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All Articles

The Loss of Christian Empathy
Maclean’s recently featured a compelling summary of our rapidly-deteriorating communities titled “The End of Neighbours.” The expertly-written piece by Brian Bethune is one of the better articles you’ll read this year, and it gets at a key tragedy that is particularly convicting for a Christian conservative: We have forsaken our neighbors. For decades, Americans and Canadians have been […]

The Trouble With Uterus Transplants
Last week doctors in Sweden announced the birth of a baby after a uterus transplant. The baby is so far healthy being born at only 31 weeks gestation. I am very happy that mother and baby are healthy enough to leave the hospital and I wish them continued health. I also wish that this procedure […]

Breaking Body
Who is The Church? Who is the Body of Christ? Who belongs? A temptation exists to spend so much time answering these questions correctly and identifying who is with us and who is against us that we miss out on membership ourselves. Some of us are so busy counting heads, checking purses, and securing a […]

Poem: “The Relic of the True Cross”
The Relic of the True Cross I saw you today, You tiny speck. Small though you are, You are astounding to see, Resting in your reliquary. I gazed upon you, Expecting some miracle, To happen, then and there, And to me. Tiny you are in your resting place. Blessed by Him who touched your face. […]

In Lebanon, a Major Catholic Village Walks its Way of the Cross
The village of Kaa is in the north of the Bekaa Valley, close to the Syrian border. It has a population of some 13,000 Christians, most of them Melkites. After the city of Zahle, this is the home of the country’s the largest Catholic population. Kaa is surrounded by mostly Shiite Muslim communities. Kaa has […]

Struble’s Holy Land Adventures a Generation Ago
With the Middle East in mayhem, I’ve been thinking back to my travels in Egypt and Israel during a less tumultuous time. Upon returning to my teaching post in snowy Salzburg Austria, I found myself suffering from a fever – possibly a result of the sudden change from shirtsleeve weather to freezing cold. From the […]

The Kettle to the Pot
We were having oatmeal for breakfast, and the one-year-old handed me his spoon and said: “Feed!” He likes it when I feed him sometimes (as in: as often as I’ll agree to). The morning in question he was just too cute to turn down, so I took the offered spoon and started feeding him. He […]

Go Through Doors of New Possibilities
Helen Keller was deaf and blind from early childhood, yet she became one of the great humanitarians of the 20th Century. When news of her death in 1968 came over the radio, I remember my father said, “There goes a great person.” I was fifteen years old at the time and too self-absorbed to care […]

Marriage and the Cult of Momentary Well Being
The current crisis in marriage and family life arises from “a cult of momentary well-being,” stated Cardinal Peter Erdö, the relator general of the 2014 Synod of the Family. In his opening speech, one which traditionally sets the tone for the whole synod, the Cardinal emphasized that “many look upon their lives not as a […]

Is Rock Music Good for You?
We all know that the lyrics of rock music are often morally offensive; however, evidence is appearing which indicates that rock music itself may be harmful regardless of the lyrics. Although studies of the harmful effects of rock music are hard to find, there is a growing concern that there is something about the beat […]

Oldest Manager to Win World Series Still Enjoys Kid’s Game
Most 80-year-olds would never consider managing a professional baseball team. Then again, most 80-year-olds would never be asked to manage a professional baseball team. Yet, in June 2011, Jack McKeon accepted the then-Florida (now Miami) Marlins’ offer to lead the team as interim manager. McKeon’s previous stint with the Marlins included a World Series Championship in […]

Forever and Ever, Amen: Part III
In my previous articles on marriage (part1 and part2), I offered some thoughts courtesy of Archbishop Sheen on the male and female relationship, and our unique perspectives regarding marriage. St. John Paul II also has some remarkable things to say that may add greater depth. In his great work on The Dignity and Vocation of […]

Population Projections Prompt Predictable Panic, Pundits Push Problematic Policies
It’s a familiar ritual. The media response to the latest UN population projections splits between casual interest and panic with a heaping side dish of policy recommendations. To the alarmists, the prospect that population growth may stabilize after the year 2100 instead of before represents a call to action. At a press conference, UN official […]

Book Review: Three Moments of the Day
In the Foreward to Three Moments of the Day by Fr. Christopher Collins, Fr. James Kubicki reminds us that “every precious moment of time has eternal significance, either contributing to the salvation of our neighbor or not.” Given that each moment of our life has this eternal value, how do we make the most of […]

Some Good Legal News
In 2013 the Texas legislature passed, and Governor Rick Perry signed, enormously significant pro-life legislation that helps to protect the unborn child and the health of the mother of the unborn child. The law prohibits the killing of the unborn after 20 weeks gestation, requires any physician performing abortions at abortion facilities in the State […]

Poem: “The View from Shore”
The View from Shore the sailboats bob in the bay – a languid dance upon the gentle waves. sometimes together sometimes alone their masts pointing singly to heaven. Maria Morera Johnson

Love for the Loud at Mass
Most Catholic parents have had to take an embarrassing walk to the back of church with small children who can’t quiet down. So, what might parents of small children, and those who are bothered by small children, do in these situations? From the perspective of others at Mass My family is at the stage where […]

Movie Review: The Good Lie
I did not want to see The Good Lie. It was assigned to me by my boss at LifeTeen, Christina Mead (benign dictator). I thought: I already know all about the “Lost Boys of Sudan” (young men who were forced to be child soldiers when their parents were murdered during the civil war). Many sad, […]

Thanks, Fr. Benedict
He was a pro-life champion. He was a great supporter of EWTN and Mother Angelica. He was a huge booster for Franciscan University. He was a tireless therapist/spiritual director/advocate for priests in trouble. He was a lighthouse for fidelity and truth in the faith during the tumultuous 60’s and 70’s. He was co-founder of Good […]

Dear Anthony: Natural Family Planning
Dear Anthony, I’m getting married soon and I wanted to find out exactly how NFP works, since that’s what the Church recommends. I have saved myself for my husband and remained pure. I want to enjoy sex without the worries of getting pregnant right away. I want my husband to enjoy sex too, so NFP […]

The Hope of Lepanto: the Feast of the Holy Rosary
We are not to lose hope even in the face of the nightly evening news. We have Jesus and all the treasures of the Catholic Church. And on October 7, we have the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, also known as Our Lady of Victory. This feast is not just an example that […]

Despite Protests, Cardinal Dolan Hosts Political Rivals at Charity Dinner
“It is time to cancel” the annual bi-partisan charity event known as “the Al Smith Dinner and all the other ‘Catholic’ traditions that have been hijacked by the world,” recently asserted Msgr. Charles Pope in a column that was quickly removed from the official website of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C.. “In the old days […]

Homes for Those Without a Place
The idea of home, of a sense of place, is a vital thread in conservative thought. It’s crucial to the conservative emphasis on community, family, and local institutions. Yet amid the incessant discussions on this theme, it’s easy to forget how such a basic good as a literal home is unobtainable for so many homeless […]

Covering Up Islamic Terrorism for Fun and Profit
Ideas are roads to conclusion, and conclusions lead to policies.