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New $9 million Planned Parenthood Clinic in Queens Expects Big Abortion Business
Though abortions are significantly down in the U.S. as a whole, business is booming at Planned Parenthood. Even while abortions have dropped to totals and rates not seen since the early days of Roe v. Wade, Planned Parenthood has been on building spree, putting up giant abortion mega-clinics all over the U.S. A new $9 […]

Sugar-Coating Abortion
Remember the days when pregnant women were told it was just a clump of cells and not a baby? Who wouldn’t mind getting rid of a clump of something? Then, sonograms were invented and revealed stages of fetal development and well, what the heck, it turns out there were babies in there. Who knew? The […]

How Sinner-Turned-Saint Augustine Can Teach You Temperance
Prior to his conversion, St. Augustine led a pretty debauched life, shacking up with a mistress for 15 years and fathering an illegitimate child with her. As a result I was initially surprised when Jean Heimann’s new book Seven Saints for Seven Virtues chose St. Augustine as a role model for temperance, “the cardinal virtue that helps […]

Worst-hit Nigerian Diocese is Reeling from Boko Haram Attacks
“People are dying every day and in most cases with no one to give them a decent burial–they are left to rot; their homes and properties looted.” Since 2009 and the start of Boko Haram’s reign of terror in Nigeria, the Diocese of Maiduguri has been the worst hit by attacks from the extremist Islamic […]

Wonder in the Womb
As Respect Life Month this year approaches its close, it is appropriate to give notice to one of the enduring classics of the pro-life movement. It is not a learned tome on personhood, or a carefully reasoned argument about the flaws of abortion case law, or a guide to effective pro-life activism, important as all […]

Here I Am, Too!
I was sitting in the easy chair at home when my five year old daughter Liz said, “Dad, I want to whisper something to you,” and put her lips to my ear. When her four year old sister Stephanie saw Liz whispering in my ear, she hurried over to the other side of the chair […]

The Savage Lands of Islam
Where Islam goes, the desert rises.

A 1970s Halloween
Not until it got dark! That was the trick-or-treating rule my mother set down every year. She didn’t want me to embarrass her by interrupting families still having dinner. I hated the rule. Tommy Gillen and I had big plans to hit as many houses as possible before we had to come home. It was […]

Down Syndrome Does Not Make Life Disposable
The Holy Father’s universal prayer intention for September was, “That the mentally disabled may receive the love and help they need for a dignified life.” This is such a timely prayer. In recent weeks there has been a steady drumbeat to dehumanize and marginalize those with mental challenges, especially those with Down syndrome. For example, […]

The Importance of a Manly and Christian Friendship
Facebook promotes a very odd concept of ’knowing’ someone, and it has led to the further warping of our sense of friendship. My experience, like many of you, has been a passing meeting with someone leads to a friend request. But, we are not friends. We are barely acquaintances and yet we claim to know […]

Time for a Leaner, Smarter Penal System
This week the Washington Post drew attention to a new Pew poll indicating that a majority of Americans believe it’s time to move away from the policy of mandatory minimum sentencing in nonviolent criminal cases. Many people probably don’t realize that in many instances involving criminal sentencing, judges aren’t actually permitted to do their jobs and judge. Their discretion […]

Happy Boy Makes Mass
Last year I remember rushing into mass minutes before the opening song. Exhausted from hours of setting up for a ministry event, I was unable to prepare for mass properly. Sliding into my usual spot I jumped to attention as the procession began. My eyes naturally scanned the area directly across the expanse to those […]

Immigration, Amnesty, and the Rule of Law
In the ongoing Kentucky U.S. Senate race, both candidates have accused the other of supporting “amnesty” for “illegal immigrants” and of not upholding the rule of law. Immigration is a complex issue, and the laws governing it are even more complex. Political campaigns, at least in our day, are not well-suited to serious debates about […]

Christians Struggle to Rebuild Their Lives in Syria
“War is a terrible and cruel thing.” SISTER MARIA of Nazareth has committed herself to an extraordinary mission. The Argentinian nun from the Institute of the Incarnate Word has been living in Aleppo, Syria, for the past two months, ministering to a traumatized Christian community in the former million-strong metropolis in the north of the […]

Isn’t She Lovely: A Million Grandfathers Say
In 1976 my daughter was born. I was head-over-heels in love with her. At the time I was a commercial writer for a television station; I remember clicking away on my manual typewriter in time with a new tune by Stevie Wonder: Isn’t She Lovely. To me (and a million other new fathers) that song […]

A Case of Surrogacy’s Gordian Knot
What a mess. What a God-awful mess the new reproductive technologies in general—and commercial surrogacy, in particular—are making of family life. What a legal, emotional, and moral mess. Case in point: A commercial surrogacy contract was litigated in Tennessee all the way to the state’s Supreme Court—which was forced to sort out the chaos that […]

Dangerous Liaisons: Martha Coakley and Bernard Baran
Justice is obscured when prosecutors use criminal convictions to bolster political ambition. Justice is defeated when prosecutors deny their mistakes to get elected. The French word, “liaison” comes from an older French word, related to the Latin word, “ligere”, meaning “to bind together.” Somewhere in its tangled etymological history, “liaison” was transformed in common usage […]

When the Communists Murdered a Priest
Fr. Popieluszko was beatified in 2010.

Building Technology Boundaries
As much as I don’t like to think about it now, my 2-year-old daughter will not always desire to spend every waking minute with her mom. She prefers to engage with me now, but I know that the television, computer, phone and movies will grab her attention as she gets older. So I strive to […]

Book Review: Seven Saints for Seven Virtues
In our modern world, it can be extremely challenging to live a virtuous life. “The concept of virtue is often considered outdated and old-fashioned, but for Catholics, becoming virtuous is essential for eternal salvation.” What, then, can we do? Thankfully, we have saints we can look to as role models in virtue as we journey […]

Poem: “Spiritual Communion”
Spiritual Communion Come, my Lord, to this poor dwelling, You are Lord of all, and heaven is at hand As You approach. Come in Spirit to my humble abode, At your coming, the angels make ready. They spread their wings over Your Mercy Seat, Come be enthroned here in my heart. Allow the splendor of […]

40 Days for Life: Saving Lives Around the World
40 Days for Life is a grassroots effort. Even as the campaign continues to grow, our headquarters team tries to visit as many 40 Days for Life locations as possible. It’s important for us to meet with you, and your fellow volunteers, at your prayerful vigil. With 297 cities in 11 countries conducting 40 Days […]

Movie Review: Men, Women and Children
Do not see Men, Women and Children unless you are inured to today’s porn and sex and sex and porn everywhere. The language and visuals are graphic and explicit and involve teens (and remember, today’s sex is degraded), but after a few seconds of getting into it each time, the camera mercifully cuts away. But […]

The Synod and Being Afraid of the Gospel
As editor here at Catholic Lane, we’ve received a lot of submissions regarding the synod. Our correspondent Karee Santos has been busy giving you her thoughts on the Synod from the standpoint of someone who deals with marriage prep in the real world. I’ve received several submissions from readers who wish to offer their own […]