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UN Human Rights System Becomes Pro-Abortion Echo Chamber
When El Salvador’s turn came up to be assessed by fellow countries on its human rights record, twelve countries criticized its legal protections for unborn children and urged it to permit legal abortion. The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a process for countries to hold each other accountable for the promises they made by signing […]

What Would St. Thomas More Think of the Kasper Proposal?
One of the towering figures of the turbulent period which culminated in the creation of the Church of England was St. Thomas More. He was born in 1478, just before the Protestant schism began in Europe, and was a prominent British lawyer and statesman who became a trusted adviser to King Henry VIII. As a […]

Poem: “Advent – Prayer in Waiting”
Advent – Prayer in Waiting Advent is upon my soul. Divine gift of season, I listen for the cry of a First Born Son, Begotten before Time begun, And enfleshed in the Virgin’s womb. I come to her, Who is the Ark, Your Mercy Seat. Kneeling beside her, In these pregnant moments, I lay my […]

Is the Church Opposed to Traditionalism?
*Editors Note: Over the next few weeks William Bornhoft and myself will be in a dialogue over the role of traditionalists within the Church today.* Mr. Bornhoft, I read your article “The Latin Mass is Not the Key to the New Evangelization” with interest, and it must also be admitted, with a bit of bewilderment. […]

Promoting the Angelus as an Advent Devotion
Farmers pause in their fields at midday and bow their heads in prayer. [i] Businessmen and women overhear the ringing bells during their lunch break in the downtown business district. And neighbors to Catholic Churches may hear the church bells toll at six, noon, and six as an invitation to pray the traditional devotion of […]

Poem: “The Nativity of Christ”
The Nativity of Christ Behold the father is his daughter’s son, The bird that built the nest is hatched therein, The old of years an hour hath not outrun, Eternal life to live doth now begin, The Word is dumb, the mirth of heaven doth weep, Might feeble is, and force doth faintly creep. O […]

You Snooze, You Lose
Have you ever had one of those days when you just wish God would show up, snap his figures and work miracles? The people of Israel had about 500 years’ worth of days like that, groaning under the oppression of one tyrant after another. The book of Isaiah gives voice to these sentiments: “O that […]

Chastity and Love: Please Don’t Let Them Be Misunderstood
Chastity and love are two of the most misunderstood concepts in our culture today. In her new book Chastity Is For Lovers: Single, Happy, and (Still) a Virgin, Arleen Spenceley does a masterful job clearing up the confusion. About chastity and how it differs from abstinence, she says: Chastity neither pretends sexuality doesn’t exist nor […]

The Law of the Herd, a Thanksgiving Story
I love the holidays. What an awesome opportunity it presents to get our large family together. One Thanksgiving a few years back, we were especially blessed to be in full force with all twenty-nine of us. The two military boys and eight college students had graced us with their presence. Additionally, several of the teens […]

The True Story of Thanksgiving: Squanto, the Pilgrims, and the Pope
We and the Mayflower Pilgrims owe thanks to the Pope and some Catholic priests for the Thanksgiving of 1621 with Squanto and the Plymouth Colony. Growing up within sight of Boston, Massachusetts meant lots of grade school field trips to the earliest landmarks of America. We looked forward to those excursions because they meant a […]

UNFPA: Children Have Right to Sex, Drugs, Abortion to Reduce Population
There are more young people in the world now than ever before. According to the United Nations Population Fund’s latest report, this represents an unprecedented opportunity for progress, but only if future generations are smaller. UNFPA’s prescription to ensure a “demographic dividend” includes freely available abortion for adolescents, removing age of consent, drug and prostitution […]

Poem: “A Blessing of New Life”
A Blessing of New Life All Holy, Almighty, Jesus, Purest Heart, Look upon the sweet beings, God’s good creations, Nestled in the sanctity of human wombs. Encircle the world through these little ones, With Triune Love. Bless Mother Eve with the “Fiat” grace of Mother Mary, To bring forth a generation wed to Your Holy […]

The Future of Reproduction
Last week the New America Foundation hosted a conference on “The Future of Reproduction” in Washington, D.C. Despite a few exceptions, the event was pretty much one large cheerleading session in praise of reproductive technology. A few highlights: Dan Kois, co-Host of “Mom and Dad Are Fighting,” Slate’s parenting podcast, offered praise of preimplantation genetic […]

Movie Review: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay–Part I
The third installment of The Hunger Games: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay–Part I does not disappoint. Director, Francis Lawrence, who also directed The Hunger Games: Catching Fire keeps the momentum going in a sleek, seamless film. As we all know, sequels are hardly ever as good as the original, but in serial films it seems, as […]

Even When He is Silent, His Love Abides
Even with all I have lost in this life I still believe in love. Even when love seems silent, I believe in love. Even if God seems silent, I believe in Him for He is divine love, manifested to us in His Son Jesus Christ.[1] He abides with me. So too, my experience with human […]

Poem: “Grave of the Angelic Pastor”
Grave of the Angelic Pastor I spoke to stone today As if it was you Your photograph was there With an unnatural background Indistinct clouds and rays of light Surrounding your face You were always so engaged in life It is strange to see you still And without a context Even if it is only […]

A Debate Still Worth Having
“I had an abortion. I was not in a libertine college-girl phase, although frankly it’s none of your business. I was already a mother of two, which puts me in the majority of American women who have abortions. Six out of 10 are mothers, which makes sense, because a mother could not fool herself into […]

Christian Community in India Still Awaits Justice–but Faith Flourishes
Last August marked the anniversary of the 2008 massacre of more than 100 Christians at the hands of a Hindu mob in Kandhamal district in Orissa (Odisha) State, India—and the culprits, though most of them have been identified, have yet to be tried. Six years later, a Catholic priest who narrowly escaped a most gruesome […]

Decide, Don’t Slide: Marriage Milestones
Report reveals the order of milestones, and how couples handle them, makes or breaks marriages Milestone moments make memories for married couples, even the ones made together before the big wedding day. You always remember who first introduced the two of you, where and when you first kissed, when you proposed, and what you first […]

The Contending Opinions on Three-Parent Embryo Safety, Part I
In our long stride toward the inevitable designer babies, the first manipulation has been the noble goal of creating babies free of the mitochondrial diseases carried by their mothers. This series will examine the issue rather thoroughly in four basic segments: 1. The basic cell biology involved. 2. The problem of defective mitochondria. 3. The […]

For Better Preaching: Try Better Listening
Whether the homilies of your priest (or deacons) are the pits, mediocre and boring, the best, or spiritually life-changing, preaching is a two-way street – speaker and listener – and you, the listener, can have dramatic and beneficial effects on the speaker, the priest, and on the quality of his preaching. Some suggestions: Pay (attention) […]

The Power of Prayer: Does Prayer Heal?
There is much debate on whether or not prayer can help a person heal from a physical malady. There have been numerous studies to test whether patients would heal faster and have fewer complications while healing if they knew that others were praying for their recovery. The results are mixed. Some find that no, there […]

Super-Amnesty Will Turn Every City into Detroit
America will be a more dangerous and poorer place.

Nothing Compares To You
Of the many things I appreciate about the Catholic education my children have received here in Ohio, one that is pretty high on the list is the schools’ endeavors to educate parents who may have been poorly catechized or who may not even be Catholic themselves. Starting when our kids are in Kindergarten, we parents are assigned […]