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Profession of Vows: Wildflower in the Pages of an Ancient Book
I made my first vows of poverty, chastity and obedience on August 30, 2014. Visibly not much has changed. The biggest change is the veil I am wearing now. It has cleared up a lot of confusion. When I walk down the street, people now look at me and usually know what I am. In […]

Poem: “Storming Falluja, Ten Years Ago”
Storming Falluja, Ten Years Ago Fallujans flee, of your fighters be rid, Your city, your honor our GI’s demand, We’ll find them, we’ll kill them, they cannot be hid, Uprising is doomed to sink in the sand. Your town is besieged; we storm and we blast, By land and by air, with engines of war […]

Do We Have a War Strategy for ISIS?
No efforts can overcome a flawed strategy.

Humility and the Holy Cross
In June I had my right hip replaced. Twenty years of running eroded the cartilage in the joint and when the pain became intolerable I elected to go under the knife. Parish elders said, “You’re too young to have hip surgery.” (I’m 43.) In the words of Indiana Jones: “It’s not the years, it’s the […]

Poem: “Hunger Camp at Jaslo”
Hunger Camp at Jaslo Write it. Write. In ordinary ink on ordinary paper: they were given no food, they all died of hunger. “All. How many? It’s a big meadow. How much grass for each one?” Write: I don’t know. History counts its skeletons in round numbers. A thousand and one remains a thousand, as […]

Preparing for Philadelphia 2015: A Liberty Bell for the Family
A year from now, believers from around the world will gather with the Pope in Philadelphia to celebrate God’s gift of the family. Marked by the theme Love is our Mission: The Family Fully Alive, this will be the Eighth World Meeting of Families. Established by Saint John Paul II, these regular world gatherings began […]

Dolphin Tale 2, A Heartwarming Tale
As theaters are drowning in action movies and superheroes, a different kind of hero has made a second cinematic splash. Dolphin Tale 2 is a heart-warming, family friendly, and entertaining flick, featuring the unlikely protagonist, Winter; a dolphin without her tail. In case you missed the first Dolphin Tale, this based-on-a-true story movie focused on […]

UN Population Fund Angles For More
“This is the first time I’ve had no need of tranquillizers ahead of a board meeting,” the head of the UN Population Fund joked. The executive board of the UN Population Fund met last week to oversee the activities of the $1 billion dollar population agency and approve new country programs. The head of the […]

Inside the Dolphin Tale’s Second Splash
What does a dolphin without a tale, acclaimed writer/director/actor Charles Martin Smith, and a group of renowned stars like Harry Connick Jr. and Morgan Freeman mean for Hollywood? In the first Dolphin Tale movie, it meant a major $100 million, motion picture hit worldwide and now, it means a sequel Dolphin Tale 2. But more […]

Thirteen Years, Onward
Christians know that evil won’t win in the end, yet that knowledge sometimes seems small comfort when the end seems far from sight. Scripture tells us that Christ will come, angels will gather all humanity, and judgment will be final. Yet until that triumphant day, we carry the pilgrim’s palm, not the victor’s wreath, hoping […]

Authentic Compassion Does Not Include Assisted Suicide
The British Parliament is currently considering the legalization of assisted suicide. The act under consideration was introduced by Lord Falconer and eschews the term “suicide,” preferring instead the euphemism “assisted dying.” Under current British law outlined in the 1961 Suicide Act, it is a crime to encourage or assist another in the act of suicide. […]

Movie Review: The Giver
The Giver is yet another young adult dystopian novel turned into a movie, but it actually preceded many of the others. This engaging, perfect-for-our-times narrative by Lois Lowry was published in 1993, and is required reading in many schools. There is controversy surrounding the content, but for the life of me, I can’t figure out […]

A New (Old) Tool for Bible Study
On a hot summer day the kids and I were headed to the grocery store. Our house doesn’t have air conditioning and it gets hot—the thermometer in the living room read 85 yesterday—at 9 PM!—so when we’re in the car we try to make up for it. We had the air conditioner cranked up as […]

Rogue UN Committee Ramps Up Pressure on Abortion
Abortion is nowhere near becoming a human right in international law. But you would not know that from what one UN committee tells governments. C-Fam has updated a list of abuses by the committee that monitors the UN women’s treaty. The list shows over 275 instances where committee members have told countries that abortion should […]

Thinking Liturgically: The Scriptures
Whatever Mass we attend here in the Roman Rite is broken up into two parts: The Liturgy of the Word, and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. There are endless debates in reform communities over which is more “important”, and that debate bores me. It really isn’t Catholic to say one part of Mass is more […]

Poem: “For My Release”
For My Release I spoke to the troll Under the bridge That crosses my soul Demon of malice Troll of injustice Shameful and callous Where are you from Speak, are you dumb? You rise like the scum Scum on the sea Mold on the tree Torment of me Upward it leaped From the cavern it […]

Do Whatever Makes You Happy
These seemingly harmless well-intentioned words, can appear on the surface to be a wonderful wish for someone we love or care about. I submit to you however, that they are rather more platitude than love, and more harmful than good. The world is filled with people far more experienced than I in many areas of […]

America’s Fear of Children
Fecundophobia has swept the nation by storm. Actually it has slowly dulled the senses of far too many people by demonizing any idea that a family is composed of a father, mother, and children. Here is how one enemy of the family defines fecundophobia. During the 2012 election cycle, Washington Post writer Lisa Miller wrote […]

Melinda Gates Wants to Help Women Around the World
So Why is the Wife of Microsoft Founder Raising Billions to Inject Them with Depo-Provera? Surely, Mrs. Gates would not have chosen this course if she knew the serious risks of Depo-Provera and if anyone—her Catholic parents, her Catholic high school teachers at the Ursuline Academy in Dallas or her parish priests (she attends Mass […]

Low-Key Evangelists
In the weeks that followed my father’s death, a phrase kept running through my head. All will be well, all will be well, and all manner of things will be well. Julian of Norwich said it, but here is the really odd thing. I had never read anything by Julian of Norwich. I had never […]

A Wholesome Image
When the American Psychological Association (APA) issued a study in February 2007 on the sexualization of girls and the effects it has on them, there was hope that the report’s recommendations would lead to improvements in the culture. The study warned: “Girls learn about women’s expected roles in the world and strive to enact these […]

Remain Here
Our approximately 48-hour visit to the “top of the mountain” neared its end. I knew we soon would be leaving, with only mid-day prayer and a lunch of Vietnamese food ahead on the schedule. I wanted to savor that prayer experience, to let it satisfy my spiritual taste buds in a way no food ever […]

Wake Up, The Glory of the Martyrs Shines Upon You!
In his moving novel, Silence, Japanese-Catholic author Shusako Endo once described the continent of Asia as a “swamp” that choked the sapling of the Gospel and made it uninhabitable for Christianity. That image has always haunted me because a part of my own journey — as a convert to Christianity from Buddhism — has been to […]