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Obama: Faith-Based Groups Must Refer Refugee Children for Abortions
The Obama administration is getting ready to issue new rules requiring charities to provide abortions to child refugees entering the US without their parents. Faith-based groups say this is a contravention of the rights of parents and a violation of the conscience rights of faith-based groups helping resettle the children. The public has until Monday […]

Florist Lost Last Week. So Did Religious Liberty.
In a decision that has significant implications for business owners who hold the historic view on issues of marriage and sexuality, a County Judge ruled on February 18th that it is illegal to refuse business for same-sex ceremonies if you are willing to provide business for any weddings at all. Superior Court Judge, Alex Eckstrom, […]

Awaiting Our Next George Washington
“Boy, here’s something we could use more of today: unity among the American people. Americans are so divided.” “Maybe so, but we’ve been divided worse before.” “We were?” “Watch the History Channel series ‘Sons of Liberty.’ It dramatizes the heated arguments that took place among Colonial leaders, who had a lot to lose by declaring […]

Ode to Feminine Genius: Discovering Her Feminine Beauty
A few months ago, my oldest daughter turned thirteen. Having my firstborn become our first teenager seemed almost anticlimactic; an especially precocious child, Honor has always seemed far older than she is. On paper, she’s in the 7th grade, but most of her homeschooling is from high school and college textbooks. Her height (5’5?), poise, and ability […]

Four Things You Can Do To Help Stop the Creation of Genetically-Modified Kids
At a time when more and more people are becoming wary of generically-modified foods in their diet, the United Kingdom is poised to begin creating genetically-modified children with the genetic material of three people, two women and one man; a genetic combination that could not occur naturally.And the way the UK goes, the United States […]

Egyptian Catholic Copts Consecrate First-Ever Church in Sinai
“The Church in Egypt has been strengthened by the murder of our brothers in Libya.” Such was the reaction by Coptic Catholic Bishop Youssef Aboul-Kheir of Sohag to the beheading of 21 Orthodox Coptic men in Libya by ISIS. The guest workers in Libya “suffered a holy death with prayers on their lips. They went […]

Contraception and the Reality of a Woman’s Cycle
Springtime in my fourth grade year, they lined us up, boys on one side, girls on the other. The boys got shuffled off into one classroom, while we girls got ushered into another. Giddy and curious, we whispered and fidgeted while the teacher set-up her materials. That was the day I first heard about periods. […]

European Colonialism is the Only Thing That Modernized Islam
ISIS believes it’s on the right side of history.

A Cold, Cold Heart
There ring in my childhood memory the songs of Hank Williams—songs my dad loved to listen to as he strummed his guitar. One in particular was a classic called “Cold, Cold Heart.” As I sit and think about it, I realize that those three words truly define the cultural attitudes of our day toward those […]

Poem: “I Thirst”
“I Thirst” Divine Mercy generates divine thirst. Divine Thirst generates human longing. Human Longing seeks the generator. Generator manifests as triunity. Holy Trinity is Love Longing Seeking Pursuing Love reveals Divine Mercy Love satiates Divine Thirst Love fulfills Human Longing Love generates Love. Love IS Thirsty Stacy Peterson

How to Deal With Temptation
When one speaks of temptation, it tends to carry a negative connotation because it is often attributed to something we shouldn’t do. However, I would propose that the art of temptation reveals a certain beauty in that a person is faced with a decision to either act out the temptation or not. Whether the decision […]

Still Alice: Life in the Wake of a Devastating Diagnosis
“I am not suffering; I am struggling.” These words are part of a beautiful speech delivered by Julianne Moore in her Oscar-nominated performance as Dr. Alice Howland in the film Still Alice. The film is a powerful testimony of how a woman who has made her career out of words loses her words because of […]

Jesus, If You But Said the Word…
Do you ever want simply to “be better” from something … from any thing? It could be something that ails you, such as cancer or diabetes or endometriosis, heart disease or asthma or some other chronic health condition. It could be an addiction – to smoking or drinking alcohol, drugs or food or pornography. It […]

Ignorance of God: The Spirit Poverty of Our Age
We often think that ignorance is a lack of knowledge, education or social training. But if ignorance is not knowing, then not knowing God is the greatest human ignorance. I want to address ignorance in the context of the human heart’s ignorance of God. It is my opinion that this form ignorance is the primary […]

Politicians Have Nothing to Fear from Faith
The 2016 Presidential race may not have officially begun, but that hasn’t stopped potential frontrunners from beginning their campaigns in earnest. And with the unofficial start of the campaigning comes the official start of journalistic muckraking. Much ado has been made about Scott Walker’s “punting” on the issue of evolution while on an economic development […]

Is Traditionalism Being Hijacked by Anger?
Dear Kevin, I was greatly moved by your last piece. It’s uniquely evident in your writing that you have a strong faith and genuine concern for the Church, regardless of any disagreements I may have. “There will always be a need in the Church for the prophetic voice that traditionalism provides. Like the Old Testament, […]

Presidents Day Reflections
The War of 1812 had many significant consequences.

Poem: “Nomad at Night”
Nomad At Night Wind scorpions move safely under night’s cover A long life’s journey erased on windswept dunes The nomad travels under the stars Following the rise of many moons Final morning brings the fruit of hardship’s travels Then the Nomad will lie down at the feet Of He who watches in the West Waving forward those He’s waited to meet Surrounded by banquets, with music and song! […]

A Puzzling By-Product of Curing Lepers: Gospel Commentary
This Sunday’s Gospel, Mark 1: 40-45, is a bit puzzling. Why after curing a leper, who then proceeded to advertise the event (contrary to Jesus’ explicit instructions), did it develop that the Lord “could no longer openly enter a town, but remained outside in desert places.” (cf. Matthew 8: 30-34; Luke 8: 27-38). During our […]

Lessons from the Leper
Many Catholics are confused about suffering. Some writers extol its surpassing value. But does that mean that we should look for suffering? Or, if suffering should come our way, that it would be unspiritual to seek relief from it? The story of Jesus and the leper in Mark 1:40-45 provides us with a case study […]

Five Things to Do This Valentine’s Day Regardless of Your Status
Not everyone loves Valentine’s Day. Some do because they are in relationships or it gives them an excuse to eat chocolate. Others hate it because they will probably stay home alone watching Netflix awhile their friends with significant others go out. Instead of wallowing in that funk, whether single or in a relationship, spread the […]

Pink Hearts and Green Aliens
Valentine’s Day is a big deal around our house. Our first child was born on Valentine’s, and she loves all things pink, pretty, and frilly. And chocolate. She loves her princess shoes, sparkles, fancy hair doo-dads (she’s also asking me for hair rollers, and she’s only five), hearts, ribbons, make-up, purses, clothes (the more sequins […]

Transforming Prayer for Married Couples
If someone told you that there was something you could do for as little as five minutes per day to virtually assure that your marriage would last unto death, wouldn’t you do it? Well this is it! Pray together daily. Marriage is not a couple, but a trinity. The third person is God. We need […]