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All Articles

Two by the Sea
I Jenny would stretch out for hours on the sand, rolling back and forth to feel its course, graininess rub against her body. Although most people hate the sensation of the sand that sticks in their swimsuits and between their toes, she relished this feeling. The coarseness of the sand continued to remind her of […]

Three Keys for Couples
Years ago, I shared a memorable conversation with Catholic author Taylor Marshall while we both worked at the Catholic Information Center in Washington, D.C. Taylor told me about some advice that, in his words, an “old, crusty Episcopalian priest” had given him shortly before his wedding: “The keys to a good marriage are threefold: to […]

China’s Black Market for Human Eggs Lures the Young
Illegal clinics are luring high school and college-age girls in China with the promise of large payments for their eggs. The procedure can damage the girls’ health and future child-bearing, and the clinics are offering no legal or medical help if complications ensue. For clinics operating on the black market, there is little incentive to […]

Derogatory Labels for People
Words can be so cruel and degrading. There was a time in the 19th Century when North American natives were commonly called “savages”. The term was used to dehumanize first nations people in order to take their land. I remember a time when people with a mix of Aboriginal-European descent were called “half-breeds”. Somebody at […]

Traditionalism, Humility, and the Prophetic Voice
Hello William, I thank you for your questions. They are going to be tough to give a comprehensive answer to given current limitations, but I’ll try to cover what I can. We must begin with the usual caveat that I am only speaking for Kevin Tierney. John Allen is known for saying that the number […]

Movie Review: Selma
Selma, the story of a pivotal point in the civil rights work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is a well-cast, well-acted re-telling. At times it lacks a bit of a spark, especially as David Oyelowo delivers MLK’s rousing, eloquent and inspired speeches in an almost too polished fashion. But this is one of the […]

The “Anti-Idol” Cultural Approach
Among the many things the United States has given to the world, there is the grossly over-inflated regard for pop culture. Granted, there has been some version of “pop culture” perhaps as long as there has been public entertainment, admired teachers, respected leaders and producers of literature. But modern American pop culture has taken things […]

The Travesty of Two Daddies
Every once in a while, I come across a story that stops me in my tracks. Like the Italian high court’s decision to overturn a pedophile’s conviction because his 11-year-old victim says she’s “in love.” Or the Australian judge who pointed out that easy access to abortion and contraception may lead to the legal sanction of incest, as it […]

On Handwritten Letters
I received an unexpected postcard in the mail the other day from an old friend. It made my day. It’s been a long time since I’ve gotten a handwritten letter from a friend — it has to be 10 or 15 years. What’s worse, I can’t remember the last time I wrote one. The reasons […]

Incest: The Next Frontier in ‘Reproductive Freedom’
Like a plastic Piggly Wiggly bag fluttering about in the alley, those untethered from God’s natural law are violently tossed to and fro by the gusting winds of moral relativism. Jenny Kutner is one such Piggly Wiggly bag. A 20-something assistant editor at, she describes herself as “focusing on sex, gender and feminism.” By […]

Poem: “Windowless Jail Cell”
Windowless Jail Cell A little window from your room Let our letters be Because for a time Separated souls are we. Let our little lights shine The gay breezes of our day As leaves we rake send joy Along, along, along your way. Cherry grape tomatoes Still hang upon the vine Lingering memories of sweet […]

January 22 Again
In five days the throngs will again descend on the nation’s capital and gather in state capitals across the land. They will come together peacefully, for the 42nd year in a row, to mourn the deaths of countless millions of preborn babies. The March for Life is upon us. Nobody knows for sure how many children have […]

Assessing Piketty’s “Capital in the Twenty-First Century”
His mistakes are fundamental and pervasive.

Hebdo Heroes, Not! Je Ne Suis Pas Charlie
Editorial cartoons are an effective means of making a point briefly but powerfully. However, cartoons become increasingly unjustifiable when they degenerate into vulgarity, calumny, or blasphemy. “God is not mocked” (Galatians 6:7). The satirical magazine based in Paris, Charlie Hebdo, makes a business of mocking Islamic themes and portraying Mohammed in pornographic poses. And not […]

Our Catholic School Family
As Catholic Schools Week approaches in our diocese, I find myself reflecting on how we ended up choosing Catholic school for our children. Reprinted with permission from Catholic school was not really on our radar when we started our family. My husband and I both grew up going to large public schools and did […]

Police Officers: Authority and Accountability
The proper application of accountability limits power.

My Favorite Christmas Gift
At the pinnacle of the sloping ceiling at St. Cletus Catholic Church (in St. Charles, Mo.), at the center of the church, some clear windows allow sunshine to stream downward – when the sun is shining, of course. The sun was shining brightly in our part of the world on Christmas Day. Praise God! Monsignor […]

Poem: “The King’s Chamber”
The King’s Chamber The pyramid of Khufu The King’s Chamber The sarcophagus Then imagine No empty coffin But nuclear reaction Within those tons of stone Plutonium and cobalt Demons of the desert Then, five thousand years Times five thousand years In which to guard this stone-wrapped mummy O desert night Deserted burial And restless Pharaoh […]

Sex, Lies and Birth Certificates
Recently in my state of California, Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill that, beginning in 2016, will alter birth certificates in a dramatic way. Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez (D-Los Angeles) authored Assembly Bill 1951, which amends the California Vital Records Birth Certificate law in order to “modernize” California birth certificates by allowing each parent to self-identify as mother, father, […]

A Slippery Slope
Ah, winter has arrived in all its glory, which means one thing: more sledding bans! According to The Associated Press, Dubuque, Iowa, has banned sledding at 48 of its 50 municipal parks. The reason: costly lawsuits. In one case, a 5-year-old girl in Omaha, Neb., hit a tree while sledding and became paralyzed. In another […]

¿Engaño para nuestros tiempos? Interrogatorio a Anne, una laica apostólica.
El escándalo es acerca de una mujer Americana que vive en Irlanda y declara ser una mística católica pero esconde su identidad auténtica, engaña a muchas personas, toma millones de dólares y es protegida por personas influyentes. Hace varios años Kathryn Ann Clarke, conocida como “Anne una apostólica laica ha ido viajando alrededor del mundo […]

Using the Catholic Faith As Part of Recovery
Being Catholic is a walk with resolutions. Every confession and examination of conscious ends with the resolve to do better. Although real changes don’t come easy, we rely on God’s mercy and begin again after each fall. But add in an addiction and failing becomes habitual and can cause a person feel like he is […]

House to Vote on 20-week Abortion Ban on Roe v. Wade Anniversary
Congress’ Republican majority is taking its first step in sending pro-life legislation to the desk of President Obama. According to Politico, the House has timed a vote on the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act to take place on January 22, the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade. The vote will coincide with the arrival […]

Among Christian Refugees in Kurdistan, ‘No One is Angry at God’
By Oliver Maksan ERBIL, Kurdistan—”Thank you, thank you, thank you:” Suheila, an elderly Christian woman from Mosul was effusive in expressing her gratitude to a group of European visitors. “May God make things easy for you in your lives.” Home for Suheila is the Sports Club Center in Ankawa, where more than 200 Christian families […]