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WHO Researchers Urge Cheaper Abortion Above Safety
As part of an ongoing effort to maximize the international availability of abortion, researchers collaborating with the World Health Organization (WHO) released a study arguing that clinical follow-up after a chemical abortion is unnecessary, and that foregoing it could “save resources.” “This study was done in accordance with the WHO safe abortion guidance, which recommends […]

God or Government?
By now, most people have heard something about Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore’s order defying a federal ruling legalizing same-sex marriage in Alabama. It didn’t take long for the Left’s culture warriors to issue sanctimonious condemnations of the judge’s order: “This is a pathetic, last-ditch attempt at judicial fiat by an Alabama Supreme Court justice—a man who […]

Overreaching in Plain English
Get this: The federal government is trying to explain things to citizens in plain English. In 2010, you see, President Obama signed the Plain Writing Act into law. It requires that all federal agencies use “clear government communication that the public can understand and use.” In 2011, Obama took the plain-language initiative a step further. […]

Silence on Three-Parent Embryos is Deafening
I will be honest. I am tired. I am angry. I am frustrated. This is likely an uncharacteristically emotional post because, after nearly a decade of writing about biotechnology, I am uncharacteristically horrified. The UK has officially approved the creation of embryos with three genetic parents, and babies created with this technique are likely to […]

Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address
The One Hundred Fiftieth Anniversary

Christians in a Dying Western Christian Civilization
“Having turned away from the knowledge given by God, the Christian influence on the whole of culture has been lost. In Europe, including England, it took many years ? in the United States only a few decades. In the United States, in the short span from the twenties to the sixties, we have seen a […]

A Way Everyone Should Pray
Every once in a while, I catch a glimpse of what Jesus felt at times. For instance, I can understand a little of what he must have been thinking when his disciples asked: “Lord, teach us to pray.” He could have responded with amazement: “How can you not know how to pray? I have been […]

A Spoken Word Poem by Fr. Pontifex
Why I Love Religion, And Love Jesus

The Sacrifice of Isaac
Everyone knows that Lent is about sacrifice. So it’s fitting that the first reading in the second Sunday of Lent recalls one of the most famous sacrifices of all time. Here’s the background. Abraham really only desires one thing–a son who will lead to descendants as numerous as the stars of the sky. The only […]

Fire on the Mountain: The Transformation of Peter
Lightning struck. Thunder clapped. The disciples of Jesus—Peter, James, and John—buried their heads in their arms. What is happening? What is Jesus up to now? Another manifestation of the Spirit. We already know that Jesus is God and on this night another affirmation. How could we forget? Throughout their three-year ministry with Jesus the Lord […]

Documentary on the Shroud Airs Sunday
All four gospels mention the burial cloth of Jesus Christ. The Shroud of Turin is believed by many to be that burial cloth. It is etched with the image of a man that was scourged, crowned with thorns, crucified, and lanced in the side. If it is real, it provides archeological evidence of the most […]

ISIS Said to Have Begun Executing Captured Syrian Christians
By John Newton In a fast-developing, highly fluid story, there are now reports that ISIS has started killing hostages seized after it captures Assyrian Christian villages in Syria’s Hassake governorate—reportedly 15 kidnapped Christians may already be dead. In a message sent to Aid to the Church in Need Feb. 26, 2015, Iraq-based Archimandrite Emanuel Youkhana […]

Decreasing the Surplus Population
The Dutch are killing themselves more than ever, but they feel OK about it. In the latest Newsweek cover story, Winston Ross pens a fairly balanced report on the current facts and rhetoric on euthanasia, both in the Netherlands and the rest of the world. The facts reported in the piece are startling: In 2013, […]

Archbishop Romero and Me
I barely met Archbishop Oscar Romero. As in the old Ben-Hur movies, where the heroes have a chance encounter with Jesus Christ in a melodramatic scene that has little to do with the plot of the movie, I brushed up against Monseñor in brief and transient episodes in my childhood. But someday, if God permits me, […]

Birth Control: Ignorance Pays Their Salary
Cramming the pillow I’d brought from home a little more to my left, I attempted to placate the cramp that was forming in my back. After years of slumbering on a waterbed, this rock hard hospital bed felt like a torture rack. There I was trying to create a bit of comfort and counting down […]

Knock, and the Door Will Be Opened for You
If you’ve ever experienced the power of a novena, you can truly understand these words of Jesus told by St. Matthew in today’s Gospel . Novenas are often discovered out of despair, when your own attempts for a solution have failed. You discover one that fits your situation and you start praying like mad, knowing there […]

The FCC versus Internet Freedom
It’s time to move beyond giving indignant speeches.

Lent With Mary
During Lent, we generally think about Jesus’ suffering and death. However, how often do we think about the suffering of his mother, Mary? A few days ago I stopped by the adoration chapel to ask Jesus what he wanted of me this Lent. The answer came back clearly: suffer and pray alongside the one who […]

On Brother Paul O’Donnell’s Death and ‘Being There’
As news of the untimely death of Brother Paul O’Donnell spreads, there will be many remembrances by those who knew him well. Perhaps none more than Bobby Schindler, brother of Terri Schiavo. Brother Paul distinguished himself, and the Church, by being the constant companion and supporter of the Schindler family as their severely brain damaged daughter, Terri, […]

How to Make Heaven Rejoice
The silence truly had been golden. I hadn’t heard or spoken many words for a couple of days — save for at the Liturgy of the Hours in the chapel. The immersion in the silence had been one of the most special, holiest gifts I could receive. That had been one of the overriding reasons […]

Poem: “Baby Bump? Blob?”
Baby Bump? Blob? The rulers have babies; The ruled, warts and blobs. Preborn ruler babies, ‘Til birth, sweet heartthrobs. The princess, with child; The peasants, cell masses. Children are frowned on For the low lower classes. Preborn white scion daughter, So good for the nation. Why not budding black blobs? Location, location, location. Anglo aristocrat […]

Here’s the Guy Rudy Is Talking About
Frank Marshall Davis, Communist Party No. 47544

Violent Population Control Continues in China
Contrary to recent reports, China’s population control policy still systematically enforces a policy of coerced abortion, sterilization, and child abandonment. The propaganda, coercion, and violence used by the Chinese Family Planning police continues to violate the rights of Chinese women, men, and their unborn children. In November 2013, the Chinese government changed the regulations to […]

The Hijacking of the Catholic Mind
Dear William, In your last letter you expressed concern over fears a wave of polarization on the internet is hijacking the traditionalist movement, listing two individuals in particular. Whether or not they are “traditionalists” (for reasons both have documented clear, they do not use the label, however they hold many views sympathetic to what your […]