internet Giant Slaps Down Small Catholic Start-up
Catholic Lane launched its new online home for Catholics on February 19, 2011 with a score of Catholic authors who came aboard offering their materials to the public – all because of their generosity and their commitment to Catholic Lane and its audience. As a small Catholic apostolate with a no offices, a small staff, […]

The Egyptian Revolution: Evidence of Blessing
Bobby Kennedy often noted the inscription chiseled by a conscripted worker into one of the building blocks of the Great Pyramid, “none had the courage to stand up and speak out.” Recently, it seems, a salutary change has taken place in the Egyptian character. No longer are they afraid to defy unjust decrees and egocentric, […]

Will a New Papal Document Curtail Use of the Old Mass?
Will the Vatican soon issue a document calling for some restrictions on the use of the old rite of the Mass? The internet, especially in traditional Catholic circles, is abuzz with reports that this may be about to happen. But for the moment, these reports are based only on rumors. Officially, no one yet knows […]

Understanding Celibacy Through the Theology of the Body
“What does that have to do with the priesthood, Father?” I like to think, as Vocation Director, I can tie just about anything back to the priesthood, if I really try; but in the conversation noted, there was no need to try, as the links were plenty evident, if you but scratch the surface. In […]

U.S. Supreme Court Asked to Review San Francisco’s Anti-Catholic Resolution
The Thomas More Law Center, [Tuesday] afternoon, filed a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court, asking that it reverse a Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision which upheld San Francisco’s virulent anti-Catholic resolution. San Francisco’s resolution, adopted March 21, 2006, refers to the Vatican as a “foreign country” meddling in the affairs of the City and […]

The Blue Nail Polish, Saint-Making and Stepping Out
Amidst their other literary interests, our children invariably return to their various saint books and Glory Stories CD’s (etc.). Of course, we’re delighted. More and more often I see in them glimmers of virtue that put me to shame. Sports’ metaphors work in our home: while they all get that our playing field is about […]

Give Us Back Our Words, Please
The debate over the impact of the media on the minds and hearts of adults and children has raged since the onset of radio and television and never more pointedly than in the two decades since the explosion of the Internet. During that time we have argued over explicit song lyrics, ratings systems for movies […]

First Entertain!
An Open Letter to Christian Producers, Publishers, and Writers in four parts 1. INSPIRE OR EXPIRE As a producer, publisher and distributor of media products I am constantly approached by authors, artists and their representatives to assist them in either producing, publishing or distributing their products. In the last week I have been approached by […]

Stories and the New Evangelization
Two thousand years ago, the Son of Man walked by the Sea of Galilee and told stories to His friends. With His stories, He applied the Law of the Prophets to the lives of real people. After His death and Resurrection, His followers shared his story, first by oral tradition and then by written word […]

Peruvians Reject Abortion, Gay ‘Marriage’ in New poll
Despite the aspirations of major presidential candidates to legalize abortion and homosexual ‘marriage’ in Peru, the vast majority of Peruvians say they are opposed to both ideas, according to a new poll. More than three quarters of Peruvians, 76.3%, said they were opposed to the legalization of abortion, and only 17.4% said they support it. […]

How Does One Determine The Goodness Or Badness Of An Act?
How do we determine the goodness or badness of an act? For instance, what makes murder evil and almsgiving good? Simply, acts are good if they perfect human beings. They make us the persons we were made to be by fulfilling those needs that we have by virtue of our common human nature. Bad acts, […]

8 Steps to Stop or Fix Facebook Hacks
Oops, somebody did it again! A friend’s page has been hacked, with links posted across dozens of their friends’ walls. What to do and how do they fix it? Stop the Hack So It Never Happens Think before you click. Even if it’s your best friend’s wall, DON’T click on a link if it promises you […]

Local Churches Hard Hit as Recession Spreads
As the effects of the Great Recession continue to ripple outward, many churches are having a difficult time meeting their budgets. There has been an uptick in foreclosures of church properties across America, and this is in addition to the budgetary belt-tightening that congregations are performing in order to stay solvent. And as local governments […]

Let the Hustlers Hustle
If necessity is the mother of invention, then there is nothing worse than quenching the entrepreneurial spirit of people seeking to improve their situation by imposing arbitrary third-party constraints. America’s unemployment problems linger because hustlers cannot hustle. For many, “hustling” connotes business activity that is shady, or even illegal. But in the black community it is […]

Marriage: Like an Open Café
Along Rte 28A in Falmouth on Cape Cod there used to be this quaint, seasonal café that a good friend and I loved to frequent. The building that housed the café was really just an ordinary old barn. However, when the café’s owner returned each summer and arranged three or four small umbrella-covered tables on […]

Reduce, Reuse, Refuse to Despair
My job in the economy of our family is to plug the holes of unnecessary spending in order to stretch my husband’s income as far as possible. It’s a challenging position, but one that has become a bit easier since the advent of the “economic downturn” of recent years. Yes, that’s right, I did write easier, […]