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All Articles

Five Ways to Keep Your Faith at the Forefront During Busy Back to School Days
The air is turning cooler, football is on TV and the kiddos are back in school. While for some that may be a sigh of relief, we quickly realize that back to school doesn’t really free up much of our time. Soccer practices, homework, dance class, school parties and religious education begin to fill up […]

Idolatry of Self Threatens All We Once Held Dear
Every abortion in Canada is paid for with our tax dollars (without our consent or any public consensus). It is a moral outrage! Then in late July 2015, the abortion pill RU-486 was quietly approved by Health Canada. Although women will need a prescription to obtain it, a whole new phase of early abortion is about […]

Breaking the “Theological Silence” on Racially-Targeted Abortion
In the article “Has the Silence Been Broken? Catholic Theological Ethics and Racial Justice” in Theological Studies Journal (March, 2014), Father Bryan Massingale, Ph.D., of Marquette University discusses what he calls “the theological silence” about racism in America. Fr. Massingale uses phrases like “deafening and appalling silence,” “embarrassed silence” and “shocking theological silence” regarding racism […]

A Spoken Word Poem: “Count the Cost”
Count the Cost …It’s so easy to guard myself from the essence of sacrifice And play the same mind game and do just enough to get by But that’s not what it is to be great, it’s not what it is to be a saint I don’t want to be dead bones in a box, […]

Movie Review: 90 Minutes in Heaven
90 Minutes in Heaven is the screen version of a book by the same name that came out several years ago. It is a memoir, a firsthand account of a Christian pastor’s near-death experience. The book is excellent. The film? Far from it. In fact, it fails pretty miserably as a film, and also in […]

A Clean Heart
A clean heart create for me, O God, and a steadfast spirit renew within me. Psalm 51 The heart is one of the most essential organs in the human body because it pumps blood to every extremity. When it does not function properly and effectively, negative side effects occur. If we do not eat a […]

Permissive Abortion Laws Do Not Reduce Maternal Deaths
By Carlos Polo and Moriah Bruno A recent study published in the British Medical Journal has found that laws that restrict or prevent abortion do not lead to higher maternal mortality rates. In fact, the study, based on recent data from Mexico, showed precisely the opposite: higher maternal mortality rates were seen in Mexican states […]

Arts Can Bring Beauty to an Ugly Age
The Arts remind me there is still sanity and beauty in an insane and ugly age. Despite living in the darkness of a culture of death — where children are sacrificed by abortion on the diabolical altar of sexual licence, and defeated sick and disabled people are eliminated by euthanasia — the Arts speak to […]

The Place to Turn for Truly Good News
For quite a while, I’ve tried to give up watching the news on TV each night. My radio almost always has been tuned to St. Louis CBS affiliate KMOX, “NewsRadio 1120,” for news, traffic, weather and sports – until about six months ago, when I decided to listen only to St. Louis Cardinals baseball. All […]

The Pain of Divorce: Annulment Offers Healing and Closure
There’s a well-known quote that I know firsthand to be true: “The best gift parents can give their children is a happy marriage.” The love and happiness shared by parents bring joy to the whole family. Thus when I came to terms with the fact that my first bond did not reflect a happy and […]

Poem: “All You have Given Me”
All You Have Given Me I love You, Lord. You embrace me In our communion Of Eucharist. I believe in Your love For the sinner. I am that sinner. You come to me. I am empty and poor, Yet, You make My poverty Your paradise. Here I bring to You All You have given me. […]

Jerusalem Carmelites Live Where Jesus Once Prayed
By Oliver Maksan JERUSALEM—“Welcome to our new reception room;” Sister Agathe offered her visitor a warm greeting. The nun is in charge of finances for the Carmelite Sisters’ convent on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. Substantial renovations were just completed. Everything is clean and bright. “The renovations help us to receive guests better, while […]

First Congressional Hearing on PP’s Organ Harvesting Scandal
Two abortion survivors, a pro-life expert, and an abortion attorney will testify in Congress’ first hearing September 9 on whether Planned Parenthood’s fetal parts program violates federal law. The hearing, entitled “Planned Parenthood Exposed: Examining the Horrific Abortion Practices at the Nation’s Largest Abortion Provider,” may not be a smooth one, however. While House Judiciary […]

A Spoken Word Poem: “Defeat ISIS”
“…Now more than ever we Christians must choose Will we ignite the light from the wick in our lives And fight for what’s right? Or let the enemies plight for an everlasting night Wreak fright through our demise…”

Back-to-School Reflections From a Homeschooling Mom
The school year began in the local public schools last week. As I watched the bus drive down the street and saw all the back-to-school photos that my friends put up on Facebook, I couldn’t help but feel a little sad. My kids are homeschooled. There is no big yellow school bus for us. There’s […]

Pope Francis, Abortion, and Mercy
Earlier this year, His Holiness Pope Francis officially announced a very special jubilee year which he called the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. He designated the dates December 8, 2015, through November 20, 2016, as this year. At the time of this announcement, Pope Francis said, “To be touched with tenderness by His hand and shaped […]

Book Review: Catholic Family Fun
Catholic Family Fun by Sarah Reinhard is a great book—a great book. Two thoughts kept coming to me as I read it, the first was: Wow! My kids would love this! The second was: Hey! I could totally do this! And having field tested a bunch of things from the book, I’m glad to report […]

Another Modern Family Mess
Since the U.S. Supreme Court decision allowing for gay marriage in all fifty states, we’ve spent a lot of time warning you about the new push for the false idea of “family equality.” Proponents of this idea hold that all couples have an equal right to children. Earlier this week, a New York Post columnist […]

U.S. Escalates LGBT Rights; LGBT Advocate Calls it Dangerous
The U.S. upped the stakes on international LGBT rights by raising the issue in an informal briefing on Monday at UN headquarters. But an LGBT advocate criticized it as pandering that could cost lives. “It’s a good deal for LGBT [groups] based in New York or Geneva. They get recognition, and with it funding and […]

Parochial School Girl Meets Public School World
When our oldest daughter graduated with her 40-person class from eighth grade in parochial school, all the girls hugged each other and cried. She’s entering public high school in a few days, and it’s totally uncharted territory. None of her parochial school friends will be with her, she won’t be wearing her trusty plaid uniform, […]

Supreme Courts Are Usurping Democracy
Canada is about to embark upon an audacious social course. We must accept the Supreme Court’s unanimous decision to strike down laws prohibiting assisted suicide of the sick, disabled and depressed. It is a departure from our legal foundations in British Common Law that have — for more than 700 years — forbidden or punished […]

Poem: “Wondrous Wind and Waltzing Trees”
Wondrous Wind and Waltzing Trees Wondrous wind and waltzing trees, Look what the Lord has given me. The beauty of the dance, In the trees He grows. And the soft silent wind That rustles the leaves. What a gift, He has given me. This among so many, He has placed in my path. So I […]

In Ukraine, ‘You Have Be Crazy About God to Persevere’
By Eva-Maria Kolmann NEW YORK—“Priests who do not have a calling will not last long here in the Ukraine.” Such, plain and simple, is the verdict of Roman Catholic Bishop Bronislaw Bernacki of Odessa-Simferopol. Soviet-era communism may be long gone, but the local Church is still in rebuilding mode, the prelate said in an interview […]

Book Review: Your School of Love
In Your School of Love (Tan Books, 2015), veteran homeschooler and mother of nine Agnes Penny hopes “to encourage homeschoolers to try a more relaxed, more natural, less stressful style of learning.” While maintaining that homeschooling is a natural outgrowth of our parenting, “another way to spend time and share experiences with our children,” she […]