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All Articles

A Revolutionary Approach to the Bible: Jairus’ Daughter and The Enlightenment
In the days when states were still “the colonies” and men wore powdered wigs, a new way of thinking captured the intelligentsia of the western world. “The miracle stories in the Bible and the lives of the saints may be quaint, entertaining, and even have symbolic meaning. But certainly we should not take them literally! […]

God is Dead: A Spoken Word Poem by Fr. Pontifex
A Spoken Word Poem by Fr. Pontifex (God is Dead: This video is in response to the claims of the “New Atheism.”…Science and reason are not incompatible with faith in fact they complement each other very well because they come from the same source, God. )

Pope’s Encyclical Brandished at UN, Its Condemnation of Abortion Ignored
Pope Francis’ new encyclical on the environment made an impact on UN negotiations this week. But in the rush to emphasize its input on climate change, his forceful condemnation of abortion and population control remain overlooked. At this week’s negotiations on sustainable development in the General Assembly, María Emma Mejía Vélez, ambassador of Colombia said […]

Movie Review: Inside Out
Inside Out, the new Pixar movie about Riley, an eleven-year-old girl whose world is turned upside down when her family moves from Minnesota to San Francisco, is good, but not great. It’s very much a kid’s movie (with knowing asides to parents, as these films always have). When I first saw the trailer for the […]

Something to Teach Your Kids
It’s a Hallmark holiday, but Father’s Day can be a chance to reflect a bit on our children and their future. As a father of one son (and soon to be two), I am a member of a shrinking subset in modern America. Increasingly, many people like me aren’t getting married, some aren’t having children […]

Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare Subsidies in 6-3 Decision
The Supreme Court has upheld the Obama administration’s controversial implementation of the Affordable Care Act in a 6-3 decision yesterday morning. Americans are required to purchase an insurance program that follows federal guidelines, including no co-pay coverage of contraception, sterilization, and abortion-inducing drugs. In some cases, this includes a $1 abortion surcharge. The federal government […]

Life Lessons in the Dear God Series
There’s nothing like reading a good book before bedtime, especially for kids. Too often, the busyness of life leaves parents feeling that we have not done enough of one thing or another. Reading with our children rectifies much of that that. I found that reading the “Dear God Series” (Liguori Publications) by Patti Maguire Armstrong […]

Let’s Fall in Love
Some things make you feel just a little more alive. Hearing a moving song. Helping someone in need. Reading words that make you cry. Seeing a sunset splash the sky with breath-taking colors. And the feeling is multiplied immeasurably if you are sharing those experiences with someone special. Indeed, love completes us as human beings. […]

Where Is the Mission Field?
Last week I went on a mission trip. I was able to travel with our youth group from Georgia to Cincinnati, OH to work with the Franciscans for the Poor. We stayed at the Tau House, a converted convent that is now used to house groups who wish to come and do mission work within […]

Are All Great Scientists Atheists?
“The laws of nature are written by the hand of God in the language of mathematics.” Galileo Galilei “Certain it is that a conviction, akin to religious feeling, of the rationality or intelligibility of the world lies behind all scientific work of a higher order…This firm belief, a belief bound up with deep feeling, in […]

Abortion in Overdrive
Over the past few weeks it has become abundantly clear that the tipping point for the radical abortion machine is upon us—and it’s a frightening image. Take for instance the clamoring in Ireland once it became clear that the “gay” rights movement had scored a victory for sin. No sooner had the Republic of Ireland […]

Poem: “…But Sure as Shootin’ He Reined Me Up!”
…But Sure as Shootin’ He Reined Me Up! I am of the Lord for He has called me I am of the Lord for He sought me out I am of the Lord for I heard Him calling I am of the Lord for I turned to listen There is naught within me that is […]

A Mission: “Be Jesus Today”
A sticky note on the bottom of my computer monitor at work features three simple words, but a powerful command: Be Jesus Today If I have a consistently whispered “mantra,” that’s it. I say it to myself every morning. The note reminds me of my personal desire throughout the workday. At night, as I reflect […]

Clergy Heretics and Heretical Synods: Been There, Done That
There is some fear that the Vatican’s upcoming fall Synod on the Family will proclaim and promote heresy. The feared heresy would be in contradicting the explicit scriptural teaching of Jesus and of St. Paul regarding the prohibition of divorced-and-remarried Catholics receiving Holy Communion. Historically, the Church has dealt with heresy accepted, proclaimed, and promulgated […]

Of God and Godparents
Everyone loves seeing the babies baptized early Sunday morning. Some squeal with delight while others cry their eyes out as the cold Holy Water runs across their heads. I’m always curious though about who the parents chose as godparents for their child. If physical similarities matter, many seem to have chosen a sibling or two […]

Haitian Bishop: ‘Human Restoration’ is Church’s Top Priority
By Antonia von Alten NEW YORK—Five years after Haiti’s devastating earthquake, the local Church has suffered a series of brazen attacks on Church properties. Between November 2015 and February of this year there were more than 20 robberies of religious communities, a bishop reported. In an interview with international Catholic charity Aid to the Church […]

Calls to Change Helms Amendment Not about Rape Victims
Abortion advocates are exploiting victims of sexual violence in conflict to advance their own narrow agenda – opening up a new funding stream to international abortion groups and changing abortion laws in countries where restricted. Global humanitarian groups receive hundreds of millions of dollars to help the most vulnerable – many in areas of conflict […]

United We Stand
Survey after survey shows that Americans are more disillusioned with politics than ever before. They don’t trust that their representatives truly have their interests or the welfare of the nation at heart, but instead their own ambitions. How long has it been since anyone could say with confidence that the person representing them in Congress […]

“Was daddy involved with us when we were little?” she asked. “Did he want to spend time with us?” I wondered why she was soliciting these questions although I guessed it had more to do with the fathers of the families that she worked for than her own father. As a young adult woman who […]

The Gift of Mercy
I’ve facilitated a women’s expressive writing class for almost five years now. My students have been an eclectic group. A small percentage of the students have been marginally literate, while some have their GED or high school diplomas, a few have technical or associate degrees, and others have a bachelor’s or master’s degree. They are […]

Movie Review: Jurassic World
The fourth of the Jurassic movies, Jurassic World, is brilliant, in keeping with the tone of the franchise, and great entertainment. The over-the-top trailer should never have shown us the escaped pterodactyls swooping down on everyone. That was a total spoiler and made the film look overblown, which it is not. Jurassic World retains all […]

Vox et Veritas- The Best line Never Mentioned in Scripture!
A Spoken Word Poem by TJ Burdick (Vox et Veritas- The Best line Never Mentioned in Scripture)

Traditionalists and Hard Realities
For the average layman, much, if not the vast majority of discussions about Catholic traditionalists, Vatican II, and the Reform of the Reform, exists solely online and in the realm of the Catholic zeitgeist. Yet from time to time, we Americans are privy to a real-life disputes amongst the various factions of Catholics. All politics […]

Obamacare Subsidies and Justice Anthony Kennedy
There are two things wrong with Kennedy’s speculations.