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All Articles

A Conversation with Fr. Gary Thomas, Exorcist
The priest upon whose experience the book and movie The Rite are based, Father Gary Thomas gives an extended interview to Leticia Velasquez, about the writing and purpose of the book, the realism of the movie, and his experiences with the Rite of Exorcism: Velasquez: I’d like to ask my first few questions about the […]

When My Baby Girl Left For College…
I miss her so much. My youngest child. My only girl. My ally in the house of hormones. Oh, of course I raised her to leave— prepared her for college so she could fly away and pursue her own education, see the world, meet new friends, develop her own life. And I love her school. […]

Is Ordination a Right?
There has been increasingly more and more debate concerning the new document from the Vatican on the ordination of homosexual men to the priesthood. Since I am writing this before the release of the Vatican’s document on the subject, it not proper to assume what the Vatican will or will not do. This has not […]

The Matriarchs of the Faith
Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, and Leah, matriarchs of the faith, provide a remarkable insight into God’s commitment to women and His interest in how women play an integral part in His plan for mankind. These women are often called the “women of the tent” and they embodied what we as Catholics might call “feminine genius.” These incredible […]

Faith, Doubt, and Demonic Possession in The Rite
“I wonder you should ask me whether it is essential to keep the patient in ignorance of your own existence. That question, at least for the present phase of the struggle, has been answered for us by the High Command. Our policy, for the moment, is to conceal ourselves.” Screwtape, in The Screwtape Letters by […]

Review of the Children’s Book Joseph’s Hands
God makes every one of us unique, giving us each special gifts and talents. In the newly released book Joseph’s Hands (Bezalel Books, April 2007, paperback, 36 pages), author Kety Sabatini shares a compelling tale which aptly illustrates God’s love and creativity. Beautifully illustrated by Marie Sabatini, Joseph’s Hands is the story of six year […]

Book Review: The Rite
While exorcists admit that their ministry can sometimes be a heavy burden, it would be a mistake, they say to overstate the power of the Devil. As Father Amorth writes, “A priest who is afraid of the Devil is like a shepherd who is afraid of a wolf. It is a groundless fear.” The Devil,” […]

“But, Why…?”
I have been nibbling away at a book titled, The Difference God Makes, by Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. I say nibbling away because what Cardinal George has to say about the role of the Catholic faith in our modern word is so incredibly rich that to read it straight through would be like trying to […]

La Mama
One of life’s curious ironies is that a person can “have it all” but in reality have nothing. Likewise, a person can seem to have nothing and yet have everything–everything that matters that is. Mother Antonia or Madre Antonia as she is known in Mexico is just such a contradiction; filled to overflowing with love […]

Computer Posture
I’ve been sitting at my computer most of this morning, working away on a variety of things. When I stood up a few moments ago to go refresh my tea, I felt like an old lady! I sat back down to assess why I was feeling so much pain in my knees and noted that […]

Dressed in Matrimonial Grace
As our eldest daughter perched on the cliff of entry into adolescence, I found myself perched upon a dangerous cliff of my own — that of seeking modest dress for teenage girls. I slowly awakened to the truth (I was somewhat in denial) that taking a teenage girl shopping for modest clothing is nothing less […]

My View From Down Here, Part II
I hope you’ve read Part I…if not please do before reading Part II. I mean, lest you think I start off all conversations telling you about my toned calves…. 😉 I don’t tire of hearing compliments on my toned legs. Maybe it’s karma or payback but without any deliberate effort on my behalf, I’ve got […]

Are Great Prospects Clicking Off Your Website?
You’ve had a website now for a few years and you’re pretty happy with it. Your site lists your products and services in some detail. It lists the brand names you carry. It even has a corporate history with bios of your staff.You’re pleased that when someone Googles your product and your city, your company, […]

The Gaze
I do a weekly adoration hour. If you are familiar with the devotion of Eucharistic Adoration, skip the next paragraph. If not, allow me to explain. In formal settings, when a Catholic church sets up a weekly or daily schedule of Adoration or “Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament,” volunteers (like me) sign up to pray […]

Second Federal Judge Rules Against ‘Obamacare’ in 26-state Lawsuit
A second federal judge has ruled that President Barack Obama’s health care reform law, which subsidizes abortions, is unconstitutional. U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson, a Reagan appointee, ruled that the law violates the Constitution by requiring Americans to purchase health insurance or face a penalty, a provision that is set to begin in 2014. “I […]

The Gift of Aging
Well, it happened. I did not think it would but it did. I got old. You laugh. Doesn’t everybody, unless they meet their maker early? Yes, I knew it and you knew it, but be honest: you never really thought it would happen either, did you? Hanging Onto the Years Oh, we knew the birthdays […]

From Rubble to Reconstruction
A few months ago, a group of neighbors representing some 40 families in the Port-au-Prince community of Delmas 62 banded together and knocked on the door of Catholic Relief Services’ office in Delmas 81 to ask for help. Displaced from their homes after the earthquake, they were living in a nearby camp and wanted to […]

It Is So Your Business
Ever notice how when folks are getting married they make it everybody’s business? From announcements to bridal registries to showers to showing off the ring. From guest lists and invitations to bridesmaids to something borrowed — everybody is expected to get in on the act. Interesting isn’t it how these same people can decide to […]

Cults, Movements, World Religions
The modern religious landscape appears increasingly confusing, even strange or frightening. No matter how strong in faith and regular in religious practice our families may be, we are not insulated from contact with a bewildering variety of religious expressions, a Babel of “prophetic” voices and a dizzying array of competing world views. Questions Abound in […]

Pope releases doves from his window, only for them to return

My View From Down Here: Part I
I remember clearly the day I discovered I had the horrendous, incurable, life scarring disfigurement known as “being short”. The first day of first grade started smoothly—there I stood on the sidewalk outside my classroom for the requisite “First Day of School Photo Shoot”. I wore a smashing long, kelly green dress emblazoned with neon […]

Book Review: Elizabeth: A Holy Land Pilgrimage, By Cheryl Dickow
Beth Gantry, Liz, Elizabeth…the main character of Elizabeth: A Holy Land Pilgrimage (Bezalel Books, 2007) is many things to many people. What seems unclear in the opening pages of this debut novel from established non-fiction author Cheryl Dickow is how Elizabeth will be able to reconcile her roles as wife, mother and teacher with the […]

Catholic Schools or Charter Schools?
At some time or another we have been exposed to the ad catch phrase “Got Milk?” on billboards and various print publications. A different version that I have seen on shirts reads “Got Jesus?” I prefer the latter, for the obvious reasons of the inquiry to Christ. Not a day goes by when I visit […]