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O Me of Little Faith
I guess you never know how little faith you have, until it is tested. Faith never grows, unless it is tested. I have found it to be a vicious lifelong cycle. I think I have faith, it gets tested, and I realize how little faith I have after all. I have been praying for something […]

Poem: “The Gift of Perseverance”
The Gift of Perseverance ONCE, as I brooded o’er my guilty state, A fever seized me, duties to devise, To buy me interest in my Saviour’s eyes; Not that His love I would extenuate, But scourge and penance, masterful self-hate, Or gift of cost, served by an artifice To quell my restless thoughts and envious […]

Thanksgiving, Freedom and Life
A Pythagorean writer once expressed the role of civil authority this way: “The monarch has an irrepressible authority (and is therefore not limited by consent); he is a living law; he is like a god among men.” How different America is. Our Founders came here for freedom, a freedom that recognized that no human being […]

Giving Thanks at Thanksgiving … But Not to God
This is historical fraud, forgery, perjury.

UN Diplomats Fight Back Against LGBT Ideology
A chorus of delegates from around the world protested attempts to make “sexual orientation and gender identity” a protected category in international human rights law at the General Assembly last week. The Africa Group, composed of 54 countries, delivered a forceful statement to Joachim Rücker, the German president of the Human Rights Council, as he […]

Presidents and Thanksgiving
America has been abundantly blessed.

Pope Francis in Uganda: Honoring Martyrs, Firing Up the Faith
By Claire Creegan NEW YORK—Pope Francis’ scheduled Mass in Uganda in observance of the 50th anniversary of the canonization of the Ugandan Martyrs will help revitalize the faith of one of Africa’s youngest Churches, a local Church official said. In an interview with international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need, Msgr. John Baptist Kauta, […]

In Defense Of “Soul Mates”
It has been said that: Real love is not all feelings. Real love takes work. Real love requires choosing your beloved on a daily basis. These are all statements that I believe to be true. But, can I let you in on a little secret? I believe in soul mates. And [thankfully], I believe that I […]

The Unborn Down Syndrome Refugee Crisis
The daily headlines are filled with stories about the refugee crisis spreading across the globe. Tensions are high as governments assess the security risk of admitting groups of these displaced citizens, and the vetting and screening processes for refugees is under intense scrutiny. A refugee is defined as “a person who flees for refuge or […]

Front Row With Francis: The Doors of Mercy
Paris dominated the news cycle last week, thanks to the coordinated terrorist attacks by ISIS. But, if it weren’t for its utility as a political bargaining chip, who a month from now would remember Paris? Soon enough something new would have displaced Paris in our minds. In our active memory, we hold fast to only […]

Cultural Imperialism and the Indian Surrogacy Ban
I can’t help but read many of the articles related to the Indian government’s recent ban on commercial international surrogacy with a certain amount of irony. “The move has dismayed childless couples worldwide,” noted one article in The Telegraph. Others referred to “the panic” caused by the decision. Another noted that this ban would lead […]

Thousands of Syrian Christians are Fleeing ISIS Assault
By Oliver Maksan NEW YORK—Thousands of Syrian Christians are fleeing after fierce attacks by ISIS on the town of Sadad and its surroundings, reported Syrian Orthodox Archbishop Selwanos Boutros Alnemeh of Homs. Sadad is some 35 miles south of Homs and 65 miles north east of the Syrian capital of Damascus. The region has been […]

Theology of the Body Revolutionized My Marriage
I can’t fully explain it, because it wasn’t what my parents tried to teach me. But this is what I learned as a child: sex is dirty. I knew, in my head, that this wasn’t true, and that sex, in its proper context, was a blessed, holy thing. But even for good Catholic girls who […]

When Is Abortion Not a Sin Against the Creator?
A recent story in the Washington Post left me agog! I mean really folks, how intentionally pointed and disjointed can a report that is really not a report be? Curious? The Post states that “nearly 2 percent of Texas women say they tried to induce abortion.” The headline is generated by a report entitled “Knowledge, […]

Christ the King: From a Crown of Thorns to a Crown of Life
As we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King this weekend, it’s worth asking ourselves what kind of kingdom Christ promised us. We know his kingdom is not of this world, and his crown is made of thorns. Will our sacrifices and suffering be worth it? What awaits us after death? The Book of Revelations […]

Poem: “One Gypsy Man”
One Gypsy Man The heat was so great that I sat down to rest And watched as mankind was put to the test A gypsy approached, barely able to walk He staggered and moaned, unable to talk. Filthy and starving and bronzed by the sun Scarred by the world and by the world shunned- Our eyes met […]

Blessed John Henry Newman and the Conscience
Moral relativism bothers me for numerous reasons, but the greatest annoyance I have is relativism’s consistent use of illogical reasoning and justification. Besides selfishness, relativism’s only consistent attribute is being illogical. I find this frustrating because several friends buy into relativism lock, stock, and barrel without a second thought. By illogical I should say I […]

“Much Ado About Nothing?” Ben Carson on Starving Terri Schiavo.
Presidential candidate, Dr. Ben Carson, was recently quoted in the Washington Post regarding the starvation death undergone by the severely brain injured (and NOT brain dead) Teri Schiavo, “We face those kinds of issues all the time and while I don’t believe in euthanasia, you have to recognize that people that are in that condition do have a […]

Poem: “A Little on the Soul”
A Little on the Soul Periodically one has a soul. Nobody has it all the time and forever. Day after day, year after year can pass without it. Sometimes only in rapture and in fears of childhood it dwells within longer. Sometimes only in the astonishment, that we have become old. It rarely assists us […]

How to Discern Whether Adoption is Right for You
In honor of National Adoption Month, here’s my review of Jaymie Stuart Wolfe’s excellent discernment guide, Adoption: Room for One More?, from Pauline Books & Media. A few years ago, between babies #3 and #4 (or #4 and #5), my husband and I contemplated adopting a baby girl from China. We were moved by stories […]

Paris, Brussels, and 21st Century Europe
21st-century Europe will be extremely chaotic.

A Rarity in a Cuban Suburb: a New Church Will Be Built
By Oliver Maksan HAVANA, Cuba—The skyline of the suburb of Guiteras, on the outskirts of the Cuban capital, is dominated by grey prefabricated buildings that are crumbling badly, weakened by the moist tropical temperatures. Some 32000 people live in this place that looks like so many others on the island nation. But Guiteras is very […]

Expanding Acronyms Threaten Maternal and Child Health
In recent decades, the relatively simple and appealing concept of maternal and child health (MCH) has ballooned into a far broader and more convoluted agenda: sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health, with an unwieldy acronym to match: SRMNCAH. The addition of new letters and target areas have brought a wide range of new […]