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Fearing the Silence
Why do we fear coming to God? Why does turning to God come only once we have no where else to turn in our trials? Rather than God being first, we turn instead to friends, family, spouses, culture, society, and only when other sources are exhausted do we turn to Christ in prayer. Obviously, these […]

UN Data Backs Pope on Abortion and Contraception
The UN population division agrees with Pope Francis. More contraception will not stop climate change. Abortion and contraception must be widely available to prevent a climate change Armageddon according to some scientists. But these views are not gaining traction at UN headquarters, and were rejected in Laudato Si, Pope Francis’ much-publicized encyclical on “care for […]

Word by Word: Slowing Down with the Hail Mary
The Hail Mary is such a beautiful prayer in honor of our Blessed Mother, one every Catholic knows. Sarah Reinhard, a convert to the faith, describes the Hail Mary as her “blankie prayer . . . Just as my children cling to their worn-soft, faded blankies, so I cling to my Blessed Mother’s skirt through […]

Transhumanism: Taking the Place of Our Creator
There is a dangerous philosophy emerging in our fast-paced, technology-driven world of which most people are totally unaware. And yet, when Francis Fukuyama, economist at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, was asked what idea posed the “greatest threat to the welfare of humanity,” his answer was this philosophy. And yet I am […]

Woodlawn, A Message for Today
Christianity and football came together on Nov. 8, 1974 in Birmingham, Alabama. The two-time defending state champion Banks high school Jets played against their rivals, the Woodlawn Colonels before a record-breaking crowd of 42,000. It is fitting that the game that broke attendance records also became a symbol of the power of Jesus Christ. It […]

God is Our Strength: Raising Children After Divorce
My life as a Catholic father has taken some turns I could never have predicted. My divorce, annulment, and remarriage in the last six years changed the straight, traditional path that I always envisioned. However, one thing has been constant and unwavering—my faith in God and in Jesus Christ. In all I have done in […]

Will UN Categorically Exclude Unborn from Right to Life?
A draft UN report excludes all children in the womb from any protections under international law. The Human Rights Committee, a mostly unknown but influential UN committee that records and reviews the implementation of the UN treaty on civil and political rights has published a draft opinion on the “right to life” in international law […]

Can Traditionalists Overcome Their Problems?
Greetings Kevin, In your most recent letter responding to my questions on traditionalists and pastoral responsibility, you rightly point out that for every case of a “traditional” priest behaving autocratically, we can find just as many instances of liberal autocrats looking to destroy traditional church architecture and practice. Indeed, countless priests and bishops have disrupted […]

Poem: “I’m Doing the Best I Can”
I’m Doing the Best I Can I say it so often, “I am doing the best I can do.” My heart breaks, For I desire to do all for You, Yet, I am full of myself, And You seem silent. I am still of the earth And aspire to heaven. I am so common, Yet […]

We Must Listen to the Voice of the Lord
Suddenly, quite surprisingly, I find myself deep in despair. Despair for my family and friends. Despair for my parish and my Catholic Church. Despair for myself, my work, my apostolate and my health, for my community and my country and my fellow human beings, for my prayer life and my faith and the souls of […]

What Our Lady Can Do with a Little Bag of Beads
The Miraculous Closing of the Last Abortion Facility in Corpus Christ, Texas For many years the pro-life community of Corpus Christi, Texas and surrounding areas prayed in front of the last remaining abortion business left in the town. There were countless novenas and Masses offered along with visitations of a relic from the tilma of […]

A Christian Call to Action at Home and Abroad
A new article over at CNS News paints a disturbing picture of the state of religious liberty across the globe. Citing religious persecution as “a leading social justice crisis of our time,” the article outlines the horrific actions being perpetrated against Christians in the Middle East and Africa, and America’s less than robust response to […]

The Joy of the Gospel of Life
When I was about middle school age, I participated in a life chain with my mom. We lined up shoulder-to-shoulder with hundreds of other pro-life people along a busy stretch of road in my hometown. We held up pro-life signs and prayed. I don’t remember much about the day, except where we were standing, and […]

Poem: “Rising”
Rising Guilty, condemned, Innocent of all, Now with this cross I fall. Mother, Simon, Veronica gone, Now uphill I tread on . Cut, Torn, Stripped, nailed, Now forgiving I will not fail. Hold, Behold, Mother, son. Now, Father, Thy will be done. Kingdom, Glory, Cross, crown, Now to sleep I lay me down. Love lives, […]

St. Francis and the Synod on the Family
The date that Pope Francis chose to begin the second phase of the Synod on the Family could hardly have been a coincidence. When the Synod opened on October 4, the Church celebrated the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. And even more dramatically, the readings for the day celebrated marriage — the marriage of […]

Hindu Radicals Would Evict All Foreign Christian Leaders From Nepal
Requesting anonymity, Catholic sources in Nepal have told the international Catholic charity, Aid to the Church in Need, about growing fears within the country’s small Christian population for their future safety in Nepal. In the early hours of Sept. 14, 2015, three Protestant churches were bombed in eastern Nepal where the Christian population is most […]

UN Bureaucracy To Push “LGBT Rights” Despite Tensions
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon promised that homosexual and transgender rights would advance at the United Nations despite the strain it will cause within the organization and between states. “Mostly I have not been successful,” Ban Ki-moon lamented, while recounting episodes from his “personal diplomacy” to promote lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights worldwide. […]

Our Imperfect Family Rosary
When I was growing up, my immature self believed that the family rosary was something that had to be endured. Through no fault of my parents, the nightly ritual was anything but idyllic. My siblings and I were called into our parents’ bedroom where we knelt facing the crucifix. My older brother and I would […]

Pope Francis vs. the “Demon” of Gender Theory
Liberals and conservatives need to pay closer attention.

The Simple Approach is Best
Every month, as part of our formation with the Secular Carmelites order in St. Louis, the formation director gives my group a reading assignment and asks that we each write a two or three page reflection. The September assignment was Part Four of the Catechism of the Catholic Church – a compendium of all my […]

Please Mind My Own Business
Fraternal correction is defined as the admonishing of one’s neighbor with the purpose of reforming him, or, if possible, preventing his sinful indulgence in the first place. The very idea of this makes America 2015 ™ cringe, because even to most Christians, those who are responsible for fraternally correcting each other, the concept of evaluating the […]

The Cause of High College Tuition
Ah, the autumn is upon us. College campuses are buzzing with activity — as college kids and their parents rack up massive debt to cover the cost of high tuition. The origin of such debt is interesting to trace. In 1987, reports Slate, President Reagan’s secretary of Education, Bill Bennett, published a New York Times […]

Movie Review: Pawn Sacrifice
I’m declaring the riveting and flawless Pawn Sacrifice (the story of chess prodigy Bobby Fischer, played with acting genius by Tobey Maguire) the best film of 2015. This film has it all: high drama, low drama, human drama, international intrigue, unbeatable odds, fierce competition, poignancy, USA vs. Russia, an alternately elegant and rockin’ soundtrack, issues […]