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An Open Discussion About Suicide Might Save Someone’s Life
Funny, talented, wealthy, generous, admired people aren’t supposed to want to die. People are supposed to live beyond the age of 63, Robin Williams’ age when he died August 11. People aren’t supposed to die by suicide. Yet, Williams is no different from thousands of other Americans who die that way. More than 39,000 people […]

Separated At Birth: The Identical Explores Identity, Conflict, Mission
First, there’s the great music: The Identical, which has been showing in theaters across America, is replete with rock-and-roll music that is eerily reminiscent of the great Elvis Presley. In fact, the legendary rock star Drexel Helmsley, one of the twin protagonists played by Blake Rayne, is a dead ringer for the ’50s icon; and if you’re […]

The Failing Integrity of Marriage Comes Home
Despite our vigilance, the dissolution of the marriage ethic and the chaos that it creates have arrived on our doorstep. We live in an America that has become unmoored from nature and reality, where justice and mercy have been rejected and self-serving pleasure reigns. Living in a state where the spurious “marriage” of homosexuals remains […]

Reflections for Sunday, September 28, 2014
Meditation and Questions for Reflection or Group Discussion (Ezekiel 18:25-28; Psalm 25:4-9; Philippians 2:1-11; Matthew 21:28-32) Living a Life in the Spirit as Jesus’ Disciple Regard others as more important than yourselves. (Philippians 2:3) We live in a world that urges us to think in modules. We have a module for church and prayer. We […]

Does Sola Scriptura Work? Worldvision Clarifies The Issue
For Protestants, does Sola Scriptura work? Is the Bible alone as an authority standard capable of promoting truth and unity among believers? One of the largest evangelical Protestant charity organizations, Worldvision, has offered a clear answer this year. On March 24, 2014, Worldvision U.S. President Richard Stearns announced that they were making a “very narrow […]

Moral Chaos Should Strengthen Your Faith
While many pious people are wringing their hands over the popular culture and wondering if God will save his people, I find that the moral decay and preposterous incongruities we witness daily actually reinforce all I believe about Divine Revelation. What else is to be expected when God is removed from the Public Square? It […]

Catholic Dad—a Book to Inspire
Society is schizophrenic on fatherhood. Studies show that by every conceivable measure, children are better off with fathers. Yet the entertainment world often portrays them as bumbling or non-essential. The feminist movement has furthered that notion because at least for some take-charge kind of women, men just get in the way anyways. But it isn’t […]

Priests for Life Case Against HHS Mandate Moves Forward
The lawsuit of Priests for Life against the Obama Administration’s HHS mandate continues to move forward in the nation’s second highest court. On Tuesday, we filed a supplemental brief with the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals addressing two key developments that have occurred since oral arguments were heard by that court in May. […]

The Bad Evangelist Club: Do Protestants Have the Holy Spirit?
Here at the Bad Evangelist Club, we are trying to do more than just correct some misguided ideas you hear from a lot of apologists and evangelists. In addition to pointing out what not to think, it helps to remember what we should think. When it comes to the topic of Protestants and Ecumenism, it is […]

Building a Better Fatherhood
Cultural support for fatherhood has collapsed in the past 50 years, and there are few signs of a renewal. In light of this, how can fathers summon the courage to fulfill their mission? Their mission is two-fold: to love their wives and commit to providing for the total welfare of their child. Each of these […]

Front Row With Francis: Catholic and Apostolic
“Wherever the bishop shall appear, there let the multitude [of the people] also be; even as, wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church.” -St. Ignatius of Antioch Pope Francis continues his catechesis this week going over what it means when we proclaim that the Church is both Catholic and Apostolic. In using these […]

Poem: “The Single Hound I”
The Single Hound I Adventure most unto itself The Soul condemned to be; Attended by a Single Hound— Its own Identity Emily Dickinson

St. Paul: Dying to Live
Saint Paul wrote his letter to the Philippians about a year before he died in prison at Rome. In the letter he states concisely what he believes the human heart most longs for, that is, the meaning of life: “For to me life is Christ, and death is gain.” Paul wasn’t suicidal but he did […]

The Generosity of God
“But that’s not fair!” Most parents have heard this phrase umpteen times. The notion of fairness, also known as justice, is wired into us. It makes us aware that each of us has certain rights that need to be respected. But it also means that we each have duties. If others have the right to […]

Christian Filmmaking: Let’s Be Honest
Several noteworthy commentaries on the lack of quality Christian filmmaking in recent years are beginning to pose an awkward question for those of us who are both trying to be faithful Catholics and film aficionados. With a few bright spots since Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ like The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe […]

Addressing Unintended Pregnancies: You’re Doing it Wrong
The Guttmacher Institute recently announced a study saying that as of 2012, 40% of pregnancies worldwide are unintended, and that this is not much different from 2008. Predictably, they also say that these “findings highlight [the] need for increased investment in contraceptive services.” Let’s break this down point by point: 1) What is “unintended,” exactly? The paper helpfully provides […]

Book Review: Mortal Blessings
I am a daughter of aging parents. While I don’t know the day or the hour, I know that the time is coming when I will need to walk with them on their final journey home. Death is part of life, and as a Catholic, I understand that it is the doorway to a different […]

You’re Not My Type!
Nowadays, there is much talk of “types” in dating. “He’s a nice guy, but he’s not my type.” “I don’t know a thing about her, but she is definitely my type”. Friends and family chime in as well because apparently they are in tune with your “type.” But what is a “type”? I have come […]

Including People with Schizophrenia
My wife, LaRee, never knew her maternal grandmother: Her name was Dora and she suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. Dora was institutionalized in a mental hospital in 1932 at 34 years of age. Eighty-two years ago the shame and stigma of having a family member in a mental institution was so great that few people in the family […]

Sirach for Social Media
At first glance, it may seem odd that social media places a premium on less. The internet makes vast amounts of information and images available instantly, yet Twitter limits “tweets” to 140 characters. Snapchat allows captions on photo and video message “snaps,” but the entire message disappears one to ten seconds after it is displayed. […]

The Rise of Assisted Suicide Rhetoric
Physician-assisted suicide, much like abortion and same-sex marriage, has become something of a cultural bellwether. Support for the right to end your own life indicates that you are a progressive-minded, compassionate person sensitive to the unique feelings and experiences of individuals facing terminal illness or chronic pain. It means you value the right of self-determination, […]

The Greatest Love of All
“Love never fails” (1 Corinthians 13:8). St. Paul’s love discourse is most associated with matrimonial love because it speaks of love’s permanence. It’s often the selected reading at weddings because it teaches the betrothed how to give of themselves and resolve differences by means of the greatest spiritual gifts: faith, hope and love. But since […]

Ode to Feminine Genius: A Hospitable Woman
Hospitality really isn’t having folks over for dinner or inviting ladies to tea (although I love to do this); it isn’t making sure our homes are in decent enough order to welcome drop-ins (although this is a good idea). It is much more radical. Much more uncomfortable. Much more beautiful. Reprinted with permission from Catholic […]

Life Chain 2014 to be held across North America on Sunday, Oct. 5
On the first Sunday in October every year Life Chain invites people in every city, town and village in North America to stand on a designated local sidewalk and spend 60 to 90 minutes in silent prayer for the pre-born and for an end to abortion. This year’s Life Chain, the 27th annual public witness […]