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Art and Ideals of a Culture
The arts are as important to education as math, science and language. In many ways the arts are a language capable of expressing the inexpressible human heart or the beauty of the world. The arts can express the dignity and worth of man and glorify God; this is art in its highest form. The arts […]

Will the Obama Admin Re-Define the Family for the World?
The Obama administration’s placement of LGBT rights at the forefront of U.S. foreign policy has caused backlash against LGBT rights in many parts of the world. But after repeated failures to re-define the family to include homosexuality, something may be about to change at UN headquarters. Obama’s multi-year campaign to discard the Universal Declaration of […]

Hidden Meaning of the Loaves and the Fishes
Finding the hidden meanings. Unraveling mysteries. Deciphering symbols. The thrill inherent in all this is partly why Dan Brown’s book, the Da Vinci Code, sold so well. But Brown’s secret code, the 2000 year chain of clues supposedly leading to the true identity of Jesus and his holy grail, is simply a parody of the […]

Poem: “Morning Sigh”
Morning Sigh A sigh of longing A sigh of love A sigh bidding to my side The Lord above. Breathe in the Spirit. Breathe in that Holy Ghost. Breathe deeply in the morning The God of hosts. Joann Nelander Copyright 2013

From Your Fellow Pilgrim
I have a confession to make: Even though I know that at my age (54), I’m likely on the downhill side of life’s mountain … Even though I have seen numerous people pass away at ages much younger than me the last several years … Even though I have visited only 38 of the 50 […]

In Shadow of War, Syrian Christians are Trying to Rebuild Their Lives
By Oliver Maksan HOMS, Syria—Bright colors set off the sullen grey of destruction: children and young people have painted one of the streets in the ravaged Old City of this ancient Christian center in Syria. On house walls, the young artists have expressed in brilliant colours what moves them, what they hope for. “The aim […]

Missionary Bishop Uncovered and Shelved; Report on Him Shelved and Uncovered
Parishioners at North American Martyrs Parish in Seattle have friends in high places—in more than one sense. To be sure, St. Isaac Jogues and his missionary brothers intercede for the souls in their namesake’s parish, but parishioners who attend the 8:00 am Mass at Holyrood Cemetery’s mausoleum have an additional friend likely in Heaven, whose […]

Latest Planned Parenthood Project: Cut Up That Baby and Sell His Parts!
The latest undercover video of a Planned Parenthood employee, done by David Daleiden, project lead at the newly public Center for Medical Progress, is shocking on several levels. In the video, we see obstetrician/gynecologist Deborah Nucatola openly discussing charging for baby body parts. According to LifeSiteNews, Nucatola “seemed to describe performing an abortion procedure outlawed […]

Being a Maccabean Mother
After a hearty meal, a male dinner guest and my husband reclined on the sofa where they set about solving all of the world’s problems. After a few laughs, the conversation turned serious as they speculated about the probability of coming persecutions like those already faced daily by Christians in the Middle East. They proclaimed […]

Speaking of False Teachers: A Primer (Part 2)
Part one of this series dealt with how Jesus, Scripture, and the saints described and identified false teachers. In this installment we examine the example of St. Athanasius. The Arians and Their False Teachers The Arian heresy is named after a priest named Arius (A.D. 250-336) who taught several false doctrines that flowed from a […]

FDA to Review Concerns on the Essure Sterilization Procedure
After receiving thousands of complaints of adverse side-effects, the FDA has decided to conduct a hearing on the safety and effectiveness of Essure. The controversial sterilization implant involves pushing micro coils made of nitinol (a nickel-titanium alloy) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fibers into a woman’s fallopian tubes via a hysteroscope and catheter. This scars the […]

Complete Abandonment to Christ and the Purpose of Our Existence
At the beginning of his papacy, by Pope Benedict XVI’s 2005 homily for the Mass Imposition of the Pallium and Conferral of The Fisherman’s Ring For the Beginning Of The Petrine Ministry Of the Bishop Of Rome, His Holiness said: “There is nothing more beautiful than to be surprised by the Gospel, by the encounter with […]

Which is Real: Science or God?
I’ve wondered, since my conversion, why some found it so much harder to believe in God than in Science. When I was younger in college, I took the pronouncements of my teachers–Nobel Prize winners* and graduate students–as holy writ (although I didn’t know then what holy writ was). In laboratories we repeated famous experiments, Galileo’s […]

Hungry Sheep, Weary Shepherds
Lots of perks come with being the boss, whether you are the boss of a church, company, or nation. You get to call the shots, for starters. Then there is good food, good drink. Travel. Parties. Expense accounts. Pomp and circumstance. Bodyguards. Technology has changed a lot, but people haven’t. In ancient times as in […]

Speaking of False Teachers: A Primer (Part 1)
How does one speak about those with hierarchical authority who contradict church teaching, leading the faithful astray? Even if they are priests, bishops, and cardinals? Should one have sensitive dialogue with schismatics and heretics? Compromise for the sake of unity and peace? Avoid stirring the ecclesial pot? Meet them where they are and find common […]

Niger: They set fire to Our Churches, But We Still Love Them
By Antonia von Alten NEW YORK—Six months after extremist Muslims attacked Christians and burned down a number of churches, the local faithful remain fearful—but a local bishop reported that Catholic life in Niger continues to flourish. In an interview with international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need, Bishop Ambroise Ouédraogo of Maradi recalled […]

Movie Review: Self/less
The idea and ideology of “transhumanism”: that human beings are basically just brains in containers, and that if we could just find a way to upload our brains into computers or robots or such–we could live on forever–is the subject of the new film Self/less. It was also the subject of the recent film Transcendence. […]

Take A Friend On The Journey
A March weekend in 2005 has affected my life as profoundly as almost any other event. Not only did my two-day experience improve the quality of my life, it probably saved my life. Numerous times. I gained a true understanding about the invaluable importance of making my spiritual journey with companions. And to think it […]

Undercover Video Catches Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Baby Body Parts
An undercover video released yesterday morning shows a national leader of Planned Parenthood admitting that the abortion provider uses the illegal and highly controversial partial birth abortion procedure to sell intact fetal body parts. The average asking price for fetal body parts? Between $30 and $100 per specimen. Dr. Deborah Nucatola has been senior director […]

Reining In Judicial Supremacists
Judicial activism occurs when judges depart from their constitutional role of interpreting law and make law from the bench. It’s a pernicious practice that undermines the democratic process, and it has been with us for a long time. American judicial history is filled with instances where judges usurped authority that did not belong to them […]

Big Win for Traditional Family at UN Human Rights Council
A monumental development for the pro-family movement came recently in Geneva when the Human Rights Council approved a resolution calling for countries to take concrete steps to protect the family, described in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the “natural and fundamental group unit of society.” This is the second such resolution at the […]

What Do Twilight, Fifty Shades, and Leviticus Have in Common?
Most who discuss them agree that the Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey fiction series are the same basic story line with different characters. What seems to differ among those discussing the two, however, is why they are so popular that they developed a cult following. I have a suggestion along that line: What if the wild fascination […]

Poem: “Medusa”
Medusa Medusa slain by Perseus, To gaze would turn a king to stone, Revolting head with eyes of glass The face it showed you had to own It showed the one you really were, Schemes, evasions, lies exposed, And this the horrid power of her: Severed head, the truth of those Still the mirror shows […]

A Conversation With My Gay Friend
The other day we got together with a friend of mine from high school named Andrew*, and his boyfriend, Tom. They moved out of state earlier this year, but a business trip brought him and Tom back through town recently, and we jumped at the chance to go out to dinner with them. This was […]